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I loved this because I had no idea what was going on. I loved how you talked to yourself. It was so satisfying seeing the end part with the baby. A baby with earrings is a very unpleasant sight. I recognize your voice. I just love all the activity here. The goofiness helps it.

It's just nice to see a new cartoon from you. I mean that it isn't in the Lazy Writing or Yotam and Fantasia things. Then again, Lazy Writing has little to do with anything. I like the coloring. You have nice Charlie Brown eyes.

Well, you're certainly off to a good start! This series gets better later. It doesn't hold up as well as the other episodes. It's still good to see where the whole thing started. I like what you do with the preloader. I'm not quite sure how to even start it.

The animation is quite nice. The use of bright colors works so well here. This is a pretty weird voice. Hey, my name's Eric too! While not one of my favorites, I can see why people like this.

I wanted to see if this cartoon managed to hold up after all these years. Easy answer, it has! I was really impressed at how good the artwork was. I think the best part is when it shows the grass moving around. That's such a great effect. It makes sense that there's no dialogue.

At first, I was afraid that this might be too short. It ended up having a good length. Samurai are so cool. You even did a variant of cutting up someone like that. It wasn't even all the way through at first.

Wow, you've found work in other places? Are you talking about the newer Alvin and the Chipmunks movies? I don't care for Teen Titans Go. Anyway, I personally didn't find this that good. I would like to see the buildup more. It's still nice to hear these voices.

It's the same guy doing all of them? He really did do this on his own! I can not remember any of the characters' names. This just isn't one of my favorite series. It should have its own page, though!

Sykohyko responds:

Thanks. Yeah i worked on the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie, and the Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton. I'm also the guy who does all the voices for these characters.

Wait, weren't there 16 of those guys? There were 13 numbered and then three others. I still liked this. I like the different kind of stick figure animation. This is the first time I've seen them with noses. It's unique for its day.

I guess stick flashes have died out. These guys are dying too. I like the scene where he mutilates the guy. Man, I'm dark. The necrophilia joke was great too (again, I'm dark).

I think talking about razor blades in apples is kind of cliché. Why would you even want an apple? Unless you wanted a razor blade. I didn't know they were voiced by the same person. Their voices are pretty extinct. They seem to be too old for trick or treating.

Well, they're old enough for sexy whatever costumes. Then again, those weren't that sexy. Maybe that fad didn't take off until recently. The most memorable line was the painted guns. Wow, these chicks are psycho!

I'll review all of them separately.

Sub-Zero 9/10. I liked the Chinese shit joke. I was hoping it would end too soon.
Scorpion 4/10. Is this anti-gay? It just seems pointless.
Sindel 5/10. Too easy of a joke.
Jax 6/10. At least it wasn't racist.

The stick figures actually seem to hold up pretty well! Granted, we haven't made that much progress with them. I probably only love this because the actual Olympics are happening. It's a nice little coincidence. We should have violent stuff like this. It was weird how I could understand him at first, but then couldn't.

I guess all he can say intelligibly is "Holy shit". The Earth hasn't even been around for 10,000,000,000 years! I just love how things escalate. It shows nice detail. I hope we have a great Rio Olympics here too!

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