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I didn't think this was as good as your other episodes, but this was still nice. The highlight was probably seeing Raven like that, if at all. It was also nice to get a good shot of Lenny. The voice acting and animation in these things are completely flawless! It's amazing how much you got this person to sound like Raven. Old classic shows should never die.

Of course, if being raped is what makes you stay alive, maybe you should just die. I'm really getting to know the narrator more. It's great someone like BennettTheSage got on this. I am not a fan of hentai, so I'm not one of your biggest fans. Still, I can't deny how popular you are.

I thought it was weird that something so anti-MLP could have such a high rating. Of course, that did somewhat change at the end. I appreciate you having great animation as the actual show does. There should probably be a "South Park" episode or something satirizing that. I thought Batman was going to talk about a Batman show. I never liked "Biker Mice From Mars".

It's great that you get Batman's voice down so well. Or rather, JAZZA did, I couldn't recognize him at all. There are sometimes in this cartoon where I swear I can see his pupils. This is just something you can tell was made with sincerity. I like how you mention how you mention how you did it.

I didn't think this was as good as the first entry, but it was still very fun. I think its strongest point is probably how the animation is as awesome as ever. It's funny, because when he mentioned an English criminal ghost, I thought he was going to say Jack The Ripper. When he didn't and then he did, boy was I amazed. I loved the running gag of the explosion. That ending seemed to come out of nowhere, too.

I think it's interesting to introduce rivals to the main characters. I just loved the transition effects in this, especially with how the book moved. The animation kind of reminds me of "Adventure Time". Geez, I need to start watching that show. It's just fun from beginning to end.

CorneliusToots responds:

Thanks for the very constructive feedback, that was awesome! Glad you enjoyed it still. :) Adventure Time is absolutely one of our influences.

It seems like it's been awhile since the last entry in this series. I was afraid there was going to be some screamer or something at the end, because of how you said to turn up the volume. Then again, those things are kind of rare nowadays. It's great to see all these characters back. I missed not having the CSI "Yeah!" thing being said while he was talking. No, I don't remember their names.

The animation was as great as always. It seems like we're really building up to something here. I wasn't expecting Descartes to die. I guess it only makes sense one of them would. That being said, I think this cartoon actually made a lot of sense.

I found this cartoon to be really cool, probably because it's something so many people can relate to. You kind of remind me of Zeurel, not to say you aren't a talented artist in your own right. I thought it was really cool how all the bad stuff turned into good stuff. I, myself, have never been a kid who had a lot of nightmares. Like everyone else, I have still had late night worries.

We all knew what it was like to be like this. I liked how it was so unpredictable and there were so many zany things going on. Apart from having great animation, it works well as a feel good cartoon. I appreicated all the work put onto this. I believe it took three months to make.

It's pretty rare that you get a Madness cartoon with actual dialogue. I couldn't believe that this went on that long. I felt for sure it was just going to be something that stopped after one part. I guess I'm certainly glad it wasn't! It was really cool to have all of these different styles going on with each one transferring to the next. You rarely see that in a collab.

I think my favorite was probably the second part, because it might have had the most action. Although the one with the shapeshifting black string was awesome too. It kind of ended on a sad note. Of course, all of these flashes really do. Happy Madness Day 2012!

Ha ha, this is probably my second favorite submission for Madness Day 2012. It was funny when Tricky showed up and he just got defeated so easily. It was so great how there was constant violence going on. It was just awesomeness from beginning to end. Some of it I did not understand, but it's still masterfully done. The best part is how you get to see that funny face the whole time.

Are the other characters just not able to see or talk? The music was as appropriate as anything else for this. You obviously put some dedication into this. It's good to see all the zany stuff going on. It's great to see people still dedicated to this.

Ellvis responds:

ho ho thank you for this nice review :)

When I first laid eyes on this, it was something I knew was going to be good! This is so awesome because it so wonderfully gives these characters justice. It's one of the most original interpretations of these characters that I've ever seen! It's just great to see nonstop action that never lets down for a second. I especially like how you emphasize their body parts so much. It's not deranged animation, but wonderfully done.

The music is memorable as always. I can understand why you got the Daily Feature and Weekly User's choice for this. It's so funny to see the guy just get shot like that at the end. I mean, wouldn't you do the same, granted you had a gun? I thought it was weird how that one guy's head came off. It made me realize that their heads are attached to their bodies.

I admit that I wasn't too interested in this at first, but it certainly got better! It's the best submission I've seen for Madness Day 2012! What really makes it so cool is how awesome the designs are. You truly have no idea whatsoever what crazy thing is going to pop up next in this. It doesn't help that I barely remember the previous entries. It's still great to see all this crazy stuff going on.

It's weird, because you really have created a unique design for the characters themselves. They seem to be more round and have a darker outline. The sounds and everything else sync up so well. It's great to see your work again. Oh, and Happy Madness Day 2012!

Alpha-Nuva responds:

Yeah, I made the lines bolder and stylized them. Looks a like a heavily-inked comic book style, which I really dig.

Wow, this was one messed up submission, even for you. It's funny, because it actually might have worked out better if you had made it more zany. I was expecting some supernatural creature to appear in this. Whatever this thing is about, it's completely mad. That being said, at least it had all the great animation you are known for. There are so many transvetities out there.

Or transsexuals, or whatever these people are. I appreciate you always looking for something new and ridiculous in your submissions. This was just so insane, I don't even know where to begin. It reminds me about how I have a pimple on my lip. Don't worry, I'm too lonely to get an STD.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i'm sorry to hear that ericho, but i'm going to have to deduct two stars off my review of your review because you shared too much personal information and used the word zany in a non pejoratve way. 3/5.

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