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Yoink's best!

It is great that YoinK has improved in the area of animation, given the fact that you apparently have the highest voting power here. It was also nice to see somebody make a James Bond themed cartoon. It is such a popular series, but it seems like it is not that popular here on Newgrounds. The funniest part was probably the pie that beheaded the guy in the beginning. The animation was pretty good, and I liked the use of the black lines between. It was not the most innovative of things, but still good.

It's submitted!

Hey, you yourself admitted it was heavily inspired by "Dragonball Z", so who can really blame you? This probably has the best animation in the entire series. It is great to see the story conclude as everything takes full circle with the final battle. The music also greatly contributes to the theme and I love Perfect Nazo's form. It was great to give him a backstory and it is especially impressive with how suited the sounds are. It probably has the best emotional part of the series, with Sonic being weakened.

Ouch da dit!

The best part was probably the Prince of Awesome one, because using backwards stuff is always funny. It is especially cool given how he keeps the damage he takes throughout the whole thing. The best part of the Zelda thing was when Link noticed the "Place Bomb Here" sign. The animation and voice acting was as authentic and goofy as ever. Hey, it seems like Smosh ripped you off on their "If Video Games Were Real" video. The best part there was easily when he threw up after eating the turkey.

I am happy for your score

However, I still have to rate you with what I personally think is what you deserve. It was strange with how three people contributed to something so simple, but I have certainly seen worse at least. You could have put in some music, even something as a short song. It is interesting to see stuff by AfroUnderScoreStud, as you are the #1 blam/saves guy here. This should probably be typed next time or make it seem like it was typed. You know, the original "B" submission by StrawberryClock was typed.

It takes off

Not to sound like a fanboy, but it is great to see Rina-chan being added to the already good cast of characters. You probably have everyone already planned out, so I guess it would not make much difference to ask for being a voice. I like how big everything is. You got down exactly how the size should be so as to not constantly see the pixels. This also introduced the chicken, one of the funniest running gags here. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone would accuse Purple of being gay.

Here it starts!

All of these sketches are great and so fun to watch. It really helps that you mostly point out stuff that is so crazy a lot of us did not even notice it ourselves. I mean, how does Pac-Man move and where is he anyway and does he float or fly or something? It was funny to see Mario so confused over everything, and how he spit fireballs everywhere! In the "Resident Evil" part, I definitley recognize that gray thing at the end, from probably whatever that guy mentioned. When in doubt, throw in senseless violence!

It ain't awful!

I like anything by Weird Al Yankovic, even if I do not know what he is parodying, as in this case. It was a good idea to have that lengthy description at the beginning. I have to admit that occasionally adding stuff in as it goes along is a cool way to procrastinate. The best part and the most insane was definitley when he was listing all those items. You know how to keep up with the fast pacedness of the actual song. There are just so many things being sprayed out of the lyrics, it goes well with the animation.

The stage is set

This has become one of your most popular series on here, so it is great to see where it all started. These cartoons work because they really try to give a good slice of life style. There is no dialogue and we learn that this is indicative of Jerry's personality. If anything, it teaches you a great lesson about not having unprotected sex with strangers. While it does give a depressive tune at first, it is great that it gets better. I think the animation, as usual, is a major boost because it completely rejects being flashy.

What a world!

I was not thinking so much about Adam Philips as I was thinking about HotDiggedyDemon. I guess the body frames and the heads just look so familiar. I was amazed at how well it used the ten minutes that it ran. There was just so much going on and you had no idea what direction or path it was going to take next. Not the most comprehensible, but certainly great in how imaginative it was. The beginning with the simple orange spider drawings really set the tone for better stuff.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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