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Wow, that was some awesome animation! I knew right away that I'd get something good out of this. I will admit that I wish there was more than one joke. The best part was probably how I had to look that up. I thought it was a misspelling of tendonitis. I know what that means!

I just wanted to see action with this. I do like the idea of a superhero giving someone a disease. I knew both had to do with bones. Well, that's what he gets for being a burglar! The way he fell through the wall was very creative.

Wow, that was unexpected. Slice of life? How can wizards be slice of life? Anyway, this was quite fun. I especially liked how they just accepted being skeletons. Wait, aren't we all skeletons?

Well, you mean without skin. Yeah, those are rarer. Maybe the animation could be better. I thought the wizard would be leading a new guy. That was pretty unexpected.

Wow, you seriously have some great visuals in this one! I will admit I had no idea what was going on. I mean, it seemed more like it was about beer than actually about urine. I don't think alcohol. Or urine. This was still wonderfully put together.

Uh, Happy New Year? You didn't have that much of a political message. You certainly didn't need one. This was just a wonderful visual treat. I'm glad you're still making great stuff.

The best joke was easily the last one. I have to admit I've never heard of this before. Wait, touch your nose? These people don't have noses! They don't even have ears! They're just stick figures.

Whatever, this was awesome. I would volunteer to not drink. Yeah, I don't. You seem like a very lucky guy, ha ha, of course you aren't. You should do an episode on this Kevin MacCleod.

It was pretty weird to see a movie like that with no resolution. I mean, it still works with how mundane it is. We all know what it's like to have a flight delayed. Well, I haven't had trouble with snow like forever. I live in Florida! My favorite part might have been when he was frozen. I mean, that makes perfect sense.

I think that was a fart at the end. Merry Clock Christmas! Well, all it really had was snow. The set up was really good. Hey, I haven't seen Pube Muppet in a long time!

Pop-Tart responds:

The resolution is the friends we made along the way.

Wow, I honestly think this may be your best submission ever! It's not just because it's your longest. It's because it's hilarious and surprisingly heartwarming. Aww, so anyone can add pictures to the title of a submission. I thought Rosalina herself was going to get cut up. I remember Sam T submitted a cartoon joking about the existence of Wapeach.

Now it's canon! It's just great to see this character in all her glory in a submission here! Have a very Merry Christmas! Well, I guess you already have by now. Whatever, this is a wonderful cartoon. I had no idea what that present would be.

Yeah, I have in fact seen some of these before. Wait, with all the stuff I've reviewed, of course I've seen these before! Yeah, these segments were a lot longer than what the cartoon actually said. It doesn't make any sense. I was expecting to see "Crack Miser". I mean, it included ones made this year!

Such an epic cartoon should have been advertised for awhile like many massive collabs. My favorite was probably the CGI one or whatever technique was used. I'm not doing back to look at the title. Merry Christmas indeed! Congrats on having one of the longest submissions ever!

Kolumbo responds:

the bumpers are supposed to immitate a tv schedule - not actual animations length or timecodes - probably should've included "PM" after the numbers there to make that more clear. thanks for the review and happy holidays!

Intrapath responds:

Yeah, there were at least a handful of animations that debuted ahead of this entry. Still, it was awesome to see them all collected here!

That was indeed quite funny. I will admit that I'm not the biggest fan of your animation. It's still fine. This actually is a good thing to tell kids to not stay up. I mean, how many kids stayed up to see Santa like that? I didn't know Santa would go that far.

Well, given the context, it makes sense. Merry Christmas 2023! I guess Christmas is a Vote 5 Day too. Hey, that still adds up with the new star system! You could use some shading.

Damn, that's a LOT of people helping with the animation! This episode wasn't really about Beebs doubting his life. It was about them fighting a black goop trying to take over a giant mushroom! Scritch and Scratch are some great characters. This may have the highest rating of any cartoon I've ever seen! I do think this was a bit too long.

Merry Christmas 2023! Well, this had nothing to do with Christmas. What an odd thing to do. This had all the amazing animation as ever. This was just as wonderfully creative as most of these cartoons. At least you mention their names. This is like "Cowboy Bebop" meets "Earthworm Jim".

I have to admit that it's great to see Larry again. Dang, that was a long time ago he was in new stuff. I do think this was a little too short. This was still good for a Merry Christmas! It's great to see everyone here! Some of these guys were pretty new. It's great to see everyone gathered together.

You didn't need a VHS quality tape. It's always good to see everyone having a good time. I do love this animation. I keep forgetting that "Dragon Ball" was an 80s anime. That's probably the oldest anime show I ever saw.

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