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Short, but that was hilarious. It helps that everything looks so cute. It's a pity this has been forgotten with the infinite number of FNF flashes lately. It's hard to be a good cartoon that's so short. Well, at least here. The voices are perfect.

Seems like Luigi really is despised by the other characters. I love your appeal. Even a small gag can be funny. Well, that is done with newspaper comics! Not that anyone but me reads them anymore.

It was short, but still great. That describes most of these cartoons. It did have a fairly distinct style. DadBattle? There should have been two dads involved! It's amazing how much personality they have without talking.

Well, there's tones in their speech. How many Funkinjam tags are there?! There should be one for Friday Night Funking. This sounds way too dirty. I'm really liking the girlfriend.

I was thinking this was the longest cartoon in the series, but then the credits went on too long! I love the style. Has anime ever been done with this before? The number of these cartoons is incalculable. Has this been done with MLP? I don't think so. Whatever, it was amazing.

The girlfriend is my favorite character. She seems to be obviously the nicest character out there. I'd still love to see her rap too. Has that been done before? I bet it has.

That was a very cute little cartoon! I can be annoyed by all the beeps over and over but this still managed to be nice. I never noticed how big the girlfriend was. Well, maybe it was just in this cartoon. Move over, Purple Imposter indeed! This has surpassed that jam.

I've never seen more flashes made in a series! I think even TheStarSyndicate would be impressed by this! I like how these characters play off each other. Almost every cartoon on the front page is FNF related! I guess Pico wouldn't be an experienced driver.

I gotta hand it to you. This is really is one of the best cartoons ever made! Certainly one of the best FNF cartoons. The original game isn't even in this section! I seriously think this could surpass Mario in terms of flashes here. Again, I loved how there were actual lyrics.

I'm soo glad that the dad is referred to as a demon. I mean, he just must be! I loved how you including all the characters in the final shot. Even Pico, who's technically a character in someone else, is there. Everyone will probably come in the next couple of weeks. This is just wonderfully satisfying.

This was awesome as always. I seriously don't think any celebratory day has garnered this many cartoons on Newgrounds! It helps that they're awesome like this. This still manages to stand out. It's mostly because it contains actual lyrics. We need more of that with these flashes.

You understand more with this girlfriend. I really am thinking her dad's a demon. He seems to magically conjure up his mike. This is something that will last forever. Even if it doesn't, these flashes will still be around forever!

Yeah, I loved to see something from the creator of "Satina". It doesn't even have to be Satina related. I just loved seeing this animation. I mean seriously, everything is so wonderfully colorful here! It's so vivid! The shark seemed to be an inverted mermaid.

Wait, I don't think I've ever even seen a shark mermaid before. It can be hard to be distinctive about a shark's lower half. I could easily see this becoming a series. It's so nice to take a break from all the FNF cartoons. They're great, but I do want something different! I live by the ocean too.

Wow, I think this may be my favorite FNF Jam ever! It's always great to see cameos from the other Newgrounds characters. The best part was probably the amazing animation. I mean, it was truly wonderfully cartoony! I've never even seen some of these characters outside their source material. It's always great to have new members of the NG family! Pico did reference his father here.

Great to have Pico here especially. He is an actual character in the game! I admit that I was tired of seeing nothing but FNF stuff here. This was a breath of fresh air with how original it was. It WILL live on forever. I think it's much better than the original game.

YouTubular? I've heard that phrase before. This was actually a very sweet cartoon. I can totally see this as the origin of their relationship. The dad kind of reminds me of Hunson from "Adventure Time!". You know, he's demonic, but does care about his daughter.

The animation style was crude, but still worked. It's creative for this jam. When there's so many different authors, there's bound to be creativity. I will admit it could have been a bit longer. Not much like "Star Trek".

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