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I loved this, but not as much as Episode 6. I just loved hearing Adam McArthur's voice! Anyway, this was still great. I will admit Miss Whippleworth wasn't that interesting. She does get better at the end at least. What makes this is the animation.

It's a great style just like old classic cartoons. I do enjoy love stories. The other characters were still extremely interesting. Oh yeah, I remember Krystal Georgiou. The voices are still done wonderfully.

OllieAndScoops responds:

Thanks! In response to your critique, the idea was Miss Whippleworth was SUPPOSED to be sterile and boring the whole time. She opens up at the end of the episode, as you can see. She'll be more interesting when she appears in future episodes!

This was your first submission?! Dude, it's awesome! I just love seeing this CGI! You really do use these characters so well! I have no idea what "Fall Guys" is. I just know good humor when I see it. Everything moves so well.

Is this becoming a new meme? I am getting tired of all these "Among Us" cartoons. I'm glad to see something different. The voices were perfect as well. I really hope this gets recognized. You bring tons of game shows into the mix!

I admit I didn't quite understand this. I just wanted to see something creative. It certainly worked like that. It reminded me of "The Princess And The Frog". That really is a great movie. I guess it's just like that Cajun atmosphere.

I do live near New Orleans. It was very nicely colored too. I don't meant to sound racist. It's just a beautiful cartoon. Happy Halloween 2020!

ClockworkPixel responds:

Thanks! And happy halloween 2020 to you!

This was really funny! I admit I didn't quite get the joke at the end. I highly doubt Goku is going to be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! Still, it's great for a quick laugh. It just seemed like it could have ended any time. You know, with the explosion.

The animation looking amazing! Steve really did come off as scary! It's great to be so creative with your humor. There's a lot of great energy here. Just a wonderful short.

I knew this would be short. That's just fine. It was still awesome! I thought he was going to cut him in half like a marshmallow. I was pleasantly surprised. I put in a lot for less than a minute.

It's great how you can make such great short cartoons. Well, all the cartoons here are short. I mean short even by our standards. 0.000km? Impressive.

I thought this would be a short cartoon showing drinks. I was not disappointed. Well, I kind of was in that I was hoping it would be more elaborate. I've never heard of Negroni before. The red liquid looks like blood. That's kind of disturbing.

I don't drink. The animation was really quite good. I just wanted more stuff happening. You've probably been consistently submitted stuff here more than any other user! Seriously, look at your profile!

Luis responds:

ur tough ericho.

I thought this was one of the best entries. I was thinking the same thing about their ages. Well, no wonder he's screwed up. Loved the "Pulp Fiction" joke too. That's such a good movie. Statler and Waldorf make everything better.

You cram in a lot of jokes in a small time. I totally forgot the framing device! That was awhile ago. Glad to see a variety of scenes. Don't remind me of George W. Bush.

Hmm, sorry but I didn't care for this. I mean, it was just a witch doing a little cooking. Nothing else. I guess the joke was okay. I just wanted more. You are the Halloween 2020 thumbnail.

That must mean you're doing something right! It just wasn't distinct. Happy Halloween 2020! I think I understand the title. It's nothing memorable.

Joe-Mega responds:

lol that's fair bro :) No worries.

This was good, but it wasn't great. Was this the first cartoon I've seen for Halloween 2020? Anyway, it was very nice. I know I've heard this voice before. Well, I've heard tons of songs. The colors were great.

This guy looked like a giant tear drop. The blue guy, I mean. It wasn't that scary. Still works for Halloween though. Glad to have come by this.

Hey, I'm 31! I don't even have a wife yet! You should consider yourself lucky! Anyway, this was a great cartoon. This is your longest video ever! Well, you did make some multi-part ones.

Love the live-action footage. Now, we get a better perspective! I guess you wouldn't be allowed to record in a restaurant. Wouldn't want to see that kid anyway. As good as ever!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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