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Yeah, I remember pumpkin patches. I didn't get to carve a pumpkin this year. We live in an apartment, duh! Anyway, I remember hay rides quite well. They were always underwhelming too! I thought you'd like jump into hay.

Well, I should've looked into the description better. I heard some kids got injured. You know, there's no seat belts on those things. I was expecting a joke like that. Big knives in pumpkins can be scary too.

I admit to being underwhelmed by this. Where were the 2 dumb babies? It was just some audio. I know it's from that, but I wanted to see them. I guess I technically did at the end. This is still some entertaining audio.

I think I can believe this. People are just crazy nowadays. We're getting so many cartoons nowadays too! Well, there is tons of stuff happening. The animation could probably be better too.

Wow, I guess I thought this would be more complicated. It was still freaking awesome. I have nothing against Ellen. Well, this probably isn't meant to make much sense. It's so relevant with the election. Everything here should be.

I still can see his hairs. That's honestly scary. This had some great action in it. Well, we don't need that now. Nox needs tissues!

Wow, this was great! I admit to not being a Minecraft player. I didn't have to be to love this. I guess a Minecraft anime could exist. I just found this to be very bright and happy. It wasn't too short either.

It was a tough act to follow on these Halloween cartoons. You still delivered! The animation was so involving. Is that a word? It got you into the characters.

That was certainly unpredictable. I mean, you show this wicked looking woman giving candy. It seemed like she was the one giving the kid the snake. Instead, the kid was evil! The animation could have been better. It still works for a Halloween cartoon.

Too generic a title. Well, it did make the collection. How appropriate! The candy was too generic. Still a pretty good cartoon.

Yeah, I knew it would reveal to be an ugly face. Well, not really ugly. Just out of the ordinary. This wasn't rated A? We see closeups of bare breasts! The animation was great.

Happy Halloween 2020! Glad to know we got so many great cartoons. Everyone's wearing a mask already. Can't believe I didn't make that joke until now. The election's really scary too.

Wow, that got really disturbing at the end. That's probably what made it good. I know there's a lot of loop cartoons out there. I'm glad this wasn't one. Happy Halloween 2020! So glad we got these great cartoons, if only at the last minute.

She didn't take any prisoners. This first person perspective is scary. I probably wouldn't pat a spider girl. I liked the lack of capitalization. It tricked you into thinking it was all cute.

You always make the cutest cartoons! This wasn't one of my favorite from you, but still awesome. Happy Halloween 2020! Glad to know everyone celebrated it! I saw some trick-or-treaters at least. The expressions just make it.

It's funny how it can be hard figuring out a costume. I mean, they're already cartoon characters dressed as characters! I certainly had a great Halloween. I hope everyone did! I'm glad I could name most of these characters.

I guess ???015?? won! I mean, I assume he's a ghost himself. I would have gone for Hoolius. He was the highest scoring on that chart. Dang, that was a cool chart. Happy Halloween!

The animation was absolutely amazing. Maybe it could have used more jokes, but still worthy of its praise here. 2020-57 is 1963. I thought one of the ghosts would be John F. Kennedy! Maybe Lee Harvey Oswald.

I know what earworm means. It's a song you can't get out of your head. Then again, it could be a literal ear worm. Think "Wrath Of Khan". I thought this was very creative. The animation could have been a bit better.

I still love this setup. I feel familiar with this character. I kind of feel sorry for her. Well, her worm seems to be helping her. Orla's a rare name.

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