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I simply can not believe this has not had more views, but I suppose it is more popular on your website. I have always loved cats and this is a fantastic reason why. The audio used in this is absolutely gorgeous (if you can even call audio gorgeous) not to mention the animation is way newer than it looks. It is among the most emotional flashes I have seen, because a lonely cat is something we can all relate to. Of all the darkness in the world, there will still be hope, love, and joy no matter what!

Great new series!

I have just been introduced to this series and I can understand why it has such a high rating! This is truly impressive as I able to like these characters even though I have not seen the other episodes. Man, that lady's breasts are pretty big. Anyway, the animaton is pretty good and the jokes are funny, especially the one about the batteries. It seems like you have worked to create a world of your own, even if the designs are not the most original. It is all around an interesting thing to watch and enjoy.

Zero-End responds:

Thanks! Evergeek 5 is out now.

An instant classic!

I am glad you did not make a Tiger Woods joke at the end or something. I really love it how you did not focus on any of the main characters and just the Mario parodies are in these. I especially love Buzz as I always do and it was great to end with him turning into the wereporcupine! There are simply so many funny moments it would take me all day to list them. The funniest might have been when she claimed that Plumber Pete had a platonic love. As I know a lot about shipping, I have certainly heard that word before.

Wonderful stuff

I think this was one of the greatest anti Clock Day flashes simply people have still not managed to copy its uniqueness. The way you start with that long text just shows how intelligent the flash is going to be. It is cool to use a clock tower stick man to show defiance of the Clocks. I love how StrawberryClock's grandfather appears and gets shot as well. Of course, the action by itself and deaths are really cool too. It is funny to see a fruit clock with a red skin (?) color to get covered in red blood.

We drink ritalin!

This is one of the most famous animutations ever made and one of the greatest even after all these years! I am noticing now how Hitler is appearing in more and more animutations. It is easy for me to understand that this is reinforcing Godwin's Law. It was also great to come up with a lot of original people to use. It is among the best fake subtitles I have seen as it really does sound just like what is being said. I never would have even heard of Dave Frishberg if not for this animutation.

I'm so happy!

While it was certainly short, it was a very funny cartoon if only because that turtle from "Toss The Turtle" appeared and got his revenge for being, well, tossed around. I was impressed by how cool the animation was. This is done in the same style as Gonzossm's work. I think it is really cool how I myself just had my 21st birthday a week ago! I would know that 21 (or in this case 18) is a very important day. Again, it was short, but some things work like that if the delivery and animation is as good as this.

One of the best Nutshell series

You are very deserving of your Underdog Of The Week award as it is a true underdog. I normally do not look at stuff made by single members of the Star Syndicate. What makes it so cool is that you tried to get across different shows and not just a single one. It is so funny to hear these silly little voices coming from the bodies. These are in fact how a lot of people act in those reality shows. This has arguably more satire than any other of the "In A Nutshell" movies, which makes it one of the best.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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