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Wait, six minutes? That wasn't six minutes. I don't know what you meant by that. It's great to see this artwork again. I really like how they're all different colors. It doesn't make much sense, but it looks nice.

The voices were pretty funny. I really did think this was too short. You needed to have more jokes. Still, it was pretty creative. I wanted more heads exploding! Lawyers are always easy to make fun of.

I think this was the best episode yet. While still not great, this one was just enjoyable. Does anyone say, "The Bomb" anymore? Anyway, it was interesting to see all this stuff going on. The episode didn't seem to be as much about stereotypes. The voices are good.

I've never heard of Bean Pie. Is it real? Well, I imagine it would be pretty easy to make. The animation isn't that good, but it's fine. I still don't remember most of their names.

That was weird, but it was still good. I admit to being confused thinking there wasn't any talking at the beginning. I'm glad it had sound. You really can do a lot with Pac-Man. Then again, most of his later games are forgotten. The sounds were pretty nice.

I had no idea Ms. Pac-Man would appear. I do like how silly this is. The animation is mostly good. The ghosts probably do see Pac-Man like this. Well, maybe not the making out part.

At first, I was confused as to when this ended. I mean, barely nothing happened at all! Instead, the movie wasn't even close to being done. I really appreciated that. I just loved seeing this style. It seems like that's the most common music ever made.

Seriously, I hear that in every parody of silent movies. Wait, maybe it was something else? The sprite work was quite nice here. While it made little sense, it was very fun. People have done everything with Mario now.

I guess I'm not one of those people who loves or hates PewDiePie. I'm not subscribed to him. Am I like the only person who isn't? Anyway, this was quite fun. It's mostly because you represent his videos well. Really anyone like him does that.

The goofy voice works perfectly. Even the title is funny. I'm not familiar with his girlfriend. Well, I don't really care. You really do show a lot with that text.

Dang, I wish the audio was back! Anyway, this seems like a great video. At least there's that little bit of sound at the beginning. It was fun to see these sprites. I can't believe this didn't win an award! It wasn't even frontpaged!

These views are impressive for something that never got those. Well, they deserve it. Maybe we can just synch the song with the cartoon. It's like Rifftrax! I don't know why this website would need to have a song removed.

Great! This reminds me of the Boxman videos by Smosh. Come to think of it, were they even out at this time? This was when they were first starting to be popular. I like the Easter egg at the end too. I just like Snake's voice.

I imagine they probably have saved that many boxes. Well, he uses them for protection! That's probably mistreating them too! Well, I don't want to sound like PETA. Or PETB (boxes)?

Pretty short author's comments. Anyway, this was good, but it still wasn't that much. I mean, it was just dogs dancing. Well, the music was fine. I guess the animation was good. It just didn't have enough going on.

I guess it was kind of unique. I always want to see stuff from other countries. It was quite different. The music got a bit too loud, especially at the end. Well, it was fine.

Well, I thought this was mostly good, but why was it so short? Was that he whole song? Well, you certainly tried. I guess the title's too generic. The subtitles said "body" but it sounded like he was singing "butt". That's funnier.

The animation was good. You are quite a talented artist. At least you're sending a good message. Don't go after girls based on their appearance. How nice.

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