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I thought this was the best in the series! I know the shorts aren't much of a series in themselves, but this was quite fun! I just love how you put these characters in a school situation. It really does match up their personalities quite well. It might not make much sense in-universe, but it's still hilarious! The animation and the voices are as good as ever.

I just love how quickly these characters react. It's nice to see them all play off each other. It's not that different from other shorts per se, but the atmosphere is fantastic. It's even pretty long for a short of yours. Very nice work.

I was pretty weirded out by this. I wasn't sure if it was a comedy at first. I knew it was when the one monster flashed a mushroom face for a second. Oh yeah, he did that. I appreciate how good animation is. I really did like how it was unpredictable. I guess I'd like it if I was more familiar with the story.

I didn't understand why that guy didn't get infected. He got bit on the neck! Maybe that's just not how it works. I thought the girl sounded like Rina-chan. I really am starting to miss her.

DuDuL responds:

Once he got bit i went with the game mechanic "You died... retry?" and you can say that the latter parts are from the previous checkpoint.

I was impressed by this. I just thought it was wonderful with how the creatures were designed. I will say it was a bit too short. I am glad something really bad didn't happen at the end. I'm cynical to the point where I think that would happen. It's interesting how it's all a dream.

I thought you were going to make this an educational video with the title. I'm fairly glad it wasn't. It helps that the animation is quite good too. I appreciate you making something so cute. Not great, but still good.

I didn't really care for this. I think it was okay. It was still better than any feature length parody movie in the last seven years. It seemed like you were mentioning the clichés a bit too much. You don't need to do that. Parental abandonment is probably worse in anime than Disney movies.

The animation is pretty alright. The best part was probably when he exploded. Explosions are often cool. I'm not interested in more episodes. It was also a bit too long.

KKING1 responds:

about "Parental abandonment"... in here it was more of a Dead parents... like in Naruto,Bleach,DBZ,Kill la Kill... Come on almost every hero in anime is an orphan or have a dead parent because parents hold the hero back... like Chi-Chi hold Gohan back in DragonballZ! :P

It didn't seem like it would be all that good, but it really did get better! It helps that the Ghostbusters theme is so awesome in itself. It's hard to make anything bad out of that. I am glad it wasn't just an infinite loop. With the new mp4 format, you rarely see that anymore. The animation is also quite good.

I appreciate you wanting to honor someone like that. It flows pretty well. I didn't know there were other ones. I hope that new "Ghostbusters" movie is good. It's just a fun little flash.

Wow, this has the highest score of anything I've ever seen on this website! I really have no choice but to love it. It had seriously some of the best animation I have ever seen in my life! Even as someone who is not familiar with "The Elder Scrolls", this was freaking fantastic! I loved every second of it! You really are good at drawing beautiful women.

I'd like to see some fanart of yours that features hot women. I simply have to see all of your works soon. I just loved how high spirits this was. Everything moves together so wonderfully. This is even higher rated than the Starbarians episodes! Love to see those soon, too.

I really liked this, because I had no idea where it was all going. It truly was interesting to see how one thing lead to another. I didn't quite understand it all. Then again, it's a comedy, so it probably wasn't meant to make much sense. I really like the animation. The newspaper and gluestick factory thing was pretty cool.

It really is a cartoon that tries to make sense with itself. I liked the constant nut jokes. I was hoping there'd be one at the end. Oh well, this is still very good. The music is cool too.

danmarkowitz responds:

I forgot to put a joke at the end? Aw nuts!

For some reason, I am reminded of "Cow And Chicken" where it said "End". You guys have still created a pretty unique phrase for yourself. This was fairly mediocre. I'm impressed at how you're the #2 highest rated cartoon on the website! Then again, that rarely lasts. I was expecting a bit more action.

The animation was just okay. I thought it was at least kind of different. I wasn't expecting it to end so quickly. I always try to analyze everything, even in really short cartoons. You could be more creative.

I love this, mostly because of the voice. I'm glad I'm not the only person who noted the similiarity to Earl Lemongrab's voice. That HAS to be intentional. I wouldn't be surprised if you had the actual guy who did his voice! I really liked the animation too. It's weird to see captainmcross not do the animation.

I could tell this wasn't this, because of his distinct art style. I don't know if that's a real mythical creature. Wait a minute, real mythical creature? I really did not know what would happen next. I guess he did fulfill his purpose.

Dang, I am going to feel like such a sadist by not giving this the full five stars. It had one of the highest ratings I've ever seen on this website! I'm still not going to make it full, because, well, I think it was a bit too long and complicated. This isn't to say of course, I didn't adore it! The animation is as fantastic as ever and I love the voicework too. I can see why this is so popular.

I like how every character has a unique design, voice, and personality. I'm starting to see a lot more of a continuing plot. At first, it just seemed like random cartoons. I guess most people say this is for the better. It's just great to watch.

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