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Wow, wasn't expecting it to get so graphic. It was still funny though. It kind of reminded me of "Itchy And Scratchy". I liked the animation. It did seem to get too gross at a few points. Well, I should have seen the thumbnail.

Was Maurice the cat? I thought there'd at least be dialogue in this. Don't worry, it didn't need it. The sounds were nice and cartoony. The animation could get rough at times, but still good.

Dude, I think this may in fact be the first ever Madness fan flash! Of course it's really old. I like how graphic it gets. You see so much detail with the heads being chopped up. It's probably the most colorful Madness tribute ever made. Nobody really did this again.

I saw some tributes with flesh colored characters. Wasn't expecting that demon. It's great to see where the series started off. Blue works pretty well here. Why would Jebus be more evil than him?

I noticed the UFO in the background. It was interesting to see a new plot in the series. Once again, I'm glad how informative it was. The length was really good here too. Tako has a pretty nice voice.

You get to shop for a UFO? The page it redirected me to was just a 404. The alien's voice is pretty good too. It's nice how you balance the plot with the information. I'll probably never cook food like this.

This was one of the earliest Klay flashes. I admit it wasn't that great. It's probably because it was too short. It needed more violence. Well, it was taking awhile to get this series established. The premise was pretty good.

It was funny to see him actually get smaller. It's easy to recognize the same voice. While short, it still delivered a good laugh. It's nice to see a pop culture reference from you. You usually don't have them.

It's been awhile since I've seen a Weebl and Bob cartoon. I'm not their biggest fan. I can very vaguely understand what they say. It is similar to English. The animation here is really good. I especially liked seeing that hand.

It looked like he was giving the finger. With four fingers, it can be hard to tell. The monkey's pretty cool. Those look like pretty good pies. I'm glad you're here.

I admit to not following this series. It's not one of my favorites here. I still love how epic it is. If only there was a flash here one hour long. Really, the most acclaimed series of the cyber age? It's hard to judge something I know little about.

I can still appreciate how great it looks. Well, it could have used a trailer voice. I'm so used to those. Then again, most trailers here don't have them. This still got me to anticipate a finale.

Loved the TV presentation. I don't see how a green penis would be grosser than a purple penis. Satan was becoming a regular at this point. I love how they mention they're supposed to be retarded. They really aren't. Only Donkey is.

Another all three awards won! While not one of my favorites, still great. Isn't anything times zero zero? Anyone could hold that up and die. Well, he is a number.

Episode one? There were plenty episodes before this! Maybe it's like "Star Wars". Anyway, this was still quite entertaining. It was interesting to have a love interest featured. A pity she was killed off rather quickly.

You lose points on that. This is basically a backstory episode. I'm glad to be up to date with everything. Well, it's more recap. The music's nice too.

This was really funny. It was especially great to see the sprite stuff come on with the drawn stuff. That is one buff bird. It was just so funny how quickly he went back to normal at the end. I enjoyed all of this. It's especially nice to see new stuff from you, NCH.

Even the title is funny. The end credits were pretty cool too. Was that Groudon in this movie? It looked like the dragon thing that the bird hit on the way down. Was that mosquito a pokemon too?

I'm getting used to these puns. I admit it wasn't one of the best in the series. It needed more cartoonish stuff going on. The length seemed too short. It's still something unique from you. I did kind of feel sorry for this guy.

Is it the same guy in every cartoon? It's hard to tell. I like the image at the end. I guess the old guy won. I wonder what that guy hit on the way back?

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