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Mark Houser?

This cartoon really holds significance to me if only because I finally learned what your real name is. I can now see that Hell is your favorite thing to discuss in flash cartoons. I can see why, as it is obviously where you get your funniest material from. This is an idea that nobody has thought of before; how are the demons going to feel when they have to go to the Earth? I imagine they would have the same complaints as shown here. It was also cool to see the angels for the first time.

Very impressive

I am surprised this is not a more popular cartoon from you as it is among your best. I at first thought it was going to be more of a serious cartoon rather than your usual comedic ones. It apparently turned out to be both. I like how the main character seems so threatening in the beginning, but then she shows a more human side. I love how the CGI behind the tentacle monster contracts with the 2D animation. The atmosphere created is extremely impressive and the designs are effective.

New characters

It is interesting to see new characters taking part in the destruction, even though I am used to the older ones like Hank and Tricky. So I guess Jebus was not really dead after all, but then again are these characters ever? The action is good and I really like the use of wide shots in this one. The series came off as almost goofy to me at first, but it does feel it has had more of a story now. It of course still has the best action around. I will never understand how those one guys manage to have yellow blood.

Very creative!

I have heard of people using different techniques in their work, but this truly takes the cake! This is among the most original and different styles that I have ever seen from a user, and it is hard to believe you made this! With the pixellation I would think this is something that would be on a smaller screen. However, on a larger screen, you still manage to make the resolution work with itself. It is very abstract and I can only like remember a lightbulb or something from it. I also liked how it ended and then suddenly went back to playing!

I wish I could get it

It is too bad that this did not make it into the "Bytesize" collab (was it even a collab?). It really is not able to do much on its own, as it is too short. The animation is much too simplistic and it definitley needs improvement. I did not understand the punchline of why the guy had to be arrested. Shouldn't that mean the guy going the arresting should be arrested too? It did not make me mad or anything, it just had mediocre qualities at best that did not really add up to anything.

Pretty nice

The animation is really good in this one as in your other things. I will say this was not great as it did not seem like it went everywhere with the parody. It was a little confusing with how he suddenly turned into a wolf and attacked her, but at least there was blood. The punchline at the end was probably the most enjoyable part. You do manage to get into what these characters are like and what causes people to dislike this series. It was interesting to throw in more of the cast from the second movie.

Better than I might think!

This was a pretty impressive flash as it had originality in it. With that being said, I have never actually heard of this "The Alien Bit" thing before, so it seems original to me at least. The best part is how great the animation is, especially the backgrounds of the alien ship. While it is brief, I also like how that rock heading towards Earth looks CGI. The comment about displaying a sound effect was pretty funny too. This was a good flash from you, and may I and Kevin Bacon wish you a happy April Fool's Day!

One of your lesser things

As you are so prolific, I suppose it would only be fitting that a few of your cartoons would not be of the best quality. I did not like this one, as it just seemed to have no point. While most flashes probably do not, it has little going on for being about exploding nuns. I remember hearing about exploding nuns in a flash of yours awhile ago. There should have been more of a punchline, as I was really looking for one. It is at least okay as the animation is as well done as any of your other things.

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