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The loop de loop!

I am a person who has always been fascinated by stuff like recursion and learning to understand infinity. This was great simply because it delievered exactly what it was supposed to be. This could make it as a preloader but is great in its own right. I loved the animaton used and it reminded me of the stuff used by BarfQuestion. This is interesting to watch and that is really all that I can say about it. The fact that you show a guy using the infinity symbol itself is a good represenation of this.

Great work!

I love these collabs, and this one especially reminds me of the "Street Fighter Collab". While not as sophisticated, it was still a really cool thing to play. While I am not that familiar with these authors, it was great to be associated with them. There must be some kind of error as this one medal keeps popping up that says I have 100 pts and it does not show up on my profile or even here on the medals list. Anyway, my favorite was definitley the one with all the numbers. It truly seemed like you had taken audio from a real game trailer.


I just love the animation in your work, and I think it is as good as the stuff by Adam Phillips. I remember this cartoon now, and I especially like the design of the monster. Now, he has yet to don the ninja costume, but I will be sure to wait until he does. I just love how the designs are this are so authentic. They really seem just like something you would find in a high class art movie, but they have a lot of realism to them. The characters also have so much subtelty in their voices and actions.


I could not really find anything that was particularly good or bad about this cartoon as it was really average. I think it was interesting to use the purple background. I did not quite understand how the ship crashed into the Sun and did not just burn up. It does seem like something a new person coming here would make, but you have to stop somewhere. The designs are simple, but they are not really crude. Next time, you should put in more action and more unique designs for everything.

MrTurtle667 responds:

Thank you, I was trying to keep it simplistic, I thought that I wouldn't have enough time to complete (not that I could have made something too much better). I am trying to make another much longer, more detailed flash. This other flash is going to take quite a while to make being that I am not able to get to the computer with flash very often.

Perhaps your best

For all of the joke stuff you did for Daily Toons, you made a lot of stuff that is awesome in its own right. I just love the animation in this and it reminds me of Spumco. It is a completely twisted place and even manages to put in some of a story. With squares there are simply so many things you can do with just this simple design. Apparently, you are not going to be submitting stuff to Newgrounds anymore, but it awesome to have you around. It is also colorful in every sense of the word.

Pretty funny

I was pretty entertained by this cartoon simply because it was so unfathomably silly. The animation reminded me of the Awesome series by Egoraptor, although it did look a little rough. I like how Master Roshi's legs clearly break off and then come back in the next scene. I was really waiting for him to be killed by Vegeta. I was also interested as to why Vegeta would want the Dragonballs in the first place. Oh well, it was fun while this stupid thing lasted and I liked the villian toys above his bed.

vlaktemaat responds:

Hey thanks man :D

Gorillas are cool

I admit that I was hoping for something that had a little more action to it, of course you would think that with five guys to kill it would be enough. This being Newgrounds, that is never the case. Anyway, the animation in this one is as impressive as any of the other ones. I liked the gorilla's voice, which is of course a voice you frequently use. It seemed like it was a commercial at the end, with how short it was. Gorillas are always cool to use with weapons, so I will give you that.

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