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I was not impressed by this. Uh, Happy Pico Day! A pity there are so few of them this year. I guess it's just lost is popularity. I guess the voices aren't the worst. Why is his name pronounced wrong?

You literally say it in a different pronunciation twice! It looked like this was never finished. I can easily tell by the designs. Hey, the "Madness Combat" faces! Oh yeah, that's where they come from.

Dyslexsi responds:

I just thought it was sorta funny in an arrogant way to mispronounce the name in a unified video :)

This was very fun! I didn't even recognize most of these authors. I think my favorite was BBQs. That truly was SpongeBob's golden age. I had no idea it would be that long. I love how it went all the way.

Wow, that sounds dirty. I just had no idea this would be so epic. The music is of course great too. The length was perfect. I've never heard of you guys getting together.

Totty responds:

on behalf of everyone in this feature, ty. This is one finished thing that came from the days of MSM (Make Stuff Move), starting very eearlyyy in NG originating as Dan Paladin's website forum that needed more space to argue about art as teenagers. But we did make things like this which are some of the cooler things I did in 11th grade. I think we all tried secretly our hardest in a friendly, educational rivalry to bring our best to the collaborative skill car show of animation put together by Monk, the genius.

I know I definitely tried my frigging hardest to find the sharpest, edged-visual-lordiest sequence of things in my brain to animate, and then did whatever that was- and it's very funny to Older-me, because I still do the same thing when I can get away with it.
It's very cool to see this and reply on a ten year late comment, three years later, and think about then, now, newgrounds, and how rad stuff is. anyway bbq come back, you too tox, you too, me.
maybe we will...some day...

Maybe I should watch the anime. Then again, I'm familiar with the show. Mojo's mouth looks like a banana. I guess that makes sense. I guess the animation's pretty good. It's probably intentionally cheesy.

I especially like the last scene. I can imagine you being like that. Well, not a literal ape. Hey, you like apes! It's just not one of your best.

Yes, I love this cartoon! What happened to the first Crow's Life cartoon? I just love the unique designs of all these crows. You really gave them personalities. I like the voices too. I can't even understand them, but they're still very nice!

Stop making me feel bad for not remembering Spanish class! Even the plot's great. Would crows be smart enough to notice a scarecrow wasn't real? Well, I know very little about that stuff. The facial expressions are so strong.

That was pretty nonsensical, but it was rather nice. I think the best part is how the toaster sings. I mean, he does seem rather sad. I do wish this was longer. It wasn't much for a full song. The idea was still original.

I've never thought of a glass toaster before. Would that work properly? I don't even have a toaster anymore. It would be cool to see the bread. Well, this is fine for a really short cartoon.

While not as good as the first one, this was still a lot of fun. I especially like the nice sprite work. It was weird seeing Mickey Mouse there. Well, he's such an iconic character. He should appear more. I think there were some games with him with these sprites before.

I especially liked the "Wrath Of Khan" joke. That's just such a great movie. I loved it when Eggman stomped on Sonic. You think Michael Jackson's the worst celebrity rapist? Dang, were you wrong!

I was disappointed it ended like that. I mean, I thought that was just the opening credits. Instead, they were the end credits. Well, the animation was still great. Judging from the title, I thought it would be a game. Well, it does seem like the opening of one.

Well, apparently there was a game planned. The image was too small. Well, maybe it wouldn't have looked as good that way. I can always like zombies. You're very talented.

I admit this was too long. Well, the animation wasn't that good. It's still a good premise. I have never played either games. I'm not really into video games that much anymore. I still play them here, obviously.

I liked Snake's appearances. I should have known he'd shown up at the end. I like the simple title. It just could have looked better. I liked when the subtitles just said he was ranting.

I guess the set up was pretty good, but it was too short. It was just mouth parts talking about farting. There should have been more. Still, I guess it was at least unique. I probably say that too much. That doesn't make it good.

I do like the voices. I'd probably get offended too if people said that about my farts. So that's where we get bad breath? Do the teeth themselves have teeth? I mean, they have mouths.

MACception responds:

Lol, thanks. I made this a long, long time ago... Not my proudest work :P

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