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I started this out by thinking it wouldn't be as good as the Spongebob anime. I guess it still isn't quite. I thought this was a lot funnier. It was amazing how it escalated so much. I'm so glad it was about his toe. I mean, I've seen lots of disgusting porn stuff here.

Even that villain dog had tons of courage. I assume he was the villain, right? Just great to see a petting being equated with groping. The animation is of course amazing. Hard to say anything else about anything you hate. Such a beautiful cartoon as usual.

That was hilarious! I admit to not being that familiar with "Tekken". It's still funny enough for anyone to enjoy. The best part was easily the animation. It just looked so wonderfully goofy. That's what most parodies should be.

I don't even know the character's names in that! I could recognize some characters in this, though. Now doubt it deserves the high rating. The voices are funny too.

Inoperable? Was that supposed to mean it was cancer? You know, "cancer" like "cancel". Whatever, it was a nice cartoon. The animation was great. The punchline could have been clearer.

It was quite creative. You show a nice interesting world. The simple title is great as well. I do understand this father-son relationship. Weird for cells to do it, though.

Hmm, that was unexpected. I still loved it though. It's great how innocent it appeared at first. I mean, it was just a guy stealing honey. I knew it wouldn't work out well. The gore made it all the better.

Didn't know it would be that dirty. Well, not dirty in that sense. Just not that violent. The animation was pretty quaint too. Well again, not at the end.

Wow, the animation was amazing! I admit I didn't care for it much because it was porn. Well, it was like porn. It just seemed pointless. I recognize those yellow guys. I just wish more would have happened.

You definitely have some talent. It's just not that well used here. Well, people like it. I'm just into erotic stuff like this. You should have a story of some kind.

CumminHam responds:

That is 100% understandable ma guy.

Im sorry ya don't care for it but i appreciate the kind words all the same. :)

naturally. I am a porn animator.
Learning the craft more in A format that alot of people will watch and or care about .

Wow, I may be tired of these cartoons, but that was awesome! The best parts were the backgrounds. That was some wonderful animation! I will admit I wish the credits weren't half the running time. It was still nice to see the final joke. I love how it's under "Other".

I mean, it's not really a parody. It doesn't become that until the very end. I feel like it's pointless for me to ever even want to play this. I know everything about it already! Why isn't this in the section?!

Well, it looks like so far, she hasn't succeeded! That was really brave of you! I didn't even know it would continue after they were done! Thank God you went the extra mile and continued the story! Well, you thanked God too. The end could be another starting point.

Everything was so gorgeously colored of course! I appreciated how far the storytelling went. You just had no idea what would happen next. It gets so emotional too. I think it's the best cartoon we've had here in a long time. It deserves its high score.

This was set up very nicely. I knew it would be a comedy. No, I didn't even look to see what it was. The tone just set it up so well. The animation was fantastic. It looked like he was going to cut off his lips.

He got close! Drinking bleach never cures anything. Trust me, I've looked up urban legends. Happy Halloween 2020! It's been a very scary year.

BoyPorcelain responds:

Glad to see that it at least fits the tone, originally it was going to be a lot more serious with the worms potentially not saying anything or something worse. But for some reason, the comedy to me not only worked better but actually added to the horror by it cracking jokes while the other guy is constantly in pain.

Thank you so much for the comment :)

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