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It's a shame the score isn't higher. I mean, it won Review Crew Pick! Then again, it's probably too short. You just showed this one guy and his mask. That's still a pretty cool scene. There wasn't really any action in this, but that was fine.

It was fine as an experimental film. I also love the title. Was that something from Warhammer 40K? It was certainly unique. It's hard to find original stuff with these characters.

This was a great video as always. It's probably because of how cool it is to hear you get what you wanted. Well, eventually you did. I had an experience like this. Well, it was actually when I was a lot older. I was graduating high school.

I was roller blading and some random girl helped me. She was nice. That was about it. I appreciate how authentic this always is. It was funny when you talked about how your own animation is bad.

Dang, you are really on a roll lately! It's just nothing but cartoonish greatness everywhere! My favorite part was when the muscles first appeared. Well actually, I knew that from the title. I just didn't know it would be this awesome. I was kind of hoping they would fight.

The voices or sounds were amazing. I just loved everything being escalated. I even like how they make up at the end. I guess it was a draw. I can always count on these cartoons to have something new.

While by no means a great cartoon, this was good. It's probably because of the animation and voices. The best part is how I really do like how these guys interact. I can see this becoming a series. He was a ghost the whole time! Giant insects are usually cool.

I actually relate to this. My apartment's been invested with bugs for a long time now. It's great that you worked so hard on this. I'll never be a flash artist myself. I didn't notice the bugs were zombies at first.

Wow, that was easily the most epic thing you ever worked on. I love it because it just keeps on going. A lesser movie would have that be annoying. Instead, it worked so well for its length. It was just great to have so much going on. The "How Could This Happen To Me?" song was possibly the best part.

The colors were beautiful. There was so much variety. The part with the hockey mask guy killing everyone was pretty cool too. It does sum up Halloween pretty well. It's just a very elaborate cartoon, even if it IS a little too long.

I admit the joke was a little predictable. I mean, it's obvious what they do with dragons. I like the idea of them eating fairies. Well, maybe they just kill them. I like the animation style. It was cool to see them dressed as Newgrounds characters.

You made murdering children quite funny. Loved the ballerina joke. It's hilarious how they knew about Halloween. The conversation in the beginning was funny too. Angels are nice.

I love how this just keeps going and going with the jokes. It's amazing how much you do in only a few minutes. I especially love when he calls someone a stupid idiot. What a hypocrite! I love when his conscience annoys him. The animation is great.

This series did get better all the time. So many great series end here. Well, they aren't shown here. Blockhead's voice is so funny. He actually did show some intelligence when he knows his conscious won't help the kids. Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!

I was impressed by the sprite work as always. It helps that I love zombies. I guess the ending where they become zombies makes more sense. You do hear them getting attacked. Then again, there are more episodes after this. I couldn't recognize who the main characters were.

I mean, these henchman all look the same. Is that some unfair stereotype? I knew they'd talk after being infected. I really did like all the different characters that appeared. At least they got a lot of kills in.

This was an interesting idea. I mean, what would it be like if the pencil didn't come to life? It probably could have been more creative. I guess I missed the pencil in this. The facial expressions are still nice. I appreciate the comedy.

This wasn't some of your best work. It was still good. You are that good of a cartoonist. In "Romeo And Juliet" this line is actually used out of context. It refers to the fact that his name is Romeo, not asking where he is!

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