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It was great to see everyone do so much with no colors. I did still wish there were colors. Anyway, this was great to watch. I wish admit the rhythm collab was a tough act to follow. This was still great. I was expecting it to be longer.

It's still very creative. I liked the music too. I was kind of disappointed when it ended. That must be a good thing! I feel bad for not remembering the other entries.

Troisnyx responds:

Glad you like the music ^_^

Wow, I had heard of Rhythm Heaven before. I think I knew nothing about it! It was amazing that you managed to take something so obscure to me and make it great! Well, I shouldn't say "you". All of you guys are awesome. I think my favorite might have been SpennyEcks.

I didn't know this would be so massive. I had no idea what was even going on. That probably made it all the more adventurous for me! The colors are absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't find any plot, but I didn't care. It's just unbelievable!

I've never watched OneyPlays. I have watched tons of Game Grumps though. I assume it's a similar setup. This was animated very well. I just didn't like seeing the blood. There was a lot of emotion put into this.

Glad this got its Daily Feature. I like listening to casual conversations like this. I like seeing them animated too. I'd still probably rather watch the gameplay itself. This was quite nice.

Hmmm, for a test this wasn't too bad. Well, it was two tests. I normally wouldn't approve of tests. Of course, I don't think this is that good either. I guess it's fine for something short. Wow, your second submission already?

Even if it's just tests, that's still kind of impressive. Mostly just seems like deleted scenes. It's definitely better than most tests. Hmm, I hope I'm not getting the idea of being tired of all these Madness flashes. Your anime opening's much better.

Damn, this is good! I'm simply amazed at how good this is! I remember only the first one, I believe. I even love how you listed and described everyone at the end. It's great that we know more these characters. Even from the thumbnail I knew it would be awesome.

The animation is amazing. I'm not familiar with these fox-like creatures that appear. I guess you have to have played the Kirby games. This is still awesome anyway. The colors are gorgeous too. There's so much personality oozing from these characters.

KimiOmega responds:

Thank you so much for the kind words.
The animals in this episodes are called Gaw Gaw. They originate from Kirby Squeak Squad where they grant Kirby the Animal ability.

That wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It's mostly because of the art style. It just seemed too simplistic. You needed to work with lines better. The colors seemed off. It's at least an original concept.

Chickens are always funny. I like how there's so much going on. It seems fairly well paced. The music's okay. Cattle abduction is usually funny too.

Yeah, it's easy to see why this is the lowest rated submission. It was too short, among other things. You needed to have sound too. At least it was featured in the collection! I always like to look at these lower rated flash. I want to offer rooms for improvement.

I made some submissions everyone hates! You need to work better with lines. Everything was far too disorganized. Needed a background too. Glad it wasn't listed under "Spam".

I admitted I was getting tired of these cartoons. It was mostly just the same thing over and over. You know, with Purple killing everyone. I'm sooo glad you did something different this time! I wasn't expecting that at all! Wow, these guys have teeth!

This was the best in the whole series. Great the best was saved for last. I'll always love stuff that will give us great cartoons like this. The animation was obviously completely gorgeous. We probably need more CGI stuff here. That's how you get theatrically released movies!

Wow, this is the longest one ever! These cartoons are freaking infinite! We don't have holidays that bring in this many cartoons! With all that being said, this is great. I do feel bad for Yellow. I guess both he and Purple did only kill one person.

Wow, these guys ARE dumb. They deserve to be killed. I guess going into space doesn't kill you here. It's amazing how much you can do with these simple shapes. I've probably said that too much.

The artwork was amazing! I will admit that I was disappointed in how he didn't do anything. I wanted to see him kill some people! Wow, that sounds dark. I still love this design. Impressive something so short could be so good.

That sounds dirty. You still put tons of effort into it. This must be our biggest jam ever! They're all quite unique. You guys know how to have variety.

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