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Too simple

This is not that good of a submission, mostly because it has so few things in it. I guess this was supposed to be an early work, but there are so many things to improve on. You really needed some music, especially considering there was no dialogue. There is really no action at all except for the very end with the explosion. The explosion was probably the best part; this really needs better work with animation and coloring effects. The story is not terrible but the artwork just looks very shabby.

So stupid and funny

Woah, this has got to be one of the most stupidly funny things I have ever seen on Newgrounds. I just love how cheesy the animation is and how stupid the characters look. I can just listen to this all day because of how funny it is for Larry King to say dumb things. There was not much satire, just a ton of really childish gags which worked well for me. I especially love the sound of the farts and how he says, "sheet". This seems like the new style and animation that the Clock Crew would use.

That's my life!

I have no idea why, but you must have read my mind because I do this sort of thing all the time! I guess I do it not as much now that I am older and it seems kind of childish. It did seem a little disappointing, but got so much better! I find myself asking people silly questions like this all the time such as, "What would you do if kitty cats could fly?". I soooo wish that I could have been used as a voice for this. If you are planning on making another one, I will definitley be the first one to send you a clip, as soon as I can use my microphone.

They did write it!

Here you bring us another great chapter in the series and I really liked Tom Fulp. I guess he should have been credited as a collaberator, but it was still great to see him look so stupid. I like how the title is so random and does not even have to do with him as a psychic surgeon. I think the funniest part was when Mickey said, "Buy it or don't, I don't care". I also find it how ironic you are actually making T-shirts of a cartoon series about a guy who is against being in an online series. This is Ericho from UglyRetardedFaggots.com!

Pretty good overall

I was fairly impressed by how authentic it was to the style of the Madness Combat series. I also really liked the designs of these characters, particularly with how they had eyes and mouths. Krinkels has in fact made some animations featuring characters with full facial features, but this really utilizes it. The biggest complaint is that it still seem to be a bit slower than most Madness cartoons. There are creative ways to kill people at least. I think my favorite would be when the guy's eyes were both shot.

When will it be back?!

This is one of my favorite Madness Combat tributes, because it just has so many things in it. I really like how it appears in the same continuity as MC, as it references the Sherieff. The best part might even be the beginning when the ninja just looks at the camera with his awesome shades. It is probably the first time I ever saw a character who was half robot and half zombie. The enemies are all uniquely designed too. It helps that they enemies are actually more competant than most in these flashes.

I love Amy's scream

I remember when you made this and introduced it to everyone on the forum I used to go to. I just love seeing how cute Amy was in her early years, and especially with how we never saw that in animated form. I just think that seeing her screaming and jumping around is one of the funniest things in sprites. All of the sounds are great, especially Knuckles and Robotnik's laughing. The funniest character (or thing) of all was probably the Katamari. It is better than the "Skittles N' Bits" series ever was.


This is my favorite submission for you and just for having perhaps the greatest animation. Mister Creezil is a great example of creativity with his design and character. Apart from being genuinely scary, it is also a great psychological test. The monser himself has no personality or free will even though he is everything Emmaline wanted. It also makes me wonder what her second wish was. It just goes to show that the true power of neglect can be one of the most dangerous forms of abuse.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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