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Nice hand

I have to praise this for having really cool animation especially with how the background is so CGI. I know little about Jak and Dexter, so I was not able to understand many of the jokes. The characters themselves had a silly design that fit them. The biggest problem was that it was just a single punchline that even went on a bit too long. It is still a decent effort, especially as I have seen few other Jak and Daxter stuff here. I was waiting for him to mention that he was his friend of course.

I have a brother like that

I love this one if only because I have a brother who is absolutely obsessed with basketball. He knows everything about every professional basketball player in modern history. There was even a kid he knew ten years ago who actually became a professional player (Aaron Gray). As for this itself, it continues to bring us humor in just a slice-of-life story. The funniest part was definitley when reality ensued and he simply ran through the door like the tub of lard he is. I also love his stupid little voice and how he acts like a shark with all those big teeth and bulking body.

No sprites!

I am surprised this only got Daily 5th Place, but at least it got a very high rating. I am not the biggest "Chrono Trigger" fan, but this is by far the best tribute I have ever seen to the series! I thought it was going to be a game at first with the ship and everything. All of these characters are awesome and even though I know little about them, I am really rooting for them. I could tell it was inspired by "Dragonball Z" (both this and CT itself). There is so much action going on with so many unique designs and I love the giant frog!

One of the funniest ones

I think these three guys are probably my favorite characters in the series. This is great because there is just simply joke after joke and it makes fun of itself. Obviously, the animation is better in stuff that has more quality, so wouldn't the characters notice that? I guess it helps that you made fun of God in such a good way. The funniest part was probably when he was confused over who was a ghost and how ghosts are made. Zippy is probably the least good looking character in this series, so I agree with God.

Quite cool!

The most impressive thing about this is obviously the animation and how fantastic it looks when compared to CGI. It is kind of like Appsro's stuff only a bit more advanced. Anyway, there are lots of cool parts in this particularly just seeing them kill the robot monster. I thought it was funny how you ended it by referencing a joke from the very beginning. I would probably feel the same way if that happened, but I would want to tell him the year. That reminds me, I think I need to go and buy some gasoline.

DestructoBox responds:

Thanks for the awesome review! This one was a bitch trying to compress down with all the effects. Glad you enjoyed it ;)

That poor star

I know that seeing stars in the sky is actually meteors and that if a star really fell it would probably destroy the Earth. Of course, I am not going to apply logic to something that shows that stars have bones and muscles. I really did not see this as more loud than anything else. What is cool is that the animation is so good and it really deconstructs the idea of wishing on stars. I especially like how all the other stars say, "Bye" in such a cheery manner. It is overall a great thing to look at and admire.

Those cats!

I was surprised that this did not have a lot of internet memes in it. Anyway, this was a great submission because it reminded me of something like "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children". You know, with the big swords and the angelic music. Obviously, the flawless animation is the strongest point of it. I am not a furry, so it was a little weird to see those cats look so much like humans. Of course, this had fantastic action in it and I love how there is so much buoyancy and depth to everybody.

Another turd?

This was not among the worst things I have seen simply because of that little Dutch (or whatever language) song at the end. The best part was probably the new intro you put up. It is still kind of annoying to see those stick figure cats again. I am normally a huge fan of cats, but I wish you guys would have worked more on stuff that actually has cats. I could not even tell who the other character besides Marge was supposed to be. If I tried to make sense of this big mess, I would drive myself crazy.

Charcoal125 responds:

whats confusing about the plot

toad fish is a badman who will brake legs and bart saved the day


Fine preview

I thought this was a pretty okay preview, but it is hard to tell from something so short. I am glad you went on to make a series out of this with good original animation. I actually see little "Dragonball Z" stick figures, or at least not anymore. I like the story as it is going so far, because everyone likes a bad future. It was obviously heavily inspired by Trunks' and Cell's timelines where the androids destroyed everywhere. It is hard to judge on something that is just a trailer, but it does an okay job of making you eager for the full series.

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