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Well, that was odd. It wasn't even a full cartoon. It was more like an ad. Well, I'm glad you included the tutorial. I imagine it must be hard to animate something like that even. I would have no idea how long that would take.

This wasn't quite worth seeing. The voice is quite good. I wonder if we'll ever have a "Rick And Morty" section? Sections are so common we might as well. Congratulations on showing this process.

Happy Leap Day! I thought this was a pretty good little cartoon. The first part wasn't that great. It really did build up to a great ending. I rarely hear people talk about their sketchbooks. The designs were nice too.

It looked like the characters were out of "Animal Crossing". The backgrounds were pretty good too. A lot of us had sketchbooks. My stuff never amounted to much. Just look at my single art submission.

I have to admit this was a lesser episode. It seemed a bit pointless. I still have to recommend it, because there's almost no dialogue. It comes off as very experimental that way! I love the animation of course. You have to appreciate the creativity.

I liked how different it was from the other episodes. This series has gone on so long, I could never follow it up. I know it's very creative. That's a cool machine. It's still put together well.

I liked this. I just didn't think it was amazing. Too late to mention Kobe? Eh, that was years ago. A battle between handicapped people? Cripple fight!

Yeah, I remember what melatonin is! I was afraid his head would smash on the pavement. Maybe it did. I felt like this could have been shorter. It's still pretty good even though I'm not a fan of this animation style.

Wow, that was awesome! I wasn't expecting it to be that good. There seems to be something wrong with this website for me. The cartoons won't start sometimes recently. It was amazing to see Fright Knight get destroyed so graphically. Dang, I'm a psychopath!

I did kind of want to see Lord Deathguise. That was still an epic battle or killing in itself. You always have to save cats. The animation is as fantastic as ever. This was seriously amazing.

That was quite awesome. He mentioned an evil monster, but I thought he was referring to the animator. Indeed, he was! I liked how the quality went down. They did something similar in "The Amazing World Of Gumball". The second "Phineas And Ferb" movie did that too.

This animation reminded me of Eddsworld. That was quite influential. The animation was uh, good. Dang, have there been some high rated stuff I haven't seen lately. Almost everything here is a short film.

haytendo responds:

thank you so much!

Wow, that was amazing! I had no idea the whole thing would be them falling through the air! I thought it would just be an opening gag for the cartoon. Boy, am I glad this hilarious thing lasted the whole time! Well, technically three fourths of the cartoon, but close enough. I thought that was Seth Rogen doing the voice!

I mean, he's done a ton of voices before! Given how high quality this is, I wouldn't be surprised if someone as talented as you got him. Great explanation for how he survived that fall. I'm glad he got all his stuff back at the end. I've never even seen these characters before, but boy are they awesome! This should have won Weekly User's Choice.

This reminds me of the Chibi Tales from Disney. I don't see what this had to do with Blockhead that much. It was still nice to see a single crossover from two Newgrounds characters. Have we even had that before? It seems like a pretty obvious idea. It's been awhile since I've seen Bitey.

I haven't seen Blockhead in a long time too. The animation's still nice. This just seemed too short and didn't have much point. It was still well animated. It just didn't seem to have nearly as much of a point as most of these shorts.

Wow, what a great cartoon! It's amazing how beautiful the animation is, even though it can look a little off. My only complaint was that it should have been longer. It's just great to see a standard pokemon battle like this. I love the movement of the Pokeballs. Yeah, it's a minor detail, but everything counts.

The music is quite stylized too. The punching scene was probably the best. Even in a short, a moment can stand out well. I wonder why she switched pokemon. "Pokemon" shouldn't really be autocorrected by now.

I knew this was a collection. There's so many of these! I just loved the animation. It was cool to hear that dial-up too. It may have been short, but it delivered the message very well. I love seeing that intro.

I forget that character's name. I'll try to remember Moonie. I love the Moon face too. It reminds me of the Collector from "The Owl House". I'm pretty sure it's been done before.

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