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This was great as a quick joke, as always. The scores for these just keep getting higher! I guess he had met his match. This seems to make sense to me. The animation was pretty good. I couldn't tell if this was a sequel or a reference to the first game.

I'm going to say the latter. It does make you think about blocking. I mean, you can still get a hit in if you punch someone like that. It's still aiming. I rarely use that in fighting games.

SuperJeffoMan responds:

Spam that punch homie! VF has got those ring outs; nudge those blockers out. Lol nah this strategy wouldn't work a lot of the time, but it's funny when it did work.

Yeah you got it right, it's referencing the second game (background and music), but the joke could be interchangeable with the first. Anyways, thanks for the review :)

Wow, that was so nicely cartoonish! She looked just like Mickey Mouse! I guess we're just thinking about him since "Steamboat Willie" came into public domain. Don't remind me of Doug Walker's show with "Demo Reel". I thought this would have different characters. My grandfather used to call my grandmother "Dotty".

Her real name was Dorothy. It's just so wonderfully cartoonish. I'm glad it was all released at once. These would have been too short on their own. They work best as a compilation.

This was beautifully done. I didn't think it was great, just good. It reminded me of "Ratatouille". Well, that movie's so popular, it's probably just that I compare any story about mice and food to that film. I really like that image of him touching the cheese. What a holy image.

He looks so funny with his big eyes. Wait, this says Weekly 3rd Place. According to the e-mail I got, this is the Weekly User's Choice! Tell someone about this! Even if I personally don't love it, other people do!

It was great to see a cat cartoon! I mean, we see cat videos everywhere on YouTube, but not so much here. You'd think they'd be more common. I loved seeing these cats duke it out! I had no idea you'd do so much in under a minute! The ending was a bit weird, though.

It's still great for any cat lover! This is like Longcat vs. Tacgnol, only they're not long. Well, black and white are easy contrasts. I bet that's a hot tin roof! See the reference I made?

I have to admit that this was one of your lesser entries. It was just him punching a pink guy and him dancing. That was well, it. The animation was still as good as ever. The title's still good, though. The hand looks like a waffle from a distance.

That dancing guy looks like Donald Trump. Well, I guess I just see Donald Trump everywhere. Him getting in the polls is getting me down. Forget that, this seemed to take place in space. Well, he did look like an alien.

I have to admit that I found this to be pretty bad. You look like the ninja from "Ask A Ninja"! Anyway, this was just a snake getting electrocuted. It wasn't much else. I guess it is funny to see a snake in the air like that. Oh yeah "Snakes On A Plane".

That's probably how the snake got up there! It didn't even focus on the bird that much. The title was misleading! You have gone much better stuff that's wonderfully detailed. Maybe you could come up with a better title.

Maybe it would have worked fine as something part of the Art Portal. This did have some great music though. I like how it's set up. It is kind of bland to me. The colors are nice. These are some good author's comments.

It could work as like a literature portal. Eh, we don't need one of those. I thought the proportions would be unrealistic. It flowed together well. She's good at guitar.

Rio? I think it's pronounced Rye-u. Hey Yotsuba at 1:34! This was hilarious because there was so much going on. The pop culture references were great too. I wasn't expecting to see those cool looking sprites.

There wasn't much yaoi in this. Well, M. Bison did mention sucking at one point. That's too generic. A lot happened in just two minutes. It's always great to see a large voice cast too.

Wow, that was odd. Hey, it's Mr. Meseeks! This looked like it was live-action at first. Well, maybe the very first scene was. It was mostly just really good CGI. That guy didn't look like the Joker.

Well, I guess the word joker has other meanings. It actually got pretty serious at the very end. I guess it was more like even weirder. The monkeys were very strange. I liked the blue guy though.

This had some great animation. I certainly wasn't expecting Mr. Dink to appear! It's great to see "Doug" references. Online, it seems to be known as something hated by the Nostalgia Critic. Mr. Dink sounded like Grunkle Stan. Wait, did he already sound like that?

I'm impressed at how they managed to make a bit that went on that long in real life while playing the game! Well, after playing games so often, it can go like that. I remember the Alucard design from that awful "Captain N" cartoon. Potato pancakes? I guess he's celebrating Hanukkah.

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