View Profile Ericho

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Wow, I wasn't expecting this sort of thing from you. It really is quite unique. I especially appreciated seeing you in person. Yeah, you came from Israel, so it's easy to assume you're Jewish. I didn't know about the rats thing. That was used in "Peanuts" all the time.

Wait, Charles Schulz was racist? I guess everyone was. I still probably see Pam in real life. Well, your characters aren't that well detailed anyway. My favorite part might have been seeing as those names.

Wow, this looks amazing! I just wish it was longer! I wanted to see a lot more! The bunny from "Bunnykill"? I haven't seen him in a long, long time. Snowball, I think was his name.

I appreciate how we get a lot of variety. Yeah, everything's free on Newgrounds. Well, I'm not into those more complicated games. I rarely see a trailer get Daily Feature. This deserved it.

Aww, you lose points for feces appearing. I appreciate the song. It looked like he was made of organs. Then again, it was like it was made of really everything. I liked the tea bags and pickle joke. It was mild compared to your other stuff.

Please cut down on the bodily fluid stuff. Is that body fluid or bodily fluid? It was certainly creative. Stuart's just an appropriate name. This seemed more like something from David Firth.

Wow, that was odd. It was about a stomach coming to life. Well, it was more about this little demon. Demons are pretty popular here. Well, I'm only saying that because of Satina. I did like the animation.

It was hard to really see the jokes in this. There was a lot going on. It just didn't make much sense to me. Well, there's definitely an audience for it. It isn't for me.

Oh wow, that was great. I was wondering why it didn't go further. Then it dawned on me that it was obviously part of the game this was based on. I'm not into "Undertale" at all. I'd think that would have its own section here. It's hard to keep up with all the games listed here.

I recognize the music. It was certainly beautiful. This Daily Feature is well deserved. Happy Saint Patrick's Day! That means nothing here, but I thought I'd mention it.

Damn, how are you able to make cartoons this fast? It's not TheStarSyndicate, where it's just cheesy stuff over and over. I admit to not understanding this. I haven't watched the show, okay? I thought this would be like if it was on Cartoon Network. Well, Adult Swim would be preferrable.

I like how the hair moves around so much. I mean, it's also on his arms that it moves! It's little details like that which matter. Happy Pi Day! Yeah, there's a holiday for everything nowadays.

Ooh, one minute late! I hadn't even heard about Mario Day until recently. Maybe it was created that soon. The best part was the ending. I admit the cartoon wasn't that well drawn. That was most likely the point.

I noticed the Minion. It was cool to see Shigeru Miyamoto there too. There should be a "Hello Kitty" movie. That's actually made far more revenue than Mario. I'm surprised there wasn't a Pizza Tower joke.

This was listed under "Drama"? I most certainly think this is an experimental cartoon. Well, it did have somewhat of a story. I appreciate all the animation as always. He looks like a butt from the top of his head! I think it would look more like three buttcheeks with three faces.

Well, who am I to talk about such bizarre anatomy? This was a very interesting cartoon. I loved that pink shark in the beginning. You always use the best colors. It's nice when something this surreal seems to have a story.

This deserves a good score if only because of that music score. Wow, I just used the same word to rhyme! That's kind of pathetic. This was better than I thought. I guess his mouth, eyebrows and mustache were made of peppers! I don't like those!

No wonder he's so villainous. We need Mario in more of these! I admit it's not much for a preview. It's still quite well animated. Oh no, a stereotypical Italian, we need a documentary for that!

Dude, that coin surfing game looks awesome! I'm so glad to see that! Yeah, this is why the Oscars could be kept short. I'm surprised someone made this. I mean, nothing could top last year's Oscars. This was quite funny.

It's all original characters! It's so nice to wonder where the joke would be going. Just say you're thankful and be done with it. I don't have time to watch the whole Oscars anyway. This was a fun little thing to watch.

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