View Profile Ericho

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306 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Pretty disgusting but...

Through all it's shortcomings, this manages to be great through it's vulgarity. I was kind of wondering if they ever interact with other animals that were on different drugs (I'm not that familiar with the series). The best part was the stabbing holes. Ridiculously sick, but still great. While not as good as Retarded Animal Babies, still a fun time.

Good tribute

I was never really a fan of the SatAm series with those characters (or much of the Archie comic book for that matter) but this still was a great flash, with a great emotional appeal and graphics.

Not too bad

It was short, but the animation was nice, and it's good to see a newer one by you. I want some more flash from you!

Funny idea

I think that the idea of finding new things to smoke is a funny one. You're just never gonna stop finding things to smoke, especially if a lot of products are made from hemp.

Doesn't deserve to be here

I thought it was kind of bad, but not bad enough to have such a low score.

Not the best out there

It was pretty enjoyable, as we should acknowledge how important blocks are. Could've had more stuff going on, though.

Nice to see it

After having it favorited so many times by a lot of great artists, I can now finally see this, and let me say it was great! The animation was cool, and it was out of the oridinary to see evil win.

Oh, well. That happens.

Okay, okay

I believe that this was the best out of all these flashes on the main page, and being such a geek, it was cool to hear those statistics. Good job!

Oh, for crying...

I'm such a huge geek I just had to see and review all of these flashes on the front page, even if you're not one of my favorite artists. This flash was pretty good.

Best of the day

Out of all the flashes like these on the main page, this is the best one in my opinion. Congratulations!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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