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Have to admit I wasn't that impressed by this. It's probably because I couldn't speak the language. Then again, that's never really stopped me before. I did like the animation. I wasn't expecting a flash cartoon for Pixel Day 2021. Nice to know there are some!

I still would have preferred a game. I appreciate the original concepts. I don't know much about "Berserk". Maybe it wasn't that original after all. Well, most people like it.

I don't remember the other socks. I lose socks all the time! JK, I don't really lose socks. This was certainly wonderfully animated. I admit to being turned off (no pun intended) by the innuendo. It's not typical for you.

It's still great to experiment. Sometimes, a story can get in the way with something so grotesque. This was still very impressive. The colors and shades were amazingly creative. The cow was probably my favorite character.

Yet another short cartoon! Well, you do have great animation. That deserves recognition. I wish I knew more about this franchise. I don't know about this game. I assume it's from a game. I don't play many mainstream games, so I just assume any obscure reference I hear is from a game.

This kind of reminds me of those 5 second movies. It still doesn't tell a story. You have quite a unique style. That's always appreciative. Well, it is kind of like Egoraptor.

This was definitely good. I just don't think it's great. I probably would have had to be more familiar with these franchises. I really like the animation. It may have been a bit too cutesy. It's still very nice.

It's just meant to be cute. I like the unique characters. Well, you didn't create them. I'm just glad they're there. I know why people like it.

I admit that I am getting tired of all these "Among Us" cartoons. This was still nice. The best part was probably the animation. I mean, this really was quite nice! You normally don't see something that good in a short cartoon. It was funny.

It was fairly unpredictable. I really should have known it would be violent. You're such a talented drawer. As in, you draw stuff. Is that even a word in that context?

Wow, I wasn't expecting it to be like this. I knew the quality meant it was old. I probably have seen the original. It just didn't seem like this had that much purpose. It's still good. It doesn't seem like the kind of thing that belongs here. From the title, I thought it was a game.

I mean, we have been celebrating Pixel Day. I've never heard of a Runescape Pixel Day. It was still interesting to look at the process. I should've known the cartoon wouldn't be that long. Most of it could have just been an audio clip.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Well, yeah. Most of it is just me making the full contents of the flash available to people since flash isn't widely available anymore. Had a lot of hidden material in there. But people can watch as much as they want, same as before with the original in question. No one made them check out the extra content in the original, same as it is now. I appreciate you checking it out regardless!

Also, I was unaware of it being Pixel Day. I don't really do anything for the themed days Newgrounds has. It's hard enough to do holiday-themed animations, let alone keep track of whatever celebrated days this site has.

I admit this was too short. I know he was talking about the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Not the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. He certainly had the best scenes. I love this animation. It got too repetitive at first.

Nice list! You didn't even need credits for it! Dang, those are some long tags. Looks like Night Funkin' is slowly becoming a meme. We need more of that here!

This was great! There was so much going on! Maybe it was a little hard to understand. Still very nice and creative. You know how to work well with dark colors. It sounded like he was saying, "H-Bomb".

It was hard to tell what the lyrics were. I can like dark cartoons. You did great in the "Freaky Fred Animated!" collab. That's what I know you the most from. I'm sure people will like this.

Awww...I wanted it to hit in the very end. This seemed like something from SexualLobster. I mean, I know it's not his art style. This just seems like something he would make if it wasn't in his art style. Yeah, it's weird. Anyway, this was a very nice cartoon.

The olskool animation was what made it great. People probably do think this about Australia. There's tons of obscure countries that are probably even less of a country/ies(?). It's more of a continent. Well, maybe both.

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