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This was hilarious. It's just great to see Leonardo being punished for all this screaming. I felt like this was the perfect length too. We all want to do the same to him. "Saw" has been parodied so many times. There should be a collection or something for it.

It was great for a Halloween short. The voices are still funny. Is this the end of the series? It was certainly fun while it lasted. Well, nothing can go on forever.

Wow, I had no idea Will Sasso was so filthy! I could get used to these cartoons. It looks like you really are making a new one every week. The animation was really good. I had no idea Wilford Brimley would be in this. Well, I did see him in the thumbnail.

I guess I just didn't recognize him. This is still quite entertaining. I noticed the picture of Church Lady. It's great to hear everyone laugh. I love just seeing a bunch of guys having fun.

Alright, glad I got through the credits this time! Anyway, this was an improvement. I especially like the Oompa Loompas. We need more of those guys, am I right? I liked the fat joke. I think the length was better. The animation still hasn't improved.

The voices weren't bad. It just wasn't that interesting. That guy can't stop committing suicide. I just now noticed his shirt. Yeah, that ambiguous gender thing was intentional.

I thought this was pretty bad. I mean, it was just emos talking and kissing. I guess the water gun joke was okay. Ow, dang it, I didn't see the scene at the end. That was easily the funniest part of the whole thing! It was just too short.

It seems cheap to make gay jokes. Anyone can be gay. That guy seriously looks like a girl. That was probably intentional. The animation isn't that good either.

At first, I was thinking it wouldn't have the standard short format. You know, with the individual shorts being clickable? Instead, they were! Well, this was still great. I was also afraid that it would be really short cartoons. I loved how they got longer.

It really did get better as it went along! Well, most of us do this thing left to right, right? Right, right, how redundant. My favorite was probably "Candy". I'm glad "Teeth" wasn't about what I thought it was about.

This was paced weirdly. It still worked out very well. I knew that he was going to say that it was just gibberish. Of course it was! I was a little familiar with that French. Wow, I probably know more of that than the Spanish I studied.

The voices are pretty good. It's a shame this didn't get its own series page. Soupy lives in a Mario pipe! I love the king's time of the year joke. Birds are pretty cool.

I guess this was at least unique. It was hard for me to like it. I mean, the animation was pretty shoddy. Still, it wasn't the worst Halloween cartoon out there. The music was nice. I think you've done much better things.

It needed more of a plot. Well, I certainly couldn't follow it. Maybe I just didn't care for it. It was nothing to remember. I guess it was nothing that bad to remember either.

I find this to be pretty dumb. I mean, it was just a guy shitting in a pumpkin. That was it. What was that thing at the end? It looked like flying poop. Was it supposed to be a squirrel?

I really didn't care. This made it into the Halloween Collection alright. It has the lowest score. Be careful what you wish for. The animation was pretty bad too.

Great to see this! It's a pity Ultimate Naruto Fanflash went away. I don't know why. I liked the cheesy animation. It looked like it was a Madness character that was driving Jiraiya's car. The Mr. Wonderful bit was great too.

I really didn't know what would happen with the Star Wars parody. Was this real Japanese? I didn't know Paris Hilton made an album. I have no doubt it's awful. "Naruto" was really in at this time.

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