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I have to admit I was a little disappointed it wasn't more crude. That's what I expect from "South Park". It was still animated very well. I can always expect that from you. I always love hearing that outro music. It was cool to see Mario play a game himself.

Of course we remember "Super Mario 64"! Everyone played that. That must have set a record for most ways to beat the same level. We remember all the enemies. I thought it would be a direct parody of a "South Park" game.

Well, the animation's good. I'm sorry, but it's literally nothing but a gif. I was at least expecting sound. There was no reason to not submit this to the Art Portal. No, my hands aren't up.

Damn, this is perfect! This is EXACTLY what Kirby CD-i would look like! This somewhat reminds me of this video where they asked what it would be like if there was a Gex cartoon. This is just such a tribute to Kirby. We really did get a lot of good stuff from the CD-i games. Do "Pokemon" next!

Well, "Pokemon" isn't a platformer. I still want it! I know enough about "Kirby" to understand this. Man, it's just awesome from beginning to end! Well, even if it's short, that's still amazing! Some memes never deserve to die.

DaMemeManDan responds:

Pokémon would be dope ngl

Friendship, again?

This was a decent little cartoon. I'm not that familiar with "Resident Evil". I appreciate how the animation is good. It could have been more detailed, though. It was enjoyable enough. I guess I was expecting something more violent.

It is about zombies of course. Well, it's a nice tribute to the series. I guess you just have to be a fan. Aww, I knew there would be "lovers" related to this. I can always tell romantic subtext.

Bronksson responds:

Thanks, and I did consider something more zombie inclusive but I wanted to get it done in one sitting so went simple haha. I'm glad that came through though and thanks for the comment! 😁✌️

Wow, this is actually awesome! My God, we got another feature length reanimated collab coming up?! The first Spongebob one caught me completely off guard. The "Toy Story 2" one was what was being promoted so much. It's still my favorite collab. Dang, Sandy looks busty.

You're not going to turn me into a furry. Except of course, for Rouge. While not as good as the first one, I'm so glad we got Sandy in a bigger one. She only spoke four words in the first movie! The first one's still better.

joaoppereiraus responds:

Yeah, it's impossible to beat the first movie
And I'm curious to see what they will do in her solo movie

I haven't seen a "Resident Evil" parody here in a long time. I'm glad to know we still have them. I guess I haven't even heard from that franchise in awhile. Leon slapping her into CGI was so funny! It did get a little overused. I'm glad your cartoons are longer now.

It shows more devotion. I was only hoping that there would be more graphic violence. Yeah, I know it's not your thing. It would still be unique. I appreciated this a lot.

Wait, "Pizza Tower" is an actual video game? I had no idea! Well, that would be why we've had all these parodies lately. Honestly, the first couple of seconds sold me. I had no idea what was going to happen next. Maybe it even moved a bit too fast.

It still did well with all these jokes. The real pizza villain never seemed to appear. It was just all in his mind. I do like pizza delivery. It's been awhile for me, hasn't it?

Wow, the opening may have been the best. Mr. Hatts looked like Slender Man. Well, a lot of characters look like him. Cucumber kind of looked like Huntress Wizard. I had no idea what direction this would take. It was certainly worthy for front page.

The voices were pretty good too. You do a lot of world building in such a short time. So this is all her dream? I guess it's left ambiguous. It seems like something from David Firth. It's still a great unique cartoon.

Wow, that looks great! I would certainly love to see this turn into a series! I probably won't donate any money though. I have little of that anyway. I also love these drawings you showed. I think they're even better than the actual cartoon.

This certainly seems to have potential. The colors are so vibrant. Maybe it's too short. I'd love to see that as an intro. Riley seems just as important to not be in the title.

darkrave1 responds:

Yeah I agree with you and yes she is just as or in so cases more important then the twins the issue was basically Riley didn't exist when the idea was first made Riley was created the following year and by that point it just felt weird to put her name in the title but we totally understand it's just a personal thing rather a practical one

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