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Happy Pico Day 2023! Wow, we had little turnout this year. This was still very well animated. I loved the author's comments. I also like how everything's just silent at the end. Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Nene's Mexican, right? I didn't know Pico was bi. The boyfriend looks well animated into a Pico cartoon. He seriously looks just like a character from it. It's a fun little thing.

Hmm, that was short even for you. The animation's still as good as ever. I would think this would be a Pico cartoon. Maybe a Star Wars cartoon? Happy May the 4th!

GlitchArtTV responds:

HA!, I have even SHORTER XD

I knew it was going to be "If Cartoon Network made Breaking Bad". It couldn't be the same as last time. Damn, I haven't watched all of "Breaking Bad". He didn't really look two-faced. It looked like he was wearing half of Spider-Man's mask. I love that audio.

Hey, it's from "Breaking Bad". Anything from that is awesome! You make these things fast! They're all so well animated! Happy Star Wars Day even though this had nothing to do with Star Wars!

Wow, that was very impressive! I have seen most of these cartoons before. They are so awesome! I've seen a lot of YouTube videos with reel for famous voice actors. It's great to see one here too. You have a nice voice.

It is similar to an animation demo reel. I haven't seen those in a long time. I think this is the first time I've seen a voice reel here. You can just look up my reviews of these cartoons. I've reviewed everything here anyway.

I liked this, but didn't think it was a classic. It was mostly because it didn't have that much going on. I did like the main character. It was actually strange with how it was all a dream. That does seem like a strange statement. I just didn't understand the title.

How was the turkey sandwich important? That bird had one cheated angle. He should have known it was a trick. I mean, if they were like Sonic and Tails, then the bird shouldn't have been able to fly. I guess we make bad decisions in dreams.

Okay, the best part of this was the ending. A lot of people have made Indiana Jones old jokes. Well, you could say that about Harrison Ford in general. Lots of action stars are getting older. Technically, everyone is. I love this animation style as always.

So it WAS stop-motion after all! I have even more respect for you! Uh, Happy Pico Day? I just try to treat all films equally. His son still looks pretty young.

Oh yeah, Happy Pico Day! At first, I thought this was just going to be a shot-for-shot remake of the original. I certainly wasn't expecting that! It was so cool to see all of these characters together again! There were a bunch in the credits I missed too. I loved seeing Dirge.

It's a pity "Xombie" isn't even here anymore. Joe Zombie might have been my favorite. Now, it's been a LONG time since I've seen him. The "tags" part should be longer. Well, maybe that would have ruined the surprise.

I still think she looks like Queen Chrysalis. She can still show a lot of emotions, though.

That robot at the beginning looked familiar. I thought I was getting deja vu. I loved this animation. I really was rooting for this guy to get there. I wish I knew more about the guy who wanted the package. Damn, he was waiting a lot time for it!

He was probably a robot himself. I thought the guy was inside the monster's stomach at first. Well, he technically was. The monster just held him there for a long time. It was a nice, unique world.

Damn, was this awesome! I was so impressed at how the series has stayed consistently great! This is why Zeurel is so awesome. I love the jokes about not taking bright colorful cartoons so seriously. I knew you're talking about the plush for the little guys. I felt so sorry for him!

His whole species was killed off! I felt bad for those poor little guys! I was really hoping they'd come back to life somehow. I'm glad they weren't like killer rabbits. They took their cuteness and ran with it. It ended up being their own undoing, though!

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