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Pretty bad

The ending was kind of interesting, but not entertaining other than that, really.

Very bad

It would've been nice to see some actual effort in this flash, or at least some music or movement. I guess this just isn't my bag.

Steff responds:

y halo thar professor genius

Good feeling at least

Uh, I liked the animation and it had a warm feeling to it, but it was short, and looks like it didn't take much effort. Oh well, still nice to look at least.


I found out that my brother is allergic to cats, so we may have to get rid of my cat, so seeing this flash about cats cheered me up if nothing else. Cats are wonderful, and making jokes about cat poop is simply hilarious!! Yes, I'm that much of a cat person. I loved the line at the end about sexism.

Oh, and I feel sorry for Peanut.

One of your best!

I can't believe Jibjab actually put one of their cartoons up on Newgrounds! I've always been a huge fan of you, ever since I first saw the "This Land!" flash. It's unbelieveable this hasn't gotten more views!! Yeah, posting on this site isn't really your thing I guess, but it's still great you put one up anyway. Anyway, this was great as most of your other flash, especially how catchy it is! Great for you!!

One of the best

It's great to watch these again, and this is certainly one of the best you've ever made! I've been waiting forever for the movie to come out so I hope I get my wish soon!

Now, back to the flash, this had some of the best animation and best gags of the whole series. It's really unpredictable. Good for you!


Sure, it was short, but it was extremely funny and original, not to mention the animation was really good.

It was OK

It was too short and not a lot of action, but the animation was fairly well done, and what happened was kind of cool.

burrito15 responds:

I worked on this daily, just to let my BCIS class fly by! :P

Simply awesome!!

You did it again! You created another fantastic flash animation!! This is great, because it really just puts a lot of things into perspective about making a movie. Being a YouTube celebrity (or just an actor) is the dream of nearly every Internet geek, and it's great to see a satire of this concept!

It also helped that I love cats and space cats are AWESOME!!!

Best in the series

Being a big fan of music videos on this website, it's great to see this! Especially how with all the animation and humor, even though made in 2001, it still holds up to today's standards at least! This song is awesome and I loved the extra sounds you put in and of course the Flintstones/Star Trek reference. Awesome!!!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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