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Yeah, I looked this up too. I will admit I didn't think this was that good. It was just a flying lawnmower attacking this guy. There should have been more going on. Well, there was enough, it's just that it was too short. The guy actually died four days later.

Yeah, to get into that would be morbid, even for you. There could be some other people there. Well, I haven't done research as to how it really turned out. I guess it's hard to make something that long in this. It just could have been more enjoyable.

TerribleDesign responds:

So what you are saying is that I should program a loop that loops the animation/sound for four days. That can be arranged.
This is no where near as morbid as I get; I've been on the internet a long time. :)

Ah, I freaking love this! I have only seen or listened to one of those. I enjoyed seeing the ice cream bunny in this. Boy, was that awful. I still haven't synched one of these things up. I just loved the animation in this. It must be wonderful to work on this.

I hope they love it! The rest of us certainly did. It was great to see all these unique characters here. You should be featured in an episode yourself! Even if it's not an official one, it can be something else.

I have to admit that was really, well, weird. I think it's great that you mention all this stuff about famous people like that. It is completely true. I think this guy was a dictator of some kind, so he deserved it. I had no idea he was going to die in the very last second. That is good timing, my friend!

The animation was actually pretty good. I guess you're not known for that here. I thought the voice wasn't bad either. Did you look under a list of unusual deaths? I have already.

Well, that was quite strange. I expected something of higher quality from you. Oh well, the animation was good at least. I wonder if an elephant could do that? I know that giraffes can lick their own ears. Their necks are WAY too high to reach that far, though.

I guess this was okay as just a single joke. I still think it could have been better overall. I guess elephants are kind of funny. The voice wasn't bad. I'm so glad this doesn't just loop.

The part with Cycon was easily the best. It's weird, because I actually like the works of everyone else better here. It's still not my favorite Clock submission. I loved the "Simpsons" quote at the beginning of this. It's nice to have the characters living in different dimensions or universes. It removes the effort of having a shared universe.

There was little clue to me as to what was going on. Nice to see LegendaryFrog again. He should be here more! Happy Clock Day 2014! This is currently the highest rated thing of this Clock Day!

My biggest regret is that I accidently hit "2" under voting! I didn't mean it! This deserves a 5! It seriously is one of the best cartoons I've ever seen! Every single bit of animation is completely and fantastically fluid. I had no idea what was going to happen in the end.

The voices were absolutely flawless. I just loved everything about this. One of the voice actors sounds like Patrick Warburton. I guess I'm just used to hearing his voice. I don't see why this isn't the highest rated cartoon on the whole website! It's flawless!

Well...I really don't know what to say. I thought the opening animation was probably the best I have ever seen from you guys. I knew the rest of it wouldn't be as good. I am still glad I saw the whole thing. I was really starting to think that Clock Day was dead. You guys have proved me wrong.

I'm amazed it went on so long. It's been so long since I've seen Pube Muppet. It really did have an ongoing story. It's quite unpredictable. I am so glad you guys are still around and will still make cool stuff like this.

Wow, that's so freaking sad. At the same time, I find myself questioning if it sends that good a message. Money isn't everything. Well, I know it's much deeper than that. It reminded me of that recent silent movie. This wasn't as good.

I really do like this movie and think it's quite powerful. I'm glad we can communicate like this. I don't want to demean anyone with my criteria. I would never attack someone like that. I'm not going to do that to you either.

I admit that it was freaking awesome how that guy died. It's weird, because it seemed like you would do that. It just seemed too anti-climatic at first, but you know what? It really was set up well. The animation and voices are as great as ever. I guess I'll always say that in my reviews.

Well, it's true. I thought they were quite distinct and I loved the "Jurassic Park" reference. I feel like we are making progress in the story. It's been going so long that I'm not sure if it has any end. Well, it's nowhere near as long as TTA.

I love this! It has been literally years since your last cartoon! It's weird, because you've done other episodes, so why is this the first? I guess you're just remaking it like Kirbopher's TTA. I don't remember the plots of the other episodes. It's quite unpredictable.

The highlight is of course how wonderful the animation is. Honestly, it's some of the best I've seen! The trees look especially beautiful. I am certainly waiting for more episodes. I love all of these characters' zany personalities.

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