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I thought this couldn't be a loop. I mean, it had a time frame. I just didn't know it already looped! I don't think I've ever seen that here before. It deserves its Daily Feature! I'm always glad to see stuff I didn't notice before.

This seemed a lot like a game being played. I think there was a game like this. I just love how it flows. I mean, it of course took me awhile to realize it would never change. I just like how it's set up.

Weird not having Foamy in there. I thought he might appear at the end. You know, with the last ten seconds. I believe that a tablet can be annoying. This was still too short.

We all have problems with computers. Mine did too just recently. I do wish this was longer. The animation's actually quite good. There's some effort.

Maybe the shortest cartoon to ever get front paged! It's still great for a quick laugh. I do love those voices. Sounds like it was going to cut off before something really dirty was said. It's sad how I haven't been able to keep up with all the pokemon. The animation's as great as ever.

You have very slick CGI. This looks just like the film! I will admit it was too short. I knew it would be something violent or sexual or both. "Zootopia" sure was a profound Disney film. I mean, it had their first female animal protagonist!

Too bad "The Secret Of Nimh" beat them out on that a long time ago. The voice was nice as well. I'm just not a fan of yours. It's still worth watching. A good short little cartoon.

Hmm, not really a comedy. It's a straight up tribute! You have to admire a narrative driven story to Pac-Man! Well, there was a Pac-Man cartoon. There were also some other ones. This was better than any of them!

Wow, the 40th anniversary? I am old! Well, I wasn't around when it came out. I'm so glad it wasn't a parody of "To Catch A Predator". It's amazing how you can play this straight.

HOwLiNG-MAdFoxHatter responds:

So glad you enjoyed x3

Pac-Man is such a simple game but there are so many stories that can be told just from all the ways you just barley dodge the ghosts or the silly ways you accidentally get caught

I'll tell yea, so many times I have died in Ms. Pac-Man form all the times I got greedy and risky trying to get the fruit xD

Dang, I love this song! I do have one major complaint though. Half of it was credits! Well, it's still awesome. This has one of the most surreal music videos ever made. I'm so glad someone reanimated it.

There should be some kind of section for this. I mean, it's its own genre now! I feel bad for not knowing you guys! Well, it's always great to learn about new artists. New for me, at least.

H-rabbit responds:

I know the credits are long but I tried to make them worth your time if you decide to stick around

The credits ended at 20 minutes. I thought it was going to be the longest stinger ever! The credits did go on too long. I still loved this. I admit the animation was a double edged sword. It was certainly unique, but quite uneven.

The body parts weren't that well done. The best part was easily the climax. You definitely have unique ideas here. I can always appreciate that. Interesting how they made sounds, but no words.

I really liked this! The designs could have been more detailed. It's still a great cartoon. I like how calm it is. Sure, there's some monsters, but still very quaint. This deserves its front page.

The colors were quite good. It's nice to have a cartoon with no dialogue. There's a lot of nice little touches. I like this gray fox character. It's fun for a little short.

That was the best cartoon I've seen all day! Okay, I haven't seen many. I knew it was going to be something extreme. It really wasn't. I wasn't expecting to see those dead bodies. Those can work.

It was an accident. That kid just deserved a little punch. Loved the animation. You do a lot in such a little time. It isn't lazy!

Wow, all three main awards! How have I not reviewed this before?! I must have at least seen it. This should have its own section. It can be hard to get used to a series with such long episodes. This is still amazing.

The animation worked so well. It wasn't that well detailed, just perfect. It's great to know you have such a long and appropriate acronym. It's great how you throw in slice of life elements with ninjas. At least it got into one section.

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