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How adorable

It seems like you were really working on a children's book when you had this in mind. As usual, the animation is fantastic and has a very bubbly feeling to it. I couldn't help but wonder what thing that started with an "M" was going to show up next. As I could guess from your looks, you would know monkeys are an endless source of humor. You might want to even turn this into a real book if you still want to. It's so cute and not ungodly at all.

As usual, it's great to see how everyone moves and flows together so well. It just shows that you can appeal to any audience you need to. That magician hat will simply never die out. You had a nice, soft voice in this and you should show this to your kids if you have or get any. Even "Sesame Street" stuff doesn't look dated to us NGers.

If only I could taste the magic

This was an awesome flash because it perfectly satirizies the fandom with this show. I should really go to a toy store to check if there are any of those kinds of toys around. You would think they'd be everywhere. It perfectly illustrates what a little girl would imagine in this. Two years ago, you wouldn't be caught dead with a "My Little Pony" toy of any kind at the age most people are are on the Internet. Now, they're the most popular thing.

The funniest part was about now seeing Pinkie Pie's butt. Geez, I have got to watch this show on the Internet some time, I probably will eventually. It's cool how I saw this right after I first heard someone outside the Internet mention it. Stephen Colbert mentioned this exact title on his show last night. The animation is superb.

Odd, but good

It was cool to see this wonderful animation style. While I couldn't really understand it, that didn't matter because I didn't even need to. The coolest bit was probably when Moose lifted the tree up. This cartoon has no dialogue, which is a good technique because it lets the characters show their emotions through their actions. This guy certainly lets his action do the talking. He does kind of resemble a moose, for being a human.

His design reminded me of the Backson from "Winnie The Pooh". Spoiler: the end credits reveal that the Backson actually is real. BTW, WTP is a great movie that people should check out but it's sad it isn't getting popular. It seems like this could have been one of the "Shades Of X" entry for Blue. I like how the replay button looks like a drum.

Not the best or worst

Here is one submission where the goods and bads really seem to cancel each other out. The good parts were that the animation wasn't too bad. The voicework was actually a bit decent as well. It was a bit funny to see the character talking about narration and then shoot himself. I would probably have the same reaction if my kid shot himself and then suddenly came back to life. It sounds like he's saying, "KK", as in the Kitty Krew.

The downside of this was that it was far too short. There could have also been a background and a lot more color. This, in theory, isn't a bad attribute, but it doesn't really constitute for a whole submission. It seems like it would have worked better if this was submitted as part of a collab or part of a series of sketches. That "y" looks disoriented.

Too bad

It looks like you didn't make a good tribute to your girlfriend. Then again, maybe by not making it good you mocked your former girlfriend. I wish I knew which of the many actors crediting for this is the one who lost the girlfriend. At least there were not as many credited people as other Kitty Krew flashes. You guys could use a lot of work with design, especially with putting a background in. There was barely any color in this too.

You should have put in a lot more detail in it and it moves too slowly. Try to make it so that the text moves across faster. The music wasn't half bad, but it goes on too long. It's weird how you are even able to get that low in image resolution and still manage to make something out. Actual movement with the characters' bodies would have made this a lot better, too.

PsychoKillerHare responds:


Very funny

I am glad this got Daily Feature as it deserved it. It is always great to have such a memorable cast of voice actors. The funny thing was that it was weird how it wasn't really like that because you'd expect more supernatural stuff going on in an NG cartoon. Of course, we went back to the roots by showing that floating giraffe. At least we have that guy to be proud of! A land with ice cream mountains is probably the most enjoyable place I could think of.

The beginning with the words was pretty funny. It shows you the mundane task of getting boxes must be. It's the kind of thing most of us can relate to, except with the giraffe, you know. The voice actors were really good and they captured the emotions well. It could have been a bit longer and had a bit more of a punchline.

So clever

This was great because it takes awhile to understand the joke. I would probably feel the same way if a kid was copying me all the time, talking about how great he was. Pride is another one of the seven deadly sins as I recall. What really made it was the awesome animation. The annoying kid especially looked like this grotesque monster with how ugly he appeared and how screechy his voice was. He deserves to be wiped off the planet.

Everything moves so smoothly in this too. You know that it's going to end at the week, but it still manages to do a good job of gradually telling a story over it. It's interesting how subtle the humor is. It all builds up very well to Saturday (which is where the name comes) and it is the day where it all comes together. I like how ticked off the kid gets.

He does beat everything!

This was really cool because the title did the cartoon so much justice! The most awesome thing about this was probably how easily he beat everyone. I am not that familiar with the "Earthbound" series, but this kid is awesome! I think the best battle was probably the one with Zero. The Hamtaro battle was also awesome and it's great to see Short-Factor assembling all these people. While it seemed mostly incomprehensible at first, it did develop a story as it went on.

The music and sounds were sweet as well. I can not even believe that the Caramelldansen meme has been around that long. This kid is just awesome and even though I know nothing about him, it's so great to watch him fight. Seeing so many different styles of animation is always interesting. Even the credits are pretty cool.

Short-Factor responds:

You are like some kind of crazy review happy juggernaut. Surprisingly, after reviewing all of my audio work, you review this years later. Well alright thanks its a good review, as yours are.
Do not relate the song to the meme. I just used it because I thought it was a hilariously strange fit.

Yeah, pretty bad

It's amazing how many submissions you have for a single person. Of course, quality always goes over quantity and this did not have much. I wish you would have gotten more into a story that was described in the author comments. The only thing I liked was how it used that Queen song. As you might be able to tell from my profile, they are my all-time favorite band. I have no idea who those other weird guys in this cartoon are.

I didn't even know "The Family Circus" had a cartoon version. I guess I can be thankful I never saw it, because it isn't that much nowadays. Please try to make an end to your cartoons and have a lot more things going on. Incomprehensible stuff can work, but only if it has a lot of creativity. It just seemed like there wasn't much effort put into it.

That got better

The really cool thing about this was how awesome it went as it went on! When it started, I thought to myself, "This isn't bad, it's just a bit too boring". Boy, was I wrong when it escalated into utter absurdity when the fight began! I had no idea that was going to happen and it was awesome every moment of the way. The only thing I did not like was that it does take awhile to build up. The way the creature had a white and a black body reminded me of Longcat and Tacgnol.

The animation is really good, especially with how you experiment with different art styles. The music is awesome and the way it escalates fits the cartoon perfectly. It kind of reminds me of the artwork by Gonzossm. You, of course, are a talented cartoonist in your own right. I guess I might have seen the more epic stuff happen by the title being in all capitals.

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