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OK, I suppose

To be honest, I couldn't really find anything particuarly good or bad about it. I would've liked it if the animation was a lot more complex although the colors were fine. It could've used music in the beginning definitley. I guess it's just a pretty harmless thing, not meant to be offensive, but I do suggest you try harder next time.

eat-at-joes-guy responds:

Geez, it's nearly three years old, and I churned it out in two days since I was on a tight schedule. Mind you, I got my degree course with this piece, so I think it went better than even I thought it would.

Dude, no music in the beginning? Who cares? It's a projector sound, because the picture is starting, you know? Complex? Fish don't actually do this. It was set up as a short documentary piece. Watch "Duck and Cover" and maybe you'll see where I was going with this. It's a parody of 30's documentary.

All in all, thanks for the five, even though I believe you were unfair in many areas.


Oh, at first I thought this was the latest episode, but I guess I should've looked harder at the description.
Anyway, this was very nice for what it was, as it's the first time you've had a LIGHTNING ROUND for e-mails. I love those things. I look forward to TN6 and TN7. The voicework, animation, and humor was as hard as ever.

Madness 12 x-ation

Heavy Weapons Guy was an easy choice for Krinkels in finding "Team Fortress 2" tributes. I liked the animation (nice how Krinkels himself worked on this) and I really liked that art in the middle with all of the madness characters in one frame. The last gag was the best. I'm honestly looking up things in the dictionary trying to find out what the heck any of his titles mean.

Pretty good

I can just say "Happy Luis Day" to everyone, even if it's not one of my favorite days here. The animation itself was nice. I had never even heard of NightMare before, but glad that you informed me about him. Poor Edd. I actually think he works better as a YouTube celebrity anyway. You can see he's got tons of subscribers and friends!

Carbonwater responds:

It's not Edd ffffffff.

It's me.

Best thing from a member of the Kitty Krew!

I was hoping a little it would be more about the Kitty Krew (loved that drawing in the very beginning of it) and I will also say the animation was done very well especially with the fight scenes. The audio with subtitles was also working very well with me. I know this didn't really have a deep theme but it didn't need one, as it was just a standard action flash!

Hulalaoo responds:

Thanks make a fight scene with a great desing is hard i thing

Switch to Deviantart

The animation was great as always, but I really think the icing on the cake was the very end with all the evil laughing and silly images flying around! People can punished unjustfully all the time, and it's no surprise the Internet is no exception as it's pretty unmonitored at least in comparison to other things.

May this message be sent out and may freedom ring! HAHAHAHAHA!!


This was an okay flash. It was a bit too short, but it still worked very well with what it had. It's always nice to see animation from Catobleper (wait, that's not the same as Catoblepas, is it?). I'm pretty sure the black guy is supposed to be Barrack Obama, though I couldn't really get the political message, if there even was any to start with.

domigick responds:

i just edited the original, look up obama porno movie.

Lovely as always!

I loved how you showed "Saturday Morning Watchmen" on the screen. This entire thing reminded me of when I was on the forums one time, and it mentioned their deaths and someone put up a picture of Rorschach saying that someone was picking off costumed heroes, or, er, celebrities.

It was great that you showed how the story of "Watchmen" was related today. I also loved the Easter egg, though I'd think that kid would've already read the book and known about Dumbledore's death. Oh well.

Just one complaint. Why oh why didn't you put up the deaths of Ed McMahon and Ferrah Fawcett up there too? I think they were probably bigger than Billy Mays, and they died even closer to Michael Jackson's death than he did. Anyway, still a very wonderfully done flash.

zappawadda responds:

Oh damn, and I thought I was being original...

To be honest I didn't know who Ed McMahon or Ferrah Fawcett were before they died. I figured the joke would have died about a minute in.

Thanks for reviewing!

Didn't know where it was going!

It was a little slow at the beginning (I'm not that familiar with your stuff, so it was hard to understand some things) but it got better as it had a lot more of a story as it went on. It was awesome how nearly every joke was pulled together in the end. I really have to praise you for that idea of crotchless chaps equivalent to women's breasts. Dang, that's a good idea!

Better than it sounds

When I first came upon this flash with the title "How to Hook Up the NES" I wasn't expecting much, and I really only thought it might be a game at first.

Then I realized what is truly was, and I let myself have fun with it. This was a very enjoyable cartoon. The funniest part was at the beginning where their souls kept playing the game. The animation is also very impressive.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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