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How awkward

This was not one of your best, because I did feel that it got a little weak as it went on. The best part was the beginning with the refridgerator monster. I know that harpoon guns make everything awesome. What was cool was how you really had no idea what was going to show up in this. The preview icon looked like it was about BDSM but then we open to these guys fighting a green monster. I'm glad it wasn't part of the rat.

It kind of makes you realize the stuff that goes on when you live next to someone. The plungers on the chest reminded me of an episode of "American Dad!" I watched last night. As usual, the animation is fantastic. It's great to see how much depth these characters have, I'm starting to think it really is CGI. I kind of miss the old intro with the guy being crushed.

Rest in peace

Well, I guess I can't say stuff like "you" because Ben Spurgin is dead. Anyway, this was a great movie that he made. The weirdest thing was how he said that he does not hate sticks in the author comments but it does say he does at the end of the flash. That can be pretty misleading. This was great and I am surprised it receieved a fairly low rating for it being your most viewed movie. I guess a crossover like this was only necessary.

I know the creator of the series is Asian, and you did make him a funny stereotype. It was also great to hear the stick slayer talk in this. The animation was really good, especially when they fell out the window. Everything just seemed to have so much depth in that scene. As a fan of the "Xiao Xiao" series, I can take this as a parody.

It works so well

It really helps that this is such an awesome song! The only thing I didn't like was how it took awhile to get to the action but it was worth it! I was amazed at how you could use such simple pixels to tell such a great story. There was such a massive amount of stuff going on here you couldn't help but fall in love with it. I have been on this website long enough to be familiar with most of the things that are shown here. This is a fantastic tribute to classic arcade games!

Even the way Ms. Pacman moved her mouth was cool. Everything was amazingly colorful with how there were so many backgrounds. The crowd cheering really gives it an authentic feeling of being in a stage. This was certainly glorious enough to be made into a real musical! An underrated masterpiece, my friend!

What an interesting idea

It's great to see how far you have come, especially with animation that's still so good! I don't know if any religion teaches this, but it's a very interesting cartoon. It really works because it anthropomorphizes everything around us. There are so many things that go on in the world around us that we do not understand. It is great to try to make some sense of the chaos that goes on around us. We will probably never understand it, but this is a great way of expressing it.

I bet that guy will go on to become a karma ghost himself. I never thought of ghosts are being drawn that way, so it's a very interesting and unique style. Everything just stands out so well with its bright colors. The ghosts themselves have different animation to show what different kind of creatures they are. I think the dog got what was coming to him too.


It's always great to see how classic submissions still live up to today's standards! This was fantastic because you just had no idea what was going to happen next. It was also great how the blood contrasted with the black, white, and gray images of everything else. It seems like this took place in a forest or something. The action and transition effects were great as well. It certainly doesn't need a plot, as it's standard stick action!

The music is great too, if it gets a bit repetitive. All the sounds are done in a fairly realistic manner and I like how they sync so well with the animation. The freakiest part was probably when the one guy exploded. You'd think that would finish the guy off, but it goes on for a really good amount of time. I'm not sure what the brown colors are for.

It's been too long

I guess the Phoenix Wrong meme has kind of died around this time. This one really worked because all of the characters and settings were so appropriate. I have never played the games, so I can not really say if it's that well to the game. My favorite was the Tunak Tunak one. You made such a great joke by having more than one character do it, to show how devoted you were! The second best was the "The Empire Strikes Back" one.

With that music and everything, it makes you realize how powerful that really was. Although it was delivered in a silly manner, it was still very absorbing. It's great to see how well the characters move around. I guess we're glad that Ace Attorney is one of the few popular video game franchises that never had an era with fewer pixels. May these cartoons live on!

Ain't it the truth?

I am surprised you did not make any jokes about how long the game took to make. It is pretty sad seeing as how the response for this game has generally been negative. In fact, people would probably only buy it because of how long it took to make. The animation and voicework were as great as ever. I knew I had to review something about the game that took the longest to make (it has to be, right?). The funniest part was probably when he was attacking Amy.

I was seriously not expecting female violence in this, but it's funnier this way. The jokes about his penis were good too. Dang, that dude has one scary bulging crotch. I would want to play that game only because of how long it took to make. It's kind of like "Snakes On A Plane" where people only watched it because of how popular it was on the Internet and its name.

What ridiculous wait?

I guess I've been watching so many things I don't even find this to be that bad in terms of wait. It was amazing how you got so many celebrities to do voices! I think it's easily the biggest cast of anything you guys have worked on. The thing I did not like was how there wasn't much about building in this, as it made the first installment funny. There were just so many funny moments in this. I think my favorite would be when the ghost was possessing Matt and it argued with him.

You should see more jokes like that. I should have the joke coming with the rapid ferret attacking Todd. It reminds me of how the Harry Potter movie was split into two parts and even then, how those parts were different. The animation was top-notch as always. I knew we were off to a good start with the joke in the very beginning of the cartoon.

NCH85 worked on this?!

It is great that you are starting a new series. The weird thing is that this is really unlike anything you have submitted before. In the beginning, I thought it was just going to be a music video, like most of your stuff. It's great that you experimented with a brand new set of characters. The one thing I didn't like was the interactive part of the movie where you controlled Astromiau. It just seemed kind of silly and pointless.

The animation is as great as ever, especially with how he cries. It's probably also the funniest thing you ever submitted. I lol'd at the part where they took the mushrooms and they started looking realistically. He should know (as a cat) not to trust dogs. Cats in space is an idea that can simply never go wrong in adorableness.

Foiled again!

I personally find that picture of the cat to be pretty good. The hat doesn't seem to add much to it, and it just makes it look silly. Anyway, this was an alright submission for Clock Day. I guess the animation style just looks too old and it has little that makes it stand out from other Clock Day submissions. Did PineappleClock (or whatever his real name is) actually die? May that man/clock rest in peace.

Looking at your profiles makes me realize how prolific you guys are! I guess it would only make sense you would come together for a project. Next time, try to put in more detail to the animation. The music at the end is pretty good and I would have liked to hear more during the cartoon. The artwork does make it a bit retroactive.

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