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That cartoon was pretty good. Dang, we got some high rated ones today! I don't know that much about "Dungeons And Dragons". I believe I did in fact hear him say "Guilty". Courtroom antics always make for good comedy. I thought the animation was quite wild.

It reminded me of "Superjail!". The voices were really funny too! These were some weird looking wizards. It was still quite fun to watch. I could not tell what this had to do with DnD.

Yes, this was indeed deep. I have some disgusting thoughts. So does literally everyone. This animation was of course fantastic. I don't pay much attention to the zodiac. Well, except with these girls.

You're still not turning me into a furry! I appreciate the great animation of course. You don't have your own list? Please make one! I hope we have a good next year.

Oh, I get the title now. This reminded me of those old cartoons. Dang, we're on a roll today! Hey, I'm the 666th viewer! How creepy. Anyway, this animation was just fantastic.

I thought this would be a music video for Weird Al Yankovic's song. Wait, he's a tag, but the song isn't the cartoon. Whatever, this had great cartoonishness and made me think about the old days of computers. You know, back when there were people who didn't have them? I just wanted the lawnmower to come after them at the end.

I never understood why he said, "Happy birthday!". Wait, I just saw this for the first time like a week ago! Anyway, this was hilarious. I had no idea it would be the same guy who kept appearing. I guess that makes sense. I guess it's just the hat in itself that's alive, maybe?

Wow, that escalated. From a dead grandmother to the entire planet! The grandmother's body looked like she was already coming back to life! The animation was just like the cartoon! Merry Christmas 2023!

VoicesByCorey responds:

He says Happy Birthday because it's the Day he comes alive! :D...and dies!

Hey, it said 1:02, but ended at 1:01. I guess it just rounds up. Anyway, this was a good little cartoon. It was interesting to see some slice of life thing here. Oh yeah, this was "Homestuck" related. It's been so long since I've read that comic!

It's weird, considering I've read so much. Well, given how massive it is, that can be understandable. It's nice to see these characters in color. I could never cook like this. Maybe my brother could.

This fish kind of looked like Melvin. You know, the guy from meatcanyon? Anyway, this was great, but boy was it disturbing. It was definitely unpredictable. I mean, I had no clue what was going on here. It started off looking very beautiful.

It then turned really ugly, but in a good way. Even the voice (or rather sounds) were nice. It did come off as experimental. I mean, it had a plot, just a very odd one. We should be used to that by now.

That was a great loop! I appreciate all how bright and colorful it was. You really know how to keep the energy up. I wasn't expecting the music to be this good. The background was wonderful too. You know how to have a lot going on in a short time.

Yellow people always remind me of "The Simpsons". That, and happy faces. I guess it is short for a music video. The animation is more interesting than the lyrics. I assume she's 27.

I thought it was going to end with him getting a new crab. It was interesting to see more uplifting endings for your cartoons. I didn't like this as much as the other one submitted. I love the references to the "Monster Lab" series. This one is better. He's deliberately monochrome?

Sounds like nostalgia in itself! Hey, there's always new Pokemon being created all the time. Two highest rated submissions of the same series for the same day?! Impressive, dude! At least he still has his goldfish. Well, they die a lot too.

Wow, that was freaking awesome! This is easily the best thing you ever made! I really found myself rooting for Melvin! I had no idea he'd actually win! Most of your cartoons have such a depressing tone to them. This one was surprisingly uplifting.

I loved watching this slick animation. Damn, did I hate that guy. You made the perfect decision to get rid of him! Getting rid of an annoying character, now that's the right thing to do! It wasn't even too gross or anything. "Daddy, that's not mommy!".

How could I have not reviewed this before?! It's one of the most viewed submissions on the website! It even newer compared to other ones. The best part was probably the fight against the giant guy. Well, technically it's two giant guys. I notice all the details like the bullet holes in the walls.

It seems like there was dialogue for the first time in the series. It was just Jebus saying, "Goodnight Hank!". It's great to see the Auditor for the first time, too. I remember when it was so much easier to keep up with this series. Well, that was mostly because they deleted the Wikipedia article that chronicled all the episodes!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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