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I loved this! I admit that some of it was probably too vulgar. You know, with the toplessness on teenage girls. Looking back, I realize that "Sailor Moon" wasn't really that much into promoting pedophilia. Yoko from "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann" was way worse. Anyway, the animation was wonderful in this.

Everything was just no nicely exaggerated. There were tons of goofy expressions and great lines. The goofy voices worked so wonderfully. I really should watch this show to understand the jokes more. Maybe I'll just read the manga.

I was quite impressed at how funny this was. This was just so utterly insane I had to love it. It's great to see this fluid animation. I really did not think the parachute would fail. These two guys were so entertaining. I don't think most people die on skydiving.

It's still really funny. It's just great seeing these guys go so crazy. It's hard to tell who's the crazier one. The voices are so entertaining. I'm glad to have come by this.

The main character kind of reminded me of Marceline from "Adventure Time". I guess it's just the long black hair and pale skin. Then again, everyone here has pale skin. It was a bit hard to understand. It did make more sense at the very end. The voice work was very good.

You know how to create good atmosphere. It was just well put together. The black butterflies were great for symbolism. It was pretty scary seeing that old lady's teeth. This is certainly worth looking at for how creepy it is.

That was quite interesting. I was impressed by the animation. I admit that it was hard to understand. It still ended up being worth watching. It's mostly because of how surreal it is. I am not going to try to understand it. Instead, I will simply enjoy it.

The music was really good and suiting. Then again, I guess it's hard to find music that doesn't suit this. It's so weird anything would sound interesting. Do you feel this way yourself? If so, I hope you're doing fine.

I found this to just be okay. You shouldn't have made it an infinite loop. Granted, I have no idea how that works. I liked the stop motion effects. It was still nothing special. I'm reminded of this Klay World cartoon.

I think it was called Stomach Ache? There was a green klay guy who was impaled by a toothpick. Well, this was a slime thing, not a guy. The music seems a little too low. It's still not bad.

I thought this would be the best in the series, but it was actually probably the worst. This one was actually too long. Well, it wasn't really long but it had few good jokes. The voice was still pretty good. How could his brother kill him if he was dead? I like Mr. Sandwich.

Why was the Mario squid mad? He killed Mario! There should have been more music. I am glad this series ended. You have made much better things with more potential.

That was pretty good, but not enough to recommend. I liked the animation. It was interesting not knowing what would show up next with that machine. I still think it should have been longer. It wasn't enough for a full submission. You could have made this a compilation.

In fact, you could have put all the episodes in one cartoon. This mad scientist isn't that malevolent. I like how there's continuity. His voice is pretty funny. Hey, this was made at almost the same time I starting writing these reviews!

I really like the atmosphere that this created. I admit to being disappointed by the animation. It isn't that good. I still like for the most part. It's mostly because of the great mood you set up. The voices are spectacular in this too.

I really do feel like I'm watching some film noir. You rarely see that at all nowadays. I think the picture's a bit too low too. It's still quite investing. I usually have my headphones on high volume anyway.

I admitted to being disappointed at how short this was. It was just a single joke. I still appreciated what it was. His voice was quite funny. I guess entire submissions can be single jokes. It was pretty funny.

I guess it was a living sandwich. I am glad you made more. This works better as part of a series. I didn't realize how prolific you were. You have made better things.

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