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Very cool

At first I was not too impressed by this, but it turned out to be not bad at all. I think this is one of the best uses of a fake credits, as it does really give the listener a good feeling of relief when it starts again. I remember this being used in the JamezBond animutation. Of course, this came out before JamezBond so I guess you are the original guy who made it. My suggestions would be to add a lot more stuff as it did seem pretty lacking. I liked the random text that was shown throughout.

Needs improvement

This was not terrible, but I will say that it was pretty bad. My first suggestion was that you should try putting in a background instead of, well, having no background at all. I would have liked if there had been some sound effects as they would be pretty easy to find. I think the reason this was not banned was because of how nice the missile looked. It really does seem like there was some effort being put into that. Next time, try to make something more than just a test, as that is what this appeared to be.

Looks good

I am glad you made this English, even if I would not be a person who would whine about it much. The animation in this is pretty nice, and I especially like how the eyes are drawn. I think their simpliticty contrasts with the more well drawn costumes and background. The action scenes were really cool and nice to the "Halo" feel. My biggest complaint is that it just does not seem to have much in the category of humor. It looks creative already so I am sure you will think of better stuff.

Very cool

It was great to see all you guys like TheBoogley come together to truly show off your artwork! This was a cute little experimental film because it allowed you guys to come up with anything you wanted in your own creative way. I would have wished for color, but then you went and made editions featuring color! It is always good to see the different styles everyone has. Seeing as how there were only four things, it would have been better to put it in a single moving loop. I appreciate all your contributions.

Pretty cool

It seems like it's been ages since I've seen an animutation on this website, even if this one is really old. I think my favorite part was when Karl Marx appeared. The effects did look a little cheap with how the characters just seemed to be pasted on. I still have to give you credit as this seems like a very original flash (even by today's standards). I seldom see these characters in other animutations. The pig was cute and the robot getting angry was also pretty funny.

Oh shiiiiiiiii*

This was a fairly short cartoon, but simply a great one. What matters is that you really know how to take a single punchline and build up to it with not just one, but two major factors. I think this may have some of the best animation in terms of how the cars and the lights were drawn. I also liked it how you did not just end on the guy ruining it, but with the car crashing. Then you go and make the car crashing not even that big a deal in the first place when it happens. The character design is as great as ever.

This was okay

I swear those long breasts are some of the most disturbing things I've seen in a cartoon. The people with them don't even look like women at all! It was particularly scary when the old lady was walking on them and they acted like arms! With that out of the way, I felt this had some good jokes but was not something that I would recommend. My biggest complaint is that this just goes on a little too long and could use some music or something. The fries gag was just too monotonous.

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