View Profile Ericho

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Dang, why is the rating so low? Okay, it's not one of the best cartoons ever made, but still nice. I wasn't aware of these apps. Everyone's racist nowadays. Well, they always were. To be topical and not mention covid-19 is great.

I like how the screen slowly pans out. Why aren't these cartoons more popular? I mean, they really do show good camera angles. The babies have such little movements. I don't mean that kind of movement.

Yeah, I had some trouble when I first drove. Well, I don't quite remember if it was my first car, per se. I remember my first car collision. I was practicing driving, when my rear view mirror got knocked off by a garbage can. I wasn't even going fast at all! I remember my first car wreckage.

It was someone else's fault! They hit me from behind. The car unfortunately was damaged more than it was worth. Another car rammed into a rail! Luckily, my brother was driving.

Wow, that was great! My only complaint was that it was too short. It was still great to see all these different styles coming together! I even loved the ending. I knew I had heard that terrorist plot before. Well, lots of things are like "Die Hard".

This was based on a true story?! Weird to see such amazing artwork put to something mundane. Well, the ideas weren't that mundane. Even the title makes it seem like it'll be something cheap. It was just great.

Wow, Billy Cass worked on this? Awesome! Zee? I thought her name was just Z! Anyway, this was a great and wonderful cartoon as expected. The animation is just as good as you'd want.

Shouldn't he be spelled Linkoln? Well, this is just meant to be silly, so I shouldn't care. It's a very light-hearted cartoon. Well, except for the blood spraying. I feel bad for not being more familiar with the characters. I mean, look at my avatar!

Probably the most hilarious one you've made in awhile. It never even said the title! Still, great. What if cat videos was anime? Yeah, I heard they're working on a Covid-19 vaccine. That still doesn't have its own section?

What if "Gravity Falls" was anime? Actually, in a comic book it was. No, not manga, a comic book. The voices were amazing too. Glad it didn't get too graphic.

That was freaking amazing! I'm glad it didn't just end with the keyboard scene. I just loved how adorable this was! It's not easy to see why this won Daily Feature. The music's great too. The rock coming towards them?

I hope that wasn't an asteroid! Well, the world's ending anyway. It's such a quaint cartoon. I'd like to be more familiar with your work. Oh I remember "MILLENIUM HOUR" now! You ARE a great artist!

This was great! I wasn't expecting something this good. I mean, it looks very undone. It still managed to be awesome. I'd like to see where this adventure goes. It's in very high spirits.

I thought it would just be something cheap. You know, something last for only a few seconds. I get a lot of stuff like that here. These are very nice designs. Glad it wasn't too long either.

Damn, this looks awesome. Just when I thought we couldn't run out of "Among Us" submissions. Well, I never thought that. I just didn't know we could still make great ones! This really was one of the best. I feel bad for not being more familiar with "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure".

I just know how insanely popular it is online. Well, one some websites at least. I at least know about Dio Brando. Maybe this could have had more action, but it's still wonderful. Hard to argue with something this beautiful.

This was good, but too short. I don't know much about "Kill La Kill". I do recognize this character at least. Wow, pretty impressive to have a 5 second cartoon get Daily Feature! The rating's really high too! You definitely show great skills.

I'm used to seeing her like a stripper. I believe that's the same character I'm thinking of. Hard to recognize her fully clothed. The voice is good too. Well, I'd like to see more of this!

Wow, I wasn't expected something that good! I sure am glad I watched this! The animation alone made it amazing! I'm so glad it didn't end right after the climax. Well, it wasn't too long after it, either. There's so much detail put into everything.

We all know what it's like to study hard. I'm so glad that's all over in my life! The sounds were awesome too. I imagine a robot would do something like this. Should've won Daily Feature. At least it got recognized.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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