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It's just smooth

While this did not have the most in terms of plot, it was still fun to watch. The thing that really won me over was how good the animation was. Everything just moves so gracefully and there's so much color to show everywhere. I liked how it ended with him falling into the pit and dying at the end. I guess he did not actually go to Wonderland at all and was apparently high or something. BTW, Lewis Carroll has stated the meaning behind his book was not drugs, but actually people making things up in mathematics.

The thing I did not like was that some of the characters did not seem that appropriate for the roles. I guess I'm being nitpicky, but the Tankmen guy doesn't remind me of the caterpillar. Of course, I guess we don't have many druggie mascots. It is great you managed to win an award for Pico Day. You are now even the new person whose cartoon is the preview image for Pico Day 2011!

Very graceful

While not the most elaborate submission, it still worked because of how adorable it was. For something that was rather mundane, this was very well detailed. It reminds a person of the times he used to use crayons when he was a kid. The best part was how the person warmed up to the spider eventually. I think that at some parts of our lives we have all had insect friends. Well, spiders aren't technically insects but you get the idea.

It's just nice to see how smooth everything looks in this cartoon. It does have a fairly sad ending but maybe I shouldn't feel so much for a spider anyway. It was interesting to have such a wide variety of audio submissions being used. I think this will win Daily Feature. You have reached into the inner child of us all with this.

I like your ideas

It's really cool to see you mention exactly how popular you have become on the Internet. It's the kind of thing that inspires other people who spend all day on the Internet like me. For something that was a comedy, this was not as wacky as most of your stuff. What was really cool was how you are getting better with animation all the time. It really makes me want you to have more hot women in your cartoons. Meryl would look sexier than ever in this new animation!

Seriously, this is funny because you just go out and act like yourself. I love how you truly let your facial expressions tell what you are feeling along with your speech patterns. I wish the game with the puppies and kittens was real. Wait, then wouldn't I have to kill those things in that game? The Atlas Shrugged game can't be worse than the movie I've heard about.


Now that is definitley the right way to show your kids why they should not take drugs. Just show them a really scary pooping homeless man. I think this animation style is familiar, as well as the audio. What I liked was how you made fun of that old commercial. I don't think I ever actually saw that on TV as a kid, but when I first saw it on the Internet, it was really scary. I love how stupid the kid is to think that's cool. Hey, if you're really high, you probably will turn into a snake monster like that.

It's just great to see satire used to those old commercials. At first I was thinking you were going to show him smoking crack but he didn't! I guess it's nice when something ends on a really optimistic note. I can understand how some people could comprehend that as being cool instead of scary. We all view things differently.

BillyNapalm responds:

The commercial always bothered me when I was younger, because I was REALLY into Ninja Turtles in a big way, and the thought of morphing into a snakeman was really appealing to me. Of course, I was eight years old and really didn't have a source of crack at the time.

The closest thing to drugs that we had access to were Rockets Candy.

Too mundane

When I heard this was titled "Best School Day Ever" I knew there was going to be some action in this. By action, I mean epic fantasy stuff. I love how there's never an explanation given for why what the boy draws comes to life. All you need to know is that it is cool. The best part was how you went out and developed a unique style of animation to yourself. I don't know why, but the monster kind of looked like the first angel from "Neon Genesis Evangelion".

The overall artwork is great and so is the fight scene. It's really interesting to see the main character being portrayed so realistically. I bet we all had tons of drawings we made at school when we were bored and I know I certainly did. Seriously, I could make a whole scrapbook with that stuff in it. The lack of dialogue also made it good.

Merry Christmas Eve?

The best thing about this was hearing that Manwhore song at the end. Well, it wasn't the one I am more familiar with, it was actually the original. I am glad it was not just a blank screen because it looked like it was going to be that at first. What was not good was how this was so short. The sprite work is actually fairly well done. I like to see Bowser as a zombie but it seems like such a wasted oppurtunity to have him beat Mario so easily.

