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It might be good

The problem is that you should not really submit tests to this website. It might not be so much of a test as a preview (as the title suggests) but it's still an incomplete movie and it doesn't cause much anticipation. I think it's kind of obvious who is going to fight Sonic in this. I believe it's another version of Sonic. A pity you could have not had the character shadowed or anything. I think this actually wouldn't be that bad of a full flash.

The lines drawn aren't too bad, but the spritework needs more. It seems like you could make this better by having a lot more action. I will always regret never knowing how to give a submission a "Replay" button so I can't criticize you for that. You should look into someone who knows more to understand it. It's a bit too short for a preview too.

No strangers indeed

This was not good, but it was certainly better than a ton of stuff the Duck Division had. It seems like you can discover new organizations all the time. It has probably been too long since I have heard the Rickroll song. If you're going to make an infinite loop, you might as well use a good song. It was weird to see Pedobear with a beak. This could have also used a background as a lack of one rarely works in making it look professional.

Again, you are still more professional than the Duck Division or most other organizations out there. I think it worked best at the beginning with that German rendition of "Barbie Girl". I just assume it's in German. The artwork with the owl himself actually isn't that bad. Just work a lot more to have a plot in your work.

Nice tribute

The things I did not like about this was that there could have been a wider variety of attacks. It seemed like a lot of the attacks were just the same. Nonetheles, it was still enjoyable, especially with how the attacks were planned. I know little about the characters or story, but can at least recognize the sprites. All of the sound effects were incredibly well done and as good as any Street Fighter cartoon. The art piece at the beginning depicting Ryu is also pretty sweet.

The battles went forward really well, making the pacing just right. The next one should be better with a wide variety of enemies to fight as well as attacks. All the voices seemed to match up pretty well. It was interesting to have a more emotional part when Ryu couldn't bring himself to kill Ken. It's great how many people make good flashes with this format.

Not bad

As this is the first episode I have seen, it is a tad bit hard to judge, but I will do the best job I can. I thought this wasn't bad, mostly because of how good the animation was. It was great to see so many different shades of blue. It was a bit hard to follow in terms of story. I also did not like the part with the giant robot guy where it looked like it was building up to a fight scene, but it wasn't. Then again, the bit with the bills that followed it was kind of funny.

I am proud to be your first reviewer, as I am for several flashes given my prolificness. It was also cool to see such a wide variety of characters. They just had so much detail in them and there was good emotion put into their voices. You do need to work on having more of a story to suck the watcher in. These guys must have come from Pandora.

rbinturong responds:

Thanks for the review. I'm afraid you landed right smack in the middle of plot continuation from the previous two episodes. If I were a new watcher, I'd find this episode particularly hard to follow as well. The trouble with our toons is that the storyline depends heavily on previous episodes, so if you haven't watched them you'll be a bit lost.
If you like fight scenes, maybe you should check out the first episode (not the 2009 one).
I assure you, This Town isn't located on Pandora. We're missing the tails anyway. Hehe. Thanks for the useful review (don't know who voted it otherwise)

How cruel

This was interesting because I wasn't expecting it to go down like that. I assume that the Vikings (as the main characters) would be the good guys, but not really. Then again, the people they kill and terrorize are pretty annoying. I loved this simply because it was proud to be absolutely ridiculous. It relishes in its utter insanity. The overall animation is very good, especially with how everything just seems to move so well (yes, I am referring to the boobs).

It seems like it's been awhile since I've seen something new from you. It is great to know you are still around making good flashes. It could have maybe had more of a plot, but given how ludicrous it was, it didn't need one. I appreciated all the work put into the animation and the ludicrous execution. And by "execution" I mean it literally with that one guy.


I don't know of many (or really any) German flashmakers on this website, so I can't tell if it's typical. I need notice some flashes of images at the beginning. Too bad they were so brief I can not even remember them. The person depicted is a typical "Ayran" person whom Hitler believed to be the superior race. It kind of makes you realize how dumb he was when he wasn't even one himself. It gets annoying when the song repeats itself over and over.

At least you put it in the "Spam" genre so people knew what they were getting. It's always amazing with how so many people manage to make something so simple. Wait, those images I just talked about came back. I recall seeing Patrick writing things off his "To Do" list. I must have not seen that episode, because I do not remember it.

Pot of tea!

Wow, I'm surprised I didn't come across this earlier. It's amazing to see how far you have come with your animation techniques. The one thing I didn't like was that this reminded me of my favorite flash, animutation, and how it wasn't one. There also could have been some more color and a background. Still, it is always funny to hear misheard lyrics. It makes you eager to go and find out what the actual lyrics are.

It does kind of pale in comparison to your later work, but still enjoyable. It's especially funny to see how the stick figures act so ridiculously. The more detailed drawings (such as the Devil) are quite good. I guess the Devil would become a more popular staple of your work later, huh? It's interesting how this has so little do with the appearance of the game.


I have now seen everyone of your flashes and all because they were all so highly rated! It just fascinates me how you made stuff that still holds up to today. I will admit it wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but still really nice. You just look so happy when you're dancing around like that. Drawing doodles in class is something most people can relate to. I have practically notebooks of nothing but doodles.

Luckily, I go to college now, although I still make doodles every now and then. You make a particularly cute face at the end with the Replay button. It is so sad you are no longer here making out these great flashes. You shall always be remembered here for your adorable (and hot) appearance. The music is great and gives off a happy feeling too.

Yes, I can drive!

I heard that StrawberryClock's motto was "I can drive!" (or one of his mottos) but I don't remember him ever saying it. Thank you for submitting this so that I got to hear it. Granted, it wasn't in his voice, but it's good enough. This is probably the best thing you ever submitted. It boasts of the best animation you have ever displayed and the length isn't that bad either. It does lose points where it goes off in the end with the noise.

I am still glad that you managed to give it a definite ending. I liked how SwordfishClock had two eyes, one on the fish and one that was his clock eye. Or is that supposed to be more of his face? A kid's show subversion is classic, especially if it comes to something so demented. Longer and serious animation could use this.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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