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I sincerely thought the cartoon was going to end at 1:10. I don't know, maybe it's just because I have Dilbert on my mind recently. You know, because of Scott Adams being racist. Anyway, the rest of the cartoon is good, just not as great as the first minute. Congratulations on getting uh...on top? I don't know how to describe that here.

It's at the top of this page with this huge thumbnail. That's what I mean. Wow, this didn't even get Daily Feature? It's certainly a deep cartoon. I appreciate all the effort.

Aww, I wanted to see actual gameplay! Yeah, games aren't made for the PS2 anymore. This still looks amazing. Maybe it dwelled on the ending a bit too long? It's still very nice. It reminds me of "Crash Bandicoot".

Well, there were tons of games like that. That guy is pretty cute. It reminds me of "Pinky And The Brain". It's still great in its own right. Chichi means "breasts" in Spanish, although you were probably thinking of the DBZ character.

I have to admit that I cared little for this. I thought it was going to have some good action. It was just a girl flipping out. What a funny coincidence. I was just looking up "Totally Radical" on TV Tropes. I never got into skateboarding.

This was nicely colored, I guess. It's pretty harmless. Well, I don't know how cartoons could be harmful anyway. We know that's ridiculous. I say everyone else loves these too often.

I loved this, but I did think it was a little too long. I guess the message was a bit too simple. It was still amazing, with how it had all these different art styles. I loved the giant costume. He looked like Polka-Dot Man from "The Suicide Squad". You know, right before he fired his polka dots.

I liked that puppet too. You kind of remind me of Manuel fallmann. You ever heard of him? You continue to make thoughtful and poignant cartoons. I'm glad you never stop.

That certainly did show war. I appreciate how great the animation is. I loved how his hands moved. Well, that was the biggest part of the animation. That really made sense. It was quite beautiful.

It's amazing how much you can tell without dialogue. You know how this works. This was the name of a movie. I never saw that one. The title just comes off as funny.

I think the original entry might have been your best cartoon ever. While not as good, this was still great. I love how well the voices sync up. With how rapid fire the show is, it can be hard to make fun of it. Well, it is easy to make fun of with how much heat it's gotten. I love the animation as always.

It's built up well. It's just great for a quick joke. Dang, you never stop making these cartoons! You could surpass Weebl for most cartoons made! This was a good length too.

I thought this was one of your funniest cartoons. The best part was probably how authentic the audio was. I thought this was actual dialogue from the show. Was it? I'm rather impressed by how it sounded. I'm not quite familiar with this meme.

There's so many it's hard to keep up with all the memes. I loved hearing that outro music. I miss that. I'm glad it didn't get too gross. I had no idea when it would stop.

golfinho responds:

kkkkkkkkkkkkkk i remmeber

Wow, this was hilarious! I do have to point out that "Space Jam: A New Legacy" already used this joke. Well, that movie was awful anyway. I appreciate the animation too. I love the ending too. At least he killed himself.

I loved the different ways the basketballs killed themselves. Who knew they were so suicidal? You give basketballs a bad name. Yeah, that's racist! Look at all the black people in the NBA!

Wow, that was unpredictable. It was weird to see a parody of a parody. It would in fact be interesting to see these guys all meet up. It was quite funny to see that live-action bit at the end. The song was nice too. This is the first "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared" related thing I've seen.

I mean, I know it's a popular YouTube series. You just don't see much live-action Internet parodies here. I didn't recognize the DHMIS characters that well. There was a lot of funny lyrics. You can do anything with Muppets nowadays.

Wow, I wasn't expecting this sort of thing from you. It really is quite unique. I especially appreciated seeing you in person. Yeah, you came from Israel, so it's easy to assume you're Jewish. I didn't know about the rats thing. That was used in "Peanuts" all the time.

Wait, Charles Schulz was racist? I guess everyone was. I still probably see Pam in real life. Well, your characters aren't that well detailed anyway. My favorite part might have been seeing as those names.

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