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Simply awesome

I wasn't able to use my computer so that's probably why I missed out on this awesome cartoon. The animaton is simply fantastic and it is something that is truly in a league of its own. It kind of reminded me of the latest "Professor Layton" entry, but I think this was more well done. The funniest part was the end when he thought the wife did phone sex. The fact that the dynamite phone exploded was all this needed to get a 5. I'm glad to be introduced to a new style of work and new characters.

Very cute

I just had to see this if for no other reason than it was great to learn about autism. I think awareness for this is being raised because of that Temple Gradin movie. I loved that movie, and I would now as I am on the autism spectrum with Asberger's. While the animation was not the best, you put forth a message that I could associate with. It is wonderful you are teaching more awareness of something that is so common. I hope that we will be able to learn from this and it was adorable to use your boys for this.

PapaQ responds:

Thank you, I haven't seen the Temple Movie yet, although we do want too.
We've both worked closely with all levels of autism and never cease to be amazed by the great characters and amazing people we meet.

I just loved this

I am simply amazed this did not win a single award of any kind (positive, at least). You have worked hard to show us the beauty in the world around us, but also the ugliness. It seems like something a younger kid would draw, so that it truly reflects childhood innocence. I believe that was what the main kid character was trying to represent. It also helps that this is some of the most beautiful music I have heard, even if it wasn't from the audio portal. You get to see so much of what our world is about.

It was sweet

While you don't seem to be that experienced in flash, this was pretty good simply because of how cute it was. I was thinking it would be a Valentine's Day centered thing, as that's what I have been watching lately. You showed nice little things that go on in everyday life. The things in the cartoon moved well and flowed with each other. The choice of music was nice as well. If you put in some more variety (meaning putting more things in it) it could be much better.

Funniest part is the title

While I can't remember what happened in the first one (if I even saw it) this was pretty enjoyable to watch. I don't like these Zelda sprites much, but seeing as how this was obviously a parody it did not matter. I also like when Link was wondering what he was doing on that journey in the first place. Everything seems to be pretty authentic to the feel. I'm glad I know where that village scene comes from, as I had seen it in "Domo-Kun's Angry Smashfest". Keep up the decent work.

Fro responds:


The village scene comes from an older game named Golden Axe.

Thanks for the review!

Very okay

I can tell that this is something you are making in the early stages of your work. I can not quite find a lot of things that unique, but it does have a good amount of style. You made a stick flash that was as good as a standard one at least. I thought it was cool how you used different colors and did not just focus on one guy. Next time, I would suggest using more detail in the surroundings and maybe some music as well. You may want to watch "Stick Killing Arena" for a good example.

Weird, but good

It doesn't help that I did not see the original episodes, but it is nice how this is a pretty awesome series. The dialogue was very clever, especially the end with those two guys. The animation was good, but it was in fact kind of weird. I think the faces were just drawn in a kind of weird way, but they did work in a weird way as well. It is obvious this series has a lot going on, but everything seems to work well with itself. I guess I am glad to be introduced to it, even if it was at a bad time.

A noob indeed

I hope you were not permanently rejected from the Clock Crew, as you seem like a valuable asset to it. At least your submissions got high rankings on Clock Day. You do need to work on the voice as I could not hear it very well. I just wanted to thank you again for all that you have done for me and the spinoff TTA series. I finally managed to get the voice on my computer cranked up so it sounds a lot clearer. Hopefully we can work hard to make more contributions to this great website.

Tails-Lock responds:

ClockCrew was never right for me. They're idiots with big egos mostly. The Locks are better.
But Clock and Lock flash is easier to do than stick flash, so I have left both crews. I know Sprite flash isn't a big step up, but I am glad to be doing better flashes now.

Also I ROFLed when you said "you seem like a valuable asset to it". I was a terrible Clock.

It's a good start

I am not that familiar with "One Piece" so I do have some trouble understanding what's going on. I will say that it is interesting to see where this series is going, as I reviewed the trailer before. The sprite work seemed to be fairly well done, though it will take some getting used to. This could have used some more action, but it is the beginning. I thought it was kind of funny how they referred to their world as the "One Piece" world. I can't wait for Naruto to find out his world is named after him.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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