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Best thing I've seen all day!

What made this cool was how well you were trying to help people. As I do not have Flash, I will probably never use it. Then again, it's the thought that counts. What really strikes me as cool is how the animation in itself is so good. I have always been a huge fan of flash, that is probably why I like "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" so much (made in Flash of course). I think you kind of look like Scott Pilgrim in this.

I'm not the biggest fan of freestyle. It would have been more enjoyable if there was more of an actual rap. I really didn't know that creating colors and shades could be so simple! It's also nice how you've even included a background story for how this came to be. It's also probably the first time I saw a TLDR in a submission description.

Didn't get the joke

I think the original joke about raping yourself wasn't bad. What I didn't like about this was that there didn't seem to be any punchline. I was thinking you would make something with how you said the word "F*ck me" and Ash was just talking about raping himself. The guy looks like Napoleon Dynamite. Another weak element was that the animation was not good at all. I wish it was done in a more modern style.

The voices were not that bad, but this just didn't seem to amount to anything. I'm sure the intentions were good, but it didn't pay off well. I thought it was going to be a parody of the scene where the eyeball comes out of the woman's eye. That would have been material for something related to ejaculation. I guess that might have been too gross.

Psychopath responds:

It has two punchlines, "and even though I said no, I knew, that I wanted it." and "I know you didn't, but I wanted you to."

What do you mean by "I wish the animation were done with a more modern style"? There are two styles of animation in Flash; Motion Tweening and Frame by Frame, oh and fuck the former.

I know he looks like Napoleon Dynamite, I forgot what Theodore Raimi was supposed to look like. All I could remember was that he had glasses and red hair. Sadly, I will not be replacing the artwork anytime soon as Theodore Raimi is not as funny looking as Napoleon Dynamite.

I know the animation blows, that's because this was my first Flash movie, which is the reason why I'm the process of polishing it over.


While it could have been more detailed, I still really appreciated all the hard work put into this. It's an extremely strange cartoon of course. This reminded me of the animation by David Firth. While you are not as good as him, it's still great to watch, particularly with how you don't know what's going to happen next. I guess I'm glad he didn't eat the vomit. The creepiest part was easily at the end when the man's face appeared on the dog.

The music was very nice and created quite an unpleasant atmosphere. I guess you might not want to be aiming for that in a cartoon, but it worked all the same. I wonder if you could do the same with a cat? It's too bad this didn't win an award, seeing as how it has such a high rating. I guess I like experimental stuff more when it's a music video.

One of your best

The way the guys had their eyes (rhymes!) implanted reminded me of the Borg from "Star Trek". It was great to see all this great artwork flow so well together. The music was also fantastic and gave off a great sense of being intimidated. This really is a creepy cartoon. It might be a bit hard to feel that much emotion about it, because it's simply so random with everything it does. I could go on all day about the hidden meaning in this.

I'm guessing it was probably something about conformity and/or obeying the government. I love the way you omitted the black outlines for the colors. It's a cartoon that really moves around, which how the angels are presented. It really is fascinating to see how much goes on in this. We might never understand it, but will always appreciate it.

You have a McDonald's account?

At first I thought this was going to end just after Steven Seagal killed the old man. I'm glad it didn't, because it got better as it went on. It was a great idea to have another celebrity included in this. The best thing is probably how emotionless Seagal is the entire time. Remind me not to ask him what time it is. I imagine that it would be the same for other actors known for being physically strong, like Chuck Norris of course.

It seems like it's been a long time since you have submitted something. It looks like your art style has really improved over the years and I'm glad. It may be a bit too long, but it definitley delivers the goods. I think the voice wasn't the best, but I haven't seen many Seagal movies in the first place. I only saw "Machete".

Not bad

Everything just came off as so weird in this. It was like you presented these demon characters and simply had them exist for no reason. It's just that this seems like something that would require a background story. It was all worth it for that ending. As surreal and incomprehensible as this flash was, I would certainly recommend it. It's just great when you have no idea what is going to happen in the end.

I guess it can be hard to have new friends like that. There's not much else to say about this, because it's so short. I would probably have to compliment you on the animation because it really does look pretty well done. I like how all of the characters have different designs. It's a pretty nice little short cartoon to watch.

Technically not silent

For what it's worth, this really wasn't that bad. I think its strongest point is probably how it just keeps on going. I have no idea what's going to happen next, or even when it will end. I was thinking it was just going to be that one stinger with the deranged Mickey Mouse but then we got a face body named House. Hey, that rhymes! I thought at first that this was going to be a full silent picture, you don't see many of those.

It makes me wonder, has there ever been a silent film made in color? It seems like it would kind of be a contradiction, but whatever. Hats are nice. I guess it would have been better if you had decided to simply make it so that the overall quality was better. If you're looking for something really freaky, then by all means check this out.

Joelasticot responds:

stop reviewing my shit

Mario's fat

This was a ton of fun to watch, mostly because of how funny it was. The weirdest thing was how Mario looked like such a monstrosity in this. I think the best bit was when the goomba mentioned his job of walking around. Well, you can still kill Mario by walking around at the right time, I guess. It's great to hear these voices, especially the stoned turtles. I love how everything is so wonderfully emphasized in terms of goofiness.

I'd never expect Mario to look so detailed while he was dying. I am so glad you picked up on this after a year and a half. It's such a well made cartoon it deserves to be, well, created. I was expecting this to maybe have more angst in it, but it was pretty silly the entire time. I like works that have such a consistent tone.

Alright for what it is

It's times like this where I wish I understood German. I'm not even sure what language it is, but I'm going with that for a guess. Even if I couldn't understand it, I appreciate all the effort put into wanting to give us all a Merry Christmas. I hope you had a great one this year as I certainly did. I spent my Christmas by going over to my grandparents' house and having a nice time. This wasn't too elaborate, but I actually really did like the animation.

It helps that everything is just so colorful in this. It wasn't that much, but it's nice to hear from you. You have made some good stuff over the years and it is great that you are back. I'm guessing that "Nochmal" means "Replay". It would have been nice if you could have had an option for English subtitles or an English version.

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