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Woah, I didn't even know that was Rina-chan doing the voice acting in this. I guess I'm just so used to her voice, I really don't notice anymore. I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it was! It just seemed like the kind of thing that had been done too many times before. This really did seem like what would happen if there was a Pokemon/Sailor Moon crossover. As a fan of the former, this seems faithful to its source material.

I thought the animation was good, but you needed a little trimming with the lines. It's still nice to look at. I would like to know where Sailor Moon got that Umbreon. I do kind of miss the standard Team Rocket. It may be because they're not what they usually are currently in the show.

While I didn't find this to be as funny as some of your other stuff, this was still neat to watch. It mostly works because you have such great voices. It's great to see how these characters get so stupid and angry. I didn't understand some of the jokes, but the good definitley outweighed the bad here. I appreciate all the hard work put into the, as usual, fantastic animation. You're so good at pumping these things out.

No wonder you haven't made a lot of stuff as you describe in the author comments. I really should read those before starting a review. The green guy looks like some kind of goblin. I was thinking there would be some final joke about how he was one or something. How would have ketchup in a game store?

You know, there is one disadvantage of having cartoons like this. There are basically not going to be any clickable Easter eggs in it. Oh well, this was still a great cartoon. I was simply amazed at how much was going on in this cartoon! I think its strongest point is probably how it seems like not a single frame of animation is different. It's the kind of artwork that would make John K. proud, not that you would care.

There's so much going on and it's so funny. I love how everyone here looks so stupid and they're all just killing each other in a ridiculous manner. Congradulations on being featured on the top of the page. It isn't that great, but it's still great enough to recommend. I appreciate how long it must have taken to put in every detail.

kalabor106 responds:

If it is John Kricfalusi then I would care.
Thanks for your honest review.

YES!! This had been up on other places so long I was really sad that you never submitted it to this website. I am so glad that I have proven wrong and everything is as it should be in this awesome glory! What really helps this out is how the animation is absolutely fantastic. It reminds me about how that John Kricfalusi whines about how he hates every modern cartoon but his, but he'd go nuts for artistic platinum like this. Every single joke and move is timed flawlessly.

I wish you'd submit the other stuff to this website some time. I wouldn't be surprised if this became the highest rated thing on the whole website! Now, this cartoon is also great because the voices are fantastic. I dont know if it's you doing them all, but they do a fantastic job of imitating them, except for Spike, but that's probably intentional. I can't believe the comic continuitation of this took such a dark turn. I love how everyone is so deranged in this.

Well, this is yet another entry in this weird series. It's hard to tell if you're trying to make something truly funny, or if it's more anti-humor. I guess I just wish there was more action in it. I do appreciate this, simply because it's so nice to see all this crazy stuff going on that I can't figure out. I think the funniest part was when Fantasia got mad when you made fun of her for knowing a guy.

With the animator joke, I assumed you would follow it up with something about how this was an animation itself. It's interesting to see how good the animation looks even though there isn't that much detail. The lack of colors actually tell a nice story. It's a must see for any fan of yours, like myself. It's nice in spirit.

The funny thing is that I remember seeing this. I guess it must have been on the "Bytesize" cartoon, but it doesn't ring a bell there. I think I saw it on your website. Personally, I'm not that big a fan of it, because it doesn't seem to do much for me. I will admit that the animation is still fantastic and the voices fit the characters so much. It's nice that something that was so short had numerous people work on it.

It's funny to see the drug dealers not care about Robocop. I should have been expecting a middle finger to show up in this. It's fairly short, so it doesn't really do that much on its own. Maybe you could have submitted it as part of a collection of old projects or stuff you never finished? It seems more like a commercial.

Wow, this was one of your most bizarre submissions. Because of this, I mostly thought it was great. The funniest part was probably how he kept talking about his dick over and over. I have never played Mass Effect, so I don't know much about the game or its gameplay. What matters is that this is a wonderfully goofy cartoon. It's fairly short, but that's all it needs, and it has so many funny parts like how he keeps punching people's faces off.

It's great how wacky these characters are. I love how you randomly have Buzz Aldrin. I think this was a reference to that one video that shows everyone saying how much they love the world. The voices really fit the insane tone of the cartoon. I like how you make all sorts of different submissions.

El-Cid responds:

Ha, thanks. Well, Buzz Aldrin does make an appearance in the actual ending. I guess Bioware didn't think it was pretentious enough as it was.

That was very nice! It was a bit hard to understand some of the symbolism, if it was even meant to be understood that much. I appreciate all the good graphics. It seems like an reinacting of most beginning of the Universe stories, like the fruit representing the fruit from the knowledge tree. It was a bit hard to understand where you were going with the god flying away from the people. I was afraid they would cath him!

Books are indeed great places for us to discover new worlds. This makes me ask why you're making a flash cartoon in the first place! I'm kidding, this is a very nicely done cartoon. What really fits is how there's no dialogue and the actions do all the talking. Knowledge is of course power.

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