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This was really funny. It was especially great to see the sprite stuff come on with the drawn stuff. That is one buff bird. It was just so funny how quickly he went back to normal at the end. I enjoyed all of this. It's especially nice to see new stuff from you, NCH.

Even the title is funny. The end credits were pretty cool too. Was that Groudon in this movie? It looked like the dragon thing that the bird hit on the way down. Was that mosquito a pokemon too?

I'm getting used to these puns. I admit it wasn't one of the best in the series. It needed more cartoonish stuff going on. The length seemed too short. It's still something unique from you. I did kind of feel sorry for this guy.

Is it the same guy in every cartoon? It's hard to tell. I like the image at the end. I guess the old guy won. I wonder what that guy hit on the way back?

At first, I thought everything would rhyme. It was pretty interesting to see all the characters' dreams. The best was the one with Robo-Barker. It's nonsensical and funny. Everything was so unpredictable. Look at all these awards it got!

I admit that I really don't agree. The animation hasn't gotten any better. It needed to have more of a continuing narrative. It's still nice to see the little details. It is a 9 Eleven store!

This was fairly entertaining. I admit it seemed to go on too long. It was basically just one gag stretched out. Still, it was funny. Lamb chops? I don't eat babies!

The music made it funny. I guess I wanted more of a parody. It didn't quite make fun of the actual story. Well, it's more of a nursery rhyme than a fairly tale. This was still nice.

While not great, this was still good. It's as cartoonish as ever. I admit it was weird how dumb that guy was. Can't he even do basic math? It was cool to see him get better at the end. Much better!

Are those real math equations? Were those the real answers? If so, I applaud you. Yeah, it's been awhile since I've had to do math. Not very good memories.

This was pretty nice. I admit that it could have used more character development. It was pretty fun while it lasted. I didn't care for that little green guy. I've seen too many little cute critters lately. It was mostly nothing but fights.

That wasn't really bad. It just needed more talking parts. The music was pretty nice. I liked the designs of the enemies. The colors were nice and bright too.

This cartoon's length was perfect. I was truly impressed at how the jokes kept coming . My favorite bit was when his arm came off and revealed that bloody stump. I don't know why, it's just a funny image. John is mostly okay with a hole in his body. You'd think he'd give his right arm to be a superhero.

The voices were good too. I truly appreciated how there were always different scenarios. It just escalated with all the scenes. At least John's getting something at all. I especially liked the arm's high voice.

This was the second best episode next to the fourth one. I am glad to have watched this great series. I feel so bad this was never finished. It had so much potential! I really did find myself rooting for these guys! I can't believe it ended!

This was the moment everything was at its lowest point in the series! I mean in terms of depression, not quality. The animation's great too. At least we got something out of this. T'was a great underappreciated series.

This may have been the first Neurotically Yours parody video. Well, the series is mostly gone by now. I think they should have at least stayed here. This was short, but good. I wonder about this. W'hen people are being tormented by the obnoxious, why do they kill themselves?

While not kill the obnoxious person? It makes more sense here. This was quite authentic to the series style. Okay, that's not that hard to do. It's still nice, though.

I was so impressed by this! I just loved how massive this cartoon was! Well, maybe it was a bit too long. It was still great to see all these Clocks together. The animation with the void was superb. You really tried to give personalities to all these characters.

I loved the Plan B joke. A pity this had nothing to do with Valentine's Day, given the date. It's so ambitious. You rarely see action this big in Clock cartoons. You deserve your recognition.

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