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Good idea

I thought this was a pretty interesting submission, although it could have been better in some areas. The thing I did not like was how the guy kept saying, "it's like" over and over. I guess you are just recording what he said, but it can be a bit annoying. Still, this works because it's a great idea to animate something your friend just happened to say. People have interesting or silly conversations all the time, so why not animate one? Speaking of animation, I really liked the artwork in this.

The coolest thing was how sketchy it looked. Call me crazy, but Robert kind of looked like Elvis in this! If I had not known it was Nicholas-Deary, I would think this was made by Marc M. It was nice how you just looked at exactly what your friend said and thus made it realistic. I bet most people thought there would be a similar scenario in the year 2000.

M4KBOT responds:

Thanks for the review man, you picked up on some interesting points. Yeah, I know he says 'like' a lot but when we recorded this he was literally speaking off the top of his head so I guess he needed some time to think.

Oh, not bad

This was an alright movie. The main flaw was that the animation could have been better and it just seemed to end so abruptly! It would have been better if you turned this into a two-parter (or even a series if you wanted). When there are aliens invading Earth, I just expect a lot more action. What's weird is that the animation with the alien is a lot better than that with the puppy in the toilet. I guess you were working on contrasting styles or something.

It was nice to have the alien's speech being translated. The main character himself has a pretty interesting design. You could brush up on your color skills and do a little more shading. This is still not bad enough that it would not deserve to be on this website. Hopefully, you will take my advice and add more jokes next time.

Rubbertje responds:

This is an alright review. Though I don't agree with everything.
First of all: I copied the dog from my old movie 'The Killer Dog'. It's an inside joke you'd understand if you would have watched it (like you can read in the Author Comments of this movie).

It's funny how much more demanding Newgrounds has become. I liked the old days when it was still a pretty small community.


I have seen so many submissions here, I can start to understand what might come next. I thought that Edbert was going to show off his guitar to make a flute sound. I am glad that the real punchline was something unexpected and maybe funnier. The best part was when he hit Otis with his guitar. For something that does not have the highest quality animation, that was actually quite well done. I am now used to the bird appearing and crapping on his head.

The funniest thing was probably when he made that scream. It's interesting how you have managed to keep up with this series for so long. You certainly do the Clock Crew honor with the high ratings these episodes get. I like how you also omitted the black lines surrounding the color. You could have more of a punchline next time.

Baby wave encore!

I love how you kept alluding to the fact that he didn't want his boy to be gay, but never said. Oh, sorry if I ruined the joke. The funniest part of this was by far when all those babies rammed out of the wife's vagina everywhere! You are also brilliant for giving us a button of which we can replay the same ridiculous scene over and over! A pity this did not win Daily Feature, but at least it had every other reward. The animation was good throughout and the voice acting was done wonderfully too.

I wonder if iced tea or sweet tea would be considered manlier than regular tea? Well, it was also funny how the kid kept acting like a sissy when he got it. I like the idea of a tea machine shooting out missiles. It would probably mess up the place, but that's what a man would do! The exaggerated voice over really made it and kind of reminded me of "A New Bunny".

BillyNapalm responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Looks great

This was a really cool cartoon to watch mostly because the animation was so good. I will forever remember you as making the "Gone Too Far" series, but you have made other great stuff as well. While this submission has little action, the main thing is that it's so well done. The voices are very nice and the perfect amount of emotion is put into the voices. The funniest part was when he talked about showing him his d*ck and stuff. How nice to make a funny cartoon in your own record time!

While not much of an introduction, this is great to watch to see how the story goes. It's almost like he's not really a villian because he only attempts things to do! Attempting to accidentally hit the old lady with a door was another funny joke. I can't wait to see what happens when the dog gets into the mix. It was fairly realistic as well.

You go, Otis (I think that's him)

It was interesting to more closely this series as it goes on. Yes, I have remembered that in every episode that bird appears to sh*t on his head. What's funny is that you can never lose with something like that. If a bird does not sh*t on your head, you're clean and if it does, you get five dollars! Now, as a Clock flash this was really cheesy, but somewhat entertaining to watch with how goofy it was. It's hard to suggest anything to improve on, because you have all you need for something truly goofy.

The voices were also really silly in how I could not make out what they were saying at all. At least there were subtitles. I...guess there could be some more detail, but you were obviously not leaning towards that. The "12" shown on the title screen has a fairly good appearance as well. I noticed how the blue play button turns purple.

Very good!

I am probably as not a big of this song as a lot of other people are. I guess I am lucky enough to not get that song stuck in my head all day like, well, some people. This was still great to watch because it simply had so much going on! You have showed us that you do not need to have the fanciest effects to have something really nice. I liked how everything was created with no black lines at all and just raw color.

It's great to see how funny the body movements are in this one. For every frame, there are crazy characters jumping and dancing around. It could use more of a background but it still works very well for itself. The song is so silly itself it would make sense something simple would be a good tribute to it. It's pretty much forgotten on this website now.

PPcanarkis responds:

Thank you.
It is sad to see that classic NG is essentially dead now though :(

Oh, not bad

The things I did not like about this cartoon was that it seemed to go on a bit too long. It reminded me of the "BEEBO" series. I am not calling this a ripoff, but this was in fact a fairly decent cartoon to watch. I seemed to have some problems listening to the audio, but then again it was something back from 2002. The animation wasn't half bad and the characters looked pretty funny with how dumb they looked. I guess this was supposed to be a parody of 50's sitcoms.

It seems like "The Family House" was a real TV show, but I'm probably just mistaking it for something else. It was nice to hear that song at the end which I am listening to right now! That song itself suits the idea of what this was a parody of. You could maybe get rid of the pixellation with the jpeg images. The voices were weird, but funny.

Hmm, not bad

The "Madness Combat" theme has been done so many times, it's hard to find something original. This managed to be fairly good, because it was kind of different. For one, the characters actually talked. I think that might have not been the best thing to do because it was a little hard to understand them. It was either the microphone or the noise in the background was distracting the listener. There could have been some better transition effects. The enemies just immediately turn into zombies.

This is still fairly decent and there was a good amount of detail put into it. I really liked how there was a running total. People associate that thing with the Madness series a lot, but it actually only appeared in one episode. There was a poster with tiny writing which I was not able to completely remember. I do remember it was something about joining an organization to kill this guy, Sheldon, whom everyone hated.

Crazymonkey154 responds:

Very true- madness HAS been done countless times. But I still enjoy making tributes to the series. You made a number of valid points in this review, and I respect you for that. Sheldon was the protagonist, and the guy who everybody hated and wanted to kill. In terms of voices, I will have to work on making them clearer in the sequel. And yes, I like having a body count as well. Thank you for this review!

Quite frightening!

The animation in this was just fantastic, even though it could have had some more action. I noticed there was some tiny writing in some scene and I like to point those out in my reviews. I found out I could not go closeup, but it was revealed to me anyway. This was very confusing, as I couldn't tell when it was starting or ending. I thought it might have been over when he got his first scare or maybe when the newspaper came out. It still manages to be extremely effective.

Even the credits were great, by showing those pictures at the end. The main character in this kind of reminded me of L from "Death Note". It certainly had all the makings of a creepy anime like that, and I appreciated all the work put into this. There is just so much detail and style put into every single object. It was fairly unpredictable as well.

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