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That Abo

At first I thought you were just uploading older stuff you did, but I am pretty sure this is a new thing. I was kind of thinking that this would be more appropriate if it had been about Twitter, and not Facebook. It is still a good story that we can all relate to. I have a Facebook profile mostly because my dad just said that I should get one. It always helps that the animation is really good in these things. I was so used to hearing him talk in that stupid voice it was strange to hear him not talk out loud.

Worth it at the end

I admit that I was not that interested in this cartoon at first, but it helps that you had such an awesome punchline. Things like that work really well only if you set it up a lot. Anyway, the animation was as good as always and that is some great program you used. Too bad you were not able to make it on the Fourth of July, but better late than never, I guess. I like it how they are just so many firings going on in the background but the troops just do little at all. I was thinking Hitchens was the only sane guy there, but it turns out he wasn't, as they were all pretty insane.

DestructoBox responds:

Agreed, starts off a bit slow, but how can you not love a violent tea bag?

A good study

This is another great episode because I think this one really learns to focus on our own psyche and mental study. Why is Mickey the way he is anyway? It always helps that June is one of the funniest sounding characters I have ever heard on an online series. The animation is good as always, and it is also a good character study for everybody. It was funny how he pointed out that the clock was a tribute to your previous works. Funniest part was probably when June and Eric talked about video games being the greatest things ever.

Best in the series!

Well, I knew that of the tons of Blockhead episodes you made, it was only inevitable that you would make something good enough for me to favorite! I think this has the best animation in the series as well. Every single thing that Blockhead says or does (and pretty much everyone else) is pure comedic gold. Some highlights include the boy saying, "I don't know who you are" and he says, "I have problems with that too". It is so unbelievably unpredictable because Blockhead is just so stupid. There were tons of laughs even before the intro!

Off to a great start!

This came across as an anime version of "Happy Tree Friends" only not as gory. This is, however, so original, it deserves to be great in its own right. It helps that these animals are just so freaking adorable you can not help but fall in love with them. I love just the way these guys move or show any kind of emotion. I was not expecting for a human character to appear in this at all. Every time these little dudes so much as speak, there is something cute going on, making it all the more devasting when they get, um, killed and stuff.

So twisted!

This is one of the most insane things I have seen here, and it shows that you are a true artist. I was always a fan of people like Salvador Dali who knew how to put art into a ridiculous form. Of course, this still probably makes more sense than things like animutations. I love how everything has a unique color that does not need to blend in to show how awesome it is. Definitley the best thing that you ever made. There is just so much stuff going on in the background, you can notice more things after watching it numerous times.

Love the animation

I was one of the few people who did not favorite "Dad's Home" but this is something I definitley love. It has flawless animation and there is just always something going on at the time. There is like a mouse on the side of the building and it was also great to see everyone credited at the end. Granted, they did not really have voices, but still an organized creation. Dad is presented as an ordinary guy who just goes around causing chaos in the best action scenes. That is the perfect way to make an action oriented flash.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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