At least it did not just end with Bowser falling into the lava. I could tell you were trying to imitate "Super Mario Bros. Z" but it didn't come off that well. What you should have done is show numerous locations instead of just the single one. I think you have potential and you also managed to use good music. Mario looks good in those colors.

Mario8th responds:

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for the caps, it's just that this is my worst video of 6, and for some reason people keep finding THIS one=P

and like I said, really, nobody that's decently good at these is trying to copy SMBZ. Why does everybody assume that?

If you could, would you please check out the 2nd or 5th one of these? there much better
Thanks for the review though!

ps: and yes, I did post this back in December.

Can't hate it

I doubt that something like "Family Guy" is intended to be taken that seriously at all. The weird thing is that I thought this was alright even if I did not agree with the statements presented. It's just entertaining to see how cheesy the graphics and everything were. I guess I'm wishing you a Happy Pico Day even though this was not Pico-related. I mean, I have to give you credit for putting in some original graphics. You rarely see Family Guy sprites of any kind.

I think that what happened in that episode was something I could explain. There's one part where Quagmire says, "Yeah, I date women for their bodies too, but at least I'm honest about it". Quagmire's main beef was that Brian tried to present himself as a intellectual above others when he was no better than anyone else. I do love how you used sound from MUGEN. You should see more references to that here.

NTroper responds:

This was made mostly for those who want to see Brian giving Quagmire some payback for beating Brian to near death on "Quagmire's Dad" and hitting him with his car in "Tiegs for Two." But I guess that could've gone better.

Highest score ever!

Dude, I saw this submission with a score of 4.78 and that is the highest rating I have ever seen for any submission! It was great to see so many people and characters come together for this. What was truly awesome was how flawless the CGI was. This is probably the highest rated CGI I have ever seen on this entire website. Maybe like movies, this will become the norm. It was great to see all those characters together and fighting!

The first Pico medal is achieved simply by clicking on the button on the main page going to Pico Day 2011. The two 25 point medals are achieved simply by letting one of the two endings happen. The sound effects and music were flawless as well. I have no doubt that this is going to win the Daily Feature. Why weren't all of the characters' deaths shown? I guess we'll just have to wait next year for that and Happy Pico Day!


Easily the best Pico Day flash I've seen (well, technically it's my only so far). I just loved this because of how great the animation was. It was great to see some of my favorite artists and programmers to come together for this. I'm still up to do voice work, Hulalaoo! Anyway, this was a lot of fun because everything was actually done in a fairly realistic way. By that I mean both good and bad guys died in this. I didn't know you guys were going to kill everyone off like that.

It looks like the pinata was an Uberkid and I don't know why Pico and the gang would be saving one of those. I was confused if that was supposed to pe Pico at first, but he appeared later (or showed himself). It was great to see such a lively and colorful cast of heroes and villians. The best fight is easily the end. I can understand why you guys announced that as if it were a different flash.

Zombie-Pimp responds:

the pinata was Luis! I guess that wasn't clear though, my bad

Venture Bros!

I think this is the first Venture Bros themed flash I have ever seen on this site, much less reviewed. What really works is how well the voices go. Granted, the most I have ever seen out of the Venture Bros is some commercials on Adult Swim. Still, I think this should please any fan of the series. At least I managed to recognize the Monarch and know who he was. I especially like how goofy the characters sound.

As for the title, it makes you realize that more people should address their work as fanfiction. People mostly think of written stuff but it can apply to flash work as well. That reminds me of how much Sobe my family buys. The weird thing is that I don't think I've ever had any of that stuff myself actually. Good for a laugh.

smirkstudios responds:

What sucks is that Sobe switched to plastic instead of glass, and so now I don't even buy it. Shortly after, the company in competition with Sobe (called Fuse) did the same dame thing... what a shame, I like it better in the glass.

Thanks for the honest review from a non-fan's point of view! This review should satisfy any content produced by anyone. An eight with a lot of nice things to say, definitely flattering for someone who doesn't know the show. Thanks!!

**EDIT - I guess I would buy Sobe again if it were in a can instead. I just really don't like the plastic. We should use hemp instead of plastic, but we're not allowed, now are we? Thanks again!!**

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