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Your best work

It is not every day that you stumble upon a flash that is lucky to be in a total of 4 series/collections! This is your most viewed work and you truly deserve it as it is your best. While the character designs are fun and original, the music is also fantastic. It's the kind of cartoon where there is so much going on, yet it still manages to be subtle. I love the emotional attachment that goes along with the action. The machine they are fighting against is also among the most creative I have seen.

It needs work

This was not terrible, but I do think it is lacking in a lot of areas. I think that it's kind of a contradiction to say that a world war is going on and then only show America. The animation was not terrible, but it does need to have more things going on. I would have liked to see more troops or soldiers or at least some more action, although the action that was there was not too bad. I liked the Sarah Palin jokes. I guess it would help me if I had seen the first one and could understand this better.

ANTI-SPAMGUN responds:

World War IV: America and having it say part 1 wasn't clear enough? This was a made for youtube video, I just wanted to get some feedback from an actual flash oriented site, thanks anyway

Love the design

"Left 4 Dead" has such an awesome story it makes sense it could be made into so many awesome parodies. I really liked the use of pixellation in this one, especially with how Toad seemed to be "black". All of the sounds really synch up well too. It was also cool to see the four characters being drawn in a better way towards the end. My only complaint is that, yes, this was in fact too short. Being such a huge zombie fan, I just had to see more action with zombies getting blown up and stuff.

Not much at all

I was quite disappointed to find that this did not have any evil laugh being said at all. However, I can relate to you in that you have such a low score being issued on Clock Day. I have the same problem, so I guess we are just not lucky enough to have something that people like. Next time, I would really suggest putting on more sound, if any at all. I do not understand how this character was supposed to be "Sticky Clock" as he did not have a clock face. At least it was a fitting tribute to Clock Day.

Very nice!

I did not see the first one, but I am delighted to say that this was the best cartoon that I have seen all day! Sure, it was pretty disturbing at times, especially with the fat kid. I love that insane walrus and how he grins in that evil manner. The background is fantastic and it reminds me of the kind used in the "Pencilmation" series. The fact that the character designs and colors are normal is really cool. It was also funny when you said the doughnut and banana were clearly a metaphor for sex.

Short but good

This had some pretty impressive animation to it and I especially like the design of the eyes. It is an original thing done with stick flashes that people will always find new things to do with. My biggest complaint is that it was just too short and there is so much potential for this. With that being said, I simply loved the music that was being used for this as it fit the theme well. The main character seems to be pretty interesting as I like what he says (or thinks). This is good as a trailer, and should be made into a series.

It's hard being fat

This cartoon was great to watch simply because it was so funny to see that fat idiot walk around. I loved the animation in this, especially when he threw his candy bar on the ground. It does have to be one of the most anti-climatic things I have seen, as the ending is so ridiculously dumb. Of course, this probably just helps with its charm. I mean, it was completely unpredictable and a pretty unique style added on. I liked how it also ended with the fat guy being angry and I wish I could get the "fyat" in-joke.

38 minutes?!

This was quite different than the other entries in that it really had nothing to do with music. I can still tell that a lot of effort was put into this by the sheer number of voice actors. The animation in this is simply fantastic, although it would have been better if there was more action. I guess this kind of thing isn't my style, but it's definitley something I would recommend. Some of the conversations are pretty funny, even though they have little organization. I think the most memorable character is either the bum or the old lady. I knew Rina-chan would voice the slutty looking girl.

Evil-Dog responds:

yeah if it wasn't just in-game story stuff, I would have made it more animated, lip movements and more movements defintily :)

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