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That "f**king s**t" line made me know it was an April Fool's Day joke. Wait, it was, wasn't it? I mean, it was pretty short and silly. That doesn't always mean an April Fool's Day joke. I was impressed by how so many people worked on it. Eddsworld will live on forever.

I loved seeing everything flow together so well. It was neat to see that picture of Jack Black at the end, too. The animation fit together quite well. I can see people put effort into this. Even in something short, people can work together (that's the third time I've said that).

This was a blast. The best part was Scratch. He was just so freaking funny as a straight man. He's usually dumber in the cartoon. I appreciate this animation style as well. I didn't even use a computer in 1992.

Wait, I was only 3! The voices were hilarious. It seemed like an "X-Men 97" reference. I thought this would have segments. It didn't need them, though.

Well, this actually had nothing to do with Playstation at all, but why would...oh. It's April Fool's Day! How could I have not figured that out?! I feel like such an idiot! I wish there was in fact a Playstation collab. Anyway, these segments were still quite funny.

I'm glad it wasn't too long. I assume an April Fool's Day joke would have it be either really short or really long. It was just right! Mario never really will die out, right? I recognize the "Racist Mario" thumbnail and the Rule 34 webs...let's stop right there.

Wow, this was a long one! I think my only complaint was that it was too long. I thought it was great, just not one of the best ever made. It's a shame this had nothing to do with Easter. Well, it did have a priest in it. I think the main appeal is that the characters act so much like real kids.

Halloween? Here I was thinking people were celebrating Christmas too early! My favorite character might be the mother. I mean, I really felt what she was going through. Happy Easter for some great submissions today!

Yeah, we remember this. His "I was frozen today!" still has a lot more uses. I can appreciate how great this animation is. I mean, you get his facial features down perfectly. I do wish it was longer. I would have loved to see how long the gag went on.

He appeared with Linkara who said Batman is rich and has bat-themed equipment. He kind of stopped using it after that. I mean, he hates it just as much as when "Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog" said you could learn something from a sloth. That could be a new meme! He massacred the cast of AOSTH for that!

I love how the monster just backs off at first. Then he apparently does it again. Then he just outright kills him. The animation was amazing. I knew one of those things he stepped on would blow up. The artwork was pretty good.

Happy Easter again! This did feature some guys coming back to life. Well, here it was just two days. I love how silly it got at the end. I recognized the Sonic music.

Oh yeah, this is so much like the Mickey Mouse cartoons here. I should have known it was the same author! Anyway, this was impressive. I thought he was going to say, "This is YOUR blood!" after he said, "This is my body!". It's still awesome. I loved that "On Earth as it is in Heaven" joke.

Was the villain Ronald Reagan? It figures. Jesus looked really weird. That kind of made sense given the silly context of this cartoon. Didn't it technically take two days for him to rise?

I have to admit that I was expecting to see Rayman in action. This still ended up being great! It's mostly because of the different styles of animation. This is also a pretty catchy song. It says a lot when you can just show someone singing and have that be amazing to look at. Well, also listen to.

It was great to see such good lip synching. It really seemed like he was singing it! I don't know that much about the franchise. I've played a game or two, but don't know the names of the other characters. Happy Easter again!

Happy Easter! Yeah, that must have been intentional. I didn't know Jesus would be so violent. I appreciate the amazing animation. You are known for that. I'm not sure if she saw him before or father she first said "Jesus".

Jesus looks pretty cute. The Bible does say it's wrong to cheat. I'm not sure if Jesus specifically said that. He must have certainly been against it. I don't quite sure what this has to do with hooking up.

I was expecting to see Kenny die. I mean, Mario dies in the games all the time! Well, he doesn't do much anymore. I appreciate how great the animation is. I wasn't expecting it to be that good. It looked like something made by golfinho.

This was better animated than that. It was great fun to hear that outro music too. You can do a lot with the "South Park" characters. I like the use of Star Road. This was more enjoyable than the "Super Mario World" cartoon.

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