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Not all that good

While it certainly lived up to the description (it was light hearted indeed), I wasn't really all that impressed. It looks like it didn't take that long to make but at least it had a decent tone to it and it wasn't trying to offend anybody as a joke flash or anything. I was a bit expecting to hear that bicycle song from "Queen" in this, but oh well.

Nice work

I can say that I was thinking this was going to an epic flash but was a little disappointed that it wasn't and was more of a joke, but it was still nice to watch. The animation was done very well, especially with the octopus' simplistic design contrasting to the sailor's more rugged appearances.

By the way, is that the guy who voiced Ivan Sploodge in the Parody Rangers movie as the octopus?

Great song and stuff

Well at first when I read the name I thought it was going to be about a cake running away while trying to be eaten and it certainly seemed like those guys did look like cakes. However, I should know by now that the cake is a lie (lol). That being said, I really enjoyed this. The great animatoin (no black outlines, fantastic!) made it enjoyable the whole way through along with the notion of hands popping out everywhere and grabbing things and at the end when they simply give the cake to the dude who can't reach it now anyway.

How awesome!

Well, I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before I saw a bunch of Clock Flashes being so highly rated on the portal from this year's clock day. With that being said, I was glad to find one that I enjoyed! Sure it was dumb, but in a pretty funny way. I have to admit you don't see Lyndon Johnson much nowadays so it's nice to see someone pay tribute to him in whatever way the person can. The dog and exploding clocks were nice touches too.


When I first saw this, I was thinking to myself that it was just the same thing as the song from the second episode of 8-bit Pwny Club but I'm glad to say that this was a new and improved version of it! I think this may in fact be the first time you ever used nothing but sprites to make a flash and it's good to know that it worked out very well. I remember seeing you guys indepently and I had no idea you two Brits would ever team up to make awesome stuff like this!

It is better to burn out than to fade away

I liked this one a lot. I've been looking more for your flashes, FUClock and I'm happy I'm getting more acquainted with an artist as good as yourself, so it gives me honor to say that I was really getting into the darker storyline with all the nice animation, not to mention I thought the voicework was really good, and it works very well in itself.

Pretty disgusting

Well, I admired the animation in this one and I thought the voicework (what little there was at least) was done fairly good. So yeah, this works out very well as just a brief cartoon about throwing up over and over.

I'm so pathetic

I'm aware of the very low score, but I still just had to go and say this wasn't too bad simply because it still has that great tune that made the first so great. I agree that the original is one of the best flashes I've seen (although I certainly have a lot of favorite flashes), but the wide variety of crazy stuff going on with all the images really made it for me.

WonkyTonkBotty responds:

I gave it the low score with excessive 0 voting. ;D

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