View Profile Ericho

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I made this flash a 4.71, and I think it's the highest any flash has ever had! Needless to say, you deserve it. The best part was probably the opening about having an orgy in your mouth, and I loved the character designs and voice work, and the comment about how everyone was in red. Too true.

Congradulations on your score anyway!

I recognized the monster

Very well done! I was reminded of Get-lost's stick flashes when I first saw this, but you probably don't like comparision, but this was a great flash you made on your own! The animation was good, and although it started off a little slow, the action later made up for it.

Not bad

This was a guilty pleasure to me. With all the poor animation, I guess it was pretty bad, but it's always great to reference internet memes!


Pretty funny!

I only wish Randy Solem was back here making flashes, so he could make stuff like this! This parody was done quite well and I especially liked the huge amount of blood and stabbing going on everywhere! Call me a psycho, but that's very funny.

Time travel!

When in doubt, throw in time travel that reveals that everything happened in a certain way making every guy the same guy who would eventually kill himself, or not, and, uh...the movie was good.

Perhaps your best work!

When I first saw the "Baby Baboon" title, I knew it was going to be one of these music videos by TheWeebl! Wonchop's appareance only makes it better! I loved every second of it and let me say you made my day! Baboons bouncing on their big pink butts is all you need to have a good day!!


I'm going to start my review by saying that was an awesome intro, if not the best I've ever seen.

Moving on, the graphics were fantastic, not to mention the awesome music of course! I recently saw my first thing on the audio portal so this has more relevance to me now, and it's great to see people make a visual treatment to music.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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