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I loved watching this! I guess the parts could have been longer. Anyway, this was still really fun. I think my favorite part was the pokemon one. That might be because it's the longest. You just did a lot with the Newgrounds characters.

I really had no idea what would pop up next. I guess it wasn't exclusively about video game characters. It was the thing with the cat. Was this the last AYB reference I saw here? I loved how bright and colorful it was too.

Sonucais responds:

Ericho, I appreciate your reviews. You did a lot of them, and even if it seems I'm dead, I'm still checking reviews like yours. Thanks.

I guess I was expecting a little more action, but this was great. I especially love the distinct animation style. It still faithfully represents the Megaman series. It just looks so cute! The music is great too. This should probably be labeled a music video. I mean, it is one, right?

Was there supposed to be a story? It was hard for me to pick up on one. I just wanted to see a beautiful cartoon. That's just what I got! So this won't be a series?

I liked the animation. I mean, I like anything from you guys. It was so weird how this was just called "Emo". I mean, I didn't think something with a title that generic would be something I could even find. Is it supposed to be emo? I liked the emo's song better.

At least somebody's happy. I recognize your art style. It was just fine, I suppose. It wasn't enough for a full submission. This didn't really make me happy or sad.

Dang, Mario's so popular even the misspelling of his name has results. I admit it was funny with the sex scene. You showed Mario's penis before. Couldn't you show the sex? Well, I guess the context isn't quite the same. The voice is a little funny, I guess.

I know this is all troll stuff. It was probably too long. It's something more like a quick gag. The bit with Sonic was pretty good too. Wow, now I'm more disturbed than ever hearing about Trumping.

I'm glad to see more of these cartoons! The thing that really had me was how simple everything was. You got a lot of laughs this way. Does this sort of thing really happen? Well, if so, I'm glad it stopped. I like how these guys have one nostril.

It doesn't really mean anything. It's just a nice little detail. This gets a lot of laughs in its short time. I'm glad to be watching these. It's weird to have an eye patch over bandages.

This was very fun. It's mostly because you're celebrating a day like this. Yes, I remember when this occurred. I think it's pretty obvious what the outcome was. We're still here, aren't we? I guess the animation could be better.

I'm not going to put anything backwards. I've never done that. It'll probably just be something like, "You have too much time on your hands". Seriously, a lot of people have used that joke. Happy 666, very late!

Wait, there's still more? This was aired on 666! It must be Satanic! Anyway, this was quite funny. You got right into the action this time. I guess that was a no win scenario.

I'm so glad the lawyer died. Everybody wants that to happen. The voices are very funny here. I love how frantic everyone sounds. Well, it suits the scenario.

Dang it, I feel so bad for not following the story! Well, this is still a great cartoon. It's probably at its best near the end with all those dinosaur bones. I also love seeing those little people. Everything is just so creative here. I love all the bright colors.

It was weird not to see any of them as animals. It's still wonderful to look at. I do kind of feel for what's going on. These characters have pretty good relationships. I just wish I could remember their names.

That was very well animated, but I was a bit disappointed. I thought he was going to punish Lucy at the end. It IS all her fault! Anyway, this was still really fun. I especially liked the animation. It looks like you weren't making it too much like the cartoon. It was probably to avoid copyright problems.

The voices are nice. Snoopy especially looks off. These guys actually do seem in character. Well, I probably shouldn't get into that. It's a fun little cartoon.

I was once again annoyed at how short this was. I mean, it was less than two minutes. Still, it's good for itself. I like the guy with the light bulb on his head. It's just funny looking. More heads exploding!

At least the last one showed a flashback where that happened. I like their little eyes. It's just unique for you. I do like the Hugo joke. Yeah, a mother with that name would do that.

AlmightyHans responds:

I had to make these short, cause Flash used to have an audio glitch where if it was a certain length with an embedded video, all the sound would start getting out of sync.

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