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I remember this!

I think this was one of the first submissions I saw here that was based on something new that a creator had made. It's weird to think you haven't done that many things since then. I can't help but think of the fake trailers. They of course, are in no way included in this cartoon as the second episode showed. It's kind of sad you didn't make this into a full fledged series. You have all the great animation and voicework you need.

Now that I think about it, none of the "One Ring To Rule Them All" entries are not related to each other. I think the most memorable part was when Melkor thought Sauron was gay. Sauron gets so little screen time in the actual series, it's fun to make fun of him. Yeah, I knew Sam and/or Frodo was going to appear in this. In case anyone's wondering, there's no easter eggs in the credits.

Pretty interesting

I think it's always a good idea to make things that have such a powerful message. Probably my only problem with this was that it didn't have much going on. I think the strongest point was the music, which really made it seem dramatic. What was also cool was how you really went out of your way to go into detail. I can see something like this doing well on a school project. It might have worked better if you adaptated it into a book.

You could have also let the viewer control when the next "page" was coming up. I have seen too many things to count about how dictators come in power. It's really something we should be familiar with. I think the main problem is that it will simply be impossible to create a Utopia, at least one in a very powerful country. There will always be conflicts.

Beautiful, just beautiful

I think the strongest point here is how random everything is. There are just so many gross things going on. Like when the character is being eaten alive by wolves, you get to see the wolves' testicles at one point. That black guy has the longest nipples I've ever seen. I've seen some artwork featuring females who have stiff nipples, but seeing as how men have them too, it makes sense to feature them. I thought Oney was just going to be a voice.

I knew this was something he made from the animation. It's always interesting when people work together on the same animation. It was great how everything was so fast paced. It looks like there isn't anything left to make fun of in this series. It's really something when you learn the most about a franchise from its parodies.

Looks cool!

It was interesting to have this go with a written fanfiction. It makes you realize that many of the things we have here could qualify as fanfics. I really liked the designs in this. At first, I couldn't really be that familiar with the artwork but then we saw some characters I recognized. The coolest thing was probably the music which was just awesome. I liked all the DBZ references, especially the idea of a female Super Saiyan.

I heard that the creator of DBZ said he never had one of those because he thought it would look weird. You certainly know how to create good new looks. I appreciated all the effort put into the movements. I have seen this title before, but apparently never took time to watch it. I probably won't read the fanfic, but a good recommendation.

Not the worst

I thought this entry was alright. Its main flaw was that everything just seems to be happening for no reason. Well, that's never been a problem before, but I guess it might be more that it takes awhile to understand what's going on. I don't know why Mario just punched Luigi, it wasn't that funny. I recognize the big goomba at the end from the games. You probably could have not done with the plain text being used.

I know that's hypocritical because I have no idea how to use that myself. At least you pointed out the absurdity of what was going on. The sprite work wasn't too bad in this either. It reminded me of "Super Mario Bros. Z" which I guess is always compared to stuff like this. It's too bad it got such a low rating here.

Mario8th responds:

ya, EVERYTHING'S compared to SMBZ. Kinda sucks.

It's over

I didn't read the description and had no idea what was going to happen with this. The coolest thing was probably the story with the toast. It was great to end and begin with that. The funniest segment was still the first, because it depicted the toast as having the job of being eaten every day. I imagine if he can survive that, he can survive being singed. I don't quite understand why a cloud of all things was the villian.

It's very nice to look at all around. Besides the toast, the best parts were the segments with the red background and the strange clockwork machines in it. I'm amazed you could get any of this done in only 24 hours! It's guys like you that make me proud to know about flash cartoons. I could of course never do it myself.


It had indeed been awhile since the last entry in the series. This was great and in case anyone is wondering, the body count was 65. Then again, there were a few times where it was ambiguous whether or not someone died. I think it's safe to assume at least one person died when a car was destroyed. The coolest weapon was probably the sword laser gun. It's so great to see these characters move so smoothingly in their environments.

It was simply non stop action wherever you looked. The enemies had some different designs than usual. I especially like how you tie in a story by having the characters speak at the end. Of course, you said previously none of these cartoons were supposed to tie into each other anyway. The sound is as good as ever. It is so amazing to see how you have truly become popular in your own right.

Mottis responds:

Thank you so much.

You're a modern day Dr. Suess!

While not my favorite, this is still great to watch. It just helps that your songs are so unforgettable and you can easily remember what on. The animation is superb in this one, particularly with how the little body parts of the cow move. I like how parts of their nostrils/lips go around as they sit there. It does kind of make you wonder where someone or something goes when a magician makes it disappear. I hope that cow doesn't eat too many beans.

Cow farts are a big flaw in our environment. The funniest bit is probably when the cow held his press conference. It's great how the cow consistently keeps up the act of being uninterested even when visiting a parallel dimension. I like how the background has these red rocks in it for no reason. It's just well designed.

So it begins

It's great to see where such a groundbreaking series started. It's amazing you could do such great work on only your second submission! You immediately got off the bat to do great stuff here. I think the best thing about this is how the words are shown in the air and how much they wave. It gives you a good image of what the character is saying and what he is like. The animation is of course fantastic and it reminds me of stuff by Jhonen Vasquez.

Dark, surreal stuff is always great and this is probably the most popular of its kind here. I especially love how this guy has such a soft voice. From what I heard, it's very difficult in order for a spoon to get rusty. That would explain why he desires that among all rusty things as it's the most rare. I have a spoon with a little bit of rust on it and couldn't help but think of SF.

Too bad

You will simply never stop making random ideas for your cartoons. The coolest thing about this is probably when the grandmother turns into dust at the end. I can pretty easily tell that you are the same voice for all of these. What was also nice was how you consistently kept up your ridiculous animation. It shows that absurd art will simply never die out. It must be painful to live in such a family that's so crazy.

Of course, you might be used to that. I never knew that you were from Israel before which is why your name makes so little sense to me. What's also cool is how you present your family in such a mundane way. Well, I guess the grandma turning into dust wasn't ordinary, but for the most part it was realistic. Not that well detailed, but good.

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