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Seeing as how long it took to release the second one, I'm glad this came out a lot sooner. I especially love hearing these great voices. I guess you could say LegendaryFrog is now associated with you guys! Well, everyone is nowadays. I loved the animation. Brad's voice is the best.

Seriously, you should have been a voice actor a long time ago. I actually do like Lloyd. Well, cats are always cute. The length was great too. Kind of long for this website, but I don't care.

Toonwerks responds:

Glad you liked it! We simply neglected to release the older episodes on here, so we're putting them up rapid fire now

I've never played any of the Monkey Island games. I'm still pretty familiar with them, though. I love seeing this animation. Everything is just so wonderfully fast paced. It reminded me of the "In A Nutshell" series. There should be more of those.

I guess it's just a meme that died out. I guess this was a fast paced summary. I know at least some of the mythology. Given how popular video games in general are, I could understand it. I just liked the gags.

I can't believe this doesn't have a higher rating! Well, I guess it might be because the Kitty Krew won. Everybody hates them. I guess a "K" hadn't been taken up by a group yet. Wait, you still stole "crew" from the Clocks! No wonder Strawberry is so angry.

I did love the animation in this. There's so much going on. I'm not familiar with Venom on this website. Well, it's so huge even I can't recall all the popular things. It's just very satisfying to me.

Dane Cook was voted the worst comedian of all time by a few people. I honestly think he can be funny. He's certainly not one of my favorites. I certainly don't think I'm in any group that has a person like this. I guess I'm the person nobody likes. Well, I do know worse people.

This is getting too personal. I still like the animation in this. It has a lot going for it. I just love you using Karin. Yeah, she probably is that in that group.

I felt this was too short, but it was still good. I'm glad to look back and realize how bad that administration is. Nowadays, you'd probably call this "Mike Knows Best". Honestly, I haven't been paying that much attention to the Trump administration. He hasn't gotten us into too many wars. The voices were pretty good here.

I really wasn't expecting Dick Cheney to pop out of that woman's body. What was he doing in there anyway? I knew it wouldn't end well for the kid. At least we had eight years of a good leader. This was fun.

It's great to have such a wonderful conclusion to such a great series! It was so funny to hear Cream say, "I'm such a little bunny!" over and over. The sprite work was so good. Yeah, I'll never get tired of those. I wasn't expecting Wakko to appear. Crossovers are always cool.

I don't know why you changed the name. William Shatner and no audio of Rocket Man? What a letdown! Mario and Sonic have been in so many Olympic games now. I think Cream the Rabbit is some dirty euphemism.

Wow, I was surprised at how long this was. It shows how much effort you put into it. I can tell when something takes a lot of effort. I just loved the sprite work. I'm not that much into Mega Man. I guess I couldn't follow a lot of it.

The thing is, Mega Man is so popular here I was still able to understand most of it. It's great to see all these characters. Was this another TTA inspired thing? It's a pity Kirbopher sort of disowned that. It's still great.

This was rather goofy, but it was still fun. It's probably because of how it's in such high spirits. It's a shame this holiday died off. I certainly haven't heard from it since 2007. Then again, I don't even remember when it first came out. Luis is quite important.

I just really liked the animation. It was nice and goofy. It just seemed to jumble around everywhere. You should make more cartoons. Shouldn't there be a Tom Fulp day?

I admitted that I was disappointed with how short this was. Then I looked at the title and realized that it was just a teaser! Still, it isn't much. Why were those women topless? Is that just a thing in some tribes? The music was great.

From what visuals I saw, it certainly looks great. A trailer for a short? I guess weirder things have happened. I like the use of stop motion. It shows how dedicated you are.

I didn't like this at all. It's a shame Luis Day never caught on. I still appreciate you wanting to pay tribute to a great contributor. This just has so little. It's not offensive or anything.

Then again, it probably would have worked better if it was offensive. You needed to have more going on. That "Money please, senior?" goes on forever. It's too annoying. Uh, Happy Luis Day!

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