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Uh, that was it? It was just Abobo fighting Billy. I mean, literally nothing else happened. I guess the sprite work was good. We just need to have more stuff going on. It had little point.

At least I'm familiar with Abobo. The fight scene wasn't bad. It was just too short! It's hard to say much else. I'm sure you've made better stuff.

I loved this! It was great seeing all these funny elements over and over. I just loved how random it was. I think my favorite part might have been the facial expressions. That was probably the most creative. The sprite work was great too.

The second one was probably the one with the best artwork. Wasn't expecting Luigi to fart. It's too bad you rarely see sprite stuff anymore. This was still awesome. The drawn bits were great too.

Weird, you'd think this would be a game given the menu. This is one of the best Star Syndicate cartoons I've ever seen. I love it how you guys really can do good stuff. It was great to see everyone contribute. It made little sense, but was still great. I love the artwork.

The song's pretty catchy too. I just love how energetic this is. I always look for that in cartoons. It's just very fun. I appreciate everyone working together so hard.

This started out funny, but it actually had great action as it went along. I like the idea of a little pimp Thwomp. The song cut off right when it was about to say the N-word. That was probably intentional. The sprite work was excellent. This really did have a story to it.

I loved it when the Thwomp turned into a helicopter. I'm not familiar with that bit actually. I did find myself rooting for these guys. The egg throwing scene was great too. It's just very fun.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious the opening bit was a fake out. I mean, it's right there in the title! I bet Weird Al Yankovic has been used the most in these. I think my favorite was probably Lewis Black. I love that guy. I'm glad to know where that "I'm gonna fuck you" song came from.

Not familiar with the game Tapper. Ted Stevens is dated by now. Well, not back then. I appreciate the goofy sprite work. Wait, this isn't really sprite work.

I wanted to see more! Instead, it was just that one zombie getting killed at the end. Well, I guess I can't complain much. This was well animated at least. It was even cool to see that poster. Okay, I've never seen the full movie.

I have seen that famous lawnmower scene. Zombies are always awesome. It's hard to tell if this had any of the characters in them. Well, it probably didn't. The artwork holds up after a decade!

Aww, ZekeySpaceyLizard has worked on much better stuff. Anyway, this was pretty dumb. It just just a brief scene and nothing else. I have never played the "Metal Gear" games. I don't even think I've seen any cutscenes. I still know what you're talking about.

Too bad Snake didn't get with anyone. The music's nice I guess. I see that fat badger a lot. Uh, congrats on your Turd Of The Week award? It's rare that makes the front page.

This was short, but it was still great. It's hard to pass out on something to honor such a beloved person. Dang, it seems like everyone made fun of him after he died. At least when Trey Parker and Matt Stone did it, they didn't say they were glad it happened. Bill Maher is just that much into PETA. And "South Park" is against animal rights.

Okay, I'm getting off topic. The animation was great in this. You really created a unique style. I'll always be glad when people make tributes like this, because there's always going to be celebrity deaths. This one was just sadder than usual.

I admit this was getting old. I think this was the last AYB cartoon I saw in a long time. It's still pretty nice. I'm glad you showed more of the song. I was afraid it would just show the opening bit. Then again, it didn't show the whole song.

It's still a fine cartoon. Well, I guess the Phoenix Wright meme itself was new. I guess it can use old stuff. I wish I knew their names. Dang, these women have big boobs.

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