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It was great seeing all these artists together! My favorite might have been the "South Park" one. That was...Stonman! I can't even describe all these different parts. They're all so good. Yes, I do wish there was a collab like this with color.

I counted 127 credited people. Ooh, so close to beating your record for last year! I still can't help but love this. Maybe you could have arranged it in alphabetical order? I don't know how you chose the number, but anyway it's fantastic!

Stonmann responds:

Wait really you liked mine XD Fr? :0 mh mh I mean yea that one was pretty cool.

Dang, another perfect loop! I love it when you put actual stories to stuff like that. I thought the first one was supposed to be just a dream. I'm glad you were able to make a consistent tone. It makes even more sense rewatching it. I just love how her hair goes like that.

The rave scenes are of course the best. This is where the animation really stands out. It's just wonderful. You can associate with this sort of thing. You forgot she's a robot sometimes.

Yeah, that's quite weird. It's very ironic this design came into public domain the year Disney had their 100th anniversary! Well, 95 years is long enough. This was hilarious for something quite short. This reminds me of "Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey". Oh, please don't have someone make a Mickey Mouse horror film!

I heard WTPBAH was one of the worst films ever. This is what it deserves to be. A short little satire of Mickey Mouse. The black and white stock footage fit it perfectly. Mickey and Winnie are now both in the public domain yet are still in the Top 5 highest grossing franchises ever.

I really do love how it didn't just stop after thirty seconds. I was impressed at how far the joke went. It really got good when she mentioned the murders. Well, it looks like he's going to commit some more of them right now! At least it's a suicide this time. Maybe the credits were a bit too long.

I appreciate the animation of course. I haven't made a snowman in decades due to living in Florida. I like how their voices fit the tone of the cartoon. Wow, how'd you know I would see this in 2024 with how you mentioned New Year's? You're a fortune teller!

I could never remember all these characters' names. I'm so impressed by the animation! I wish we had more New Year's submissions! It doesn't even have its own section here! Such a shame! Anyway, this animation was as wonderful as ever. I am getting used to fireworks on New Year's!

That's the Fourth of July! New Year's is more about dropping balls. Boy, that sounds dirty. I am still not a furry. Except for Rouge.

Wow, this was really funny! I think my favorite part was probably the very end when it showed those effects from the games. I'm reminded of the "Skibidi Toilet" series on YouTube. I wonder if we'll ever get some tributes from them here? I didn't even notice the graphics in the background. I was just too focused on the drawings.

I loved the live-action parts too. I think this was random audio clips smashed together. That made it all the funnier! I guess it's been awhile since I've seen some TF2 stuff here. Oh, that acronym does exist here.

That was a pretty good little submission. The best part was how it worked so well as a loop. I mean, I couldn't tell when it started or ended. I do feel bad for this cyborg, or maybe just a robot. It must be hard to deal with losing those body parts. The colors were beautiful.

Happy New Year 2024! This is my first review of the year! This deserved to be a flash submission and not just an art portal thing. You get a sense of story that flows well, if oddly. Here's to a good new year!

So he works at night and sleeps in the daytime? That's not really that interesting. I am far more disciplined. I never go on the computer too late. This was still well animated. The music was fairly good.

It was just too short. I thought there would be more happening. It was perfectly normal, even though it starred a giant rabbit. You didn't even need to make him one. Whatever, this was just okay for me.

No hablo Espanol bueno.

This was great for something relatively short. I had no idea we were going to see so many different styles in this cartoon. Well, there were a lot of animators. I'm just so used to Atastic's stuff. You were late for Christmas. You should have made a New Year's submission instead.

It's a shame there's so little time to celebrate New Year's when compared to Christmas. This was still made in good fun. I can always appreciate a message like that. I counted 14 characters, none of them related to Donkey Kong.

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