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This game was awesome enough to deserve all its publicity. I will admit this was kind of too short. I think I have become more judgmental lately. YMS is probably rubbing off on me. I just wanted to see the other characters, I guess. Nothing will surpass "Friday Night Funkin'" in popularity here.

I did like the animation. I just wanted more moving. I don't know who this guy is. I'm more used to the classic characters. Oh, I guess he's supposed to be you.

Stradomyre responds:

you should stop watching YMS

Okay, I liked this movie. I just didn't think it was great. I thought the thumbnail made him look like a monkey! I just thought the animation looked a little rough. It reminded me of "Mad Max: Fury Road". Really, everything does nowadays.

Heh heh, you said "bust". When the front of the bus was shot, I thought (hey, it rhymes!) it was trying to spell something out. Hi, maybe? I should have looked at the tags beforehand. Look, I just want to watch the cartoon okay!

Wow, that was short but absolutely fantastic! I mean, you knew how to create some amazing animation here! The cel shading was indeed brilliant. I knew this wasn't standard CGI. You captured the spirit of the franchise so well so fast. Everyone is indeed fast.

Please make a longer version of this! I mean, make one like this that's longer. You know what I mean! There was a lot of software used too. This of course deserves its high score.

Wow, I thought this was so good it was great! It was just something about how it sent an interesting message. You know, it's about being so bad it's good. I think she did end up being so good it was great! I'm repeating that too many times. It was like "Cat Twerp".

This was just a positive cartoon in a very weird way. The funniest part might have been when they mentioned she just disappeared. There were lots of funny bits. You thanked your mom and dad in the credits. I've never seen that before, even though it seems obvious! It was just an unexpected fantastic cartoon!

I love how I had no idea what was going to happen next. I thought he would be a preacher. He really wasn't. He was just saying his prayers. That's something anyone can do! The animation is wonderful too.

The voices were good too. Hey, I'm the 1,004th viewer! Is that the closest to a thousandth I've ever gotten? George Carlin said he prayed to the Sun. Doc Ock is right on!

SQUiNKTV responds:

Thank you for the love!! 😘

This was just wonderful! It was easy to see the "Super Mario 64" influence. Well, that game's always thought of when mentioning the Nintendo 64. My favorite part was when it showed the dots connecting the platforms. Now that's nostalgic! Actually, I never got to that part anyway.

The design was also like "Banjo-Kazooie". I could also see some "Legend Of Zelda" influence as well. I wish this was an actual game! Don't make me miss old school graphics! Well, we don't even have them here.

Just seeing everyone use the trumpet was so fun. I thought it would just be Palpatine. Instead, it was all the characters! It was great for a single gag. This was short, but definitely good. I liked the little crown he had on.

I haven't seen goofy effects like that in a long time. It reminds me of Animutation. I miss those. I wish there were some author's comments. I don't understand the word "AGGA".

I never had a second Recess. Honestly, this could have happened with any recess. I think I knew someone who...you know, I probably shouldn't mention it. I never wore a windbreaker shirt. I wore windbreaker pants though. The animation was...as good as ever?

I thought you were talking about dodgeball at first. Here I was thinking that was rough. I can never tell how much of this you're exaggerating. I just used the swing set. It was such a shame how we outgrew that by High School (or was it Middle School?).

Well, that was rather strange. That better not be in the Mario movie! The best part was probably how I did feel bad for Mario. I mean, that was pretty crushing for him. This was indeed well animated. Well, maybe too well animated.

Hey, two "wells" in one sentence! I just wished for something more...pleasant to watch. I don't want to make anyone feel bad. Mario should exercise all the time anyway. I guess it just is what it is.

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