View Profile Ericho

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Your funniest one ever!

I love this cartoon and I am glad you got so much recognition at least on the Internet for it. I was actually not that familiar with X-Men when I first watched this cartoon. I tried to apply the jokes for something I was more familiar with, like "Dragonball Z". I always noticed that Magneto's helmet in this makes him look like a small Onslaught. I especially love Wolverine's voice, as he sounds like an Irish police officer. I found it strange to believe this all happened in the comics at first, but it of course did as I did more research.

Easily the best one

Looking back at your stuff in 2000, I could tell that these games were only going to get better. It is too bad that you did not get Daily Feature, but at least you are in the flash portal's history. This has some of the most impressive graphics I have ever seen in a space shooting cartoon. It does not seem to emulate anything to me, as it is so creative in its own right. The sounds and everything were great, and I almost thought it was a game at first. It would make a great game as watching it by itself is great.

Do not remember it

I did not watch this cartoon when I was a kid (or at least I do not think I did) but it was still very funny. I especially find it humorous that the kids know more about "Star Wars" than they do Christmas. I love how they put a cynical spin on everything they say. "He's watches me when I'm sleeping? Since when is everyone a pervert?". Of course, it is great to find out that in the end she was right all along and the Spirit of Christmas just wants them to look at his penis as anyone else would.

All we are is dust in the wind

This is one of the most emotional submissions I have ever seen and it is not hard to understand why. This is a great music video as it goes into transition after transition. You are known for your deep and meaningful stuff and this shows it off perfectly. I think my favorite scene would be when we see the face form in the clouds next to the guy flying a seagull. The symbolism is awesome as you have no clue what is going to happen next. It is a great way to escape the real world but enter a world where you do nothing but wonder things.

AloneInTheDark responds:

Thanks. That's a really great way to put it

Really cool!

I was very impressed by this and I was even disappointed that it was not going to be an actual game. I like how you truly made a ton of creative upgrades to something already great! Of all the things that have been done with Pac-Man (his 30th anniverseary was a little bit ago, BTW), I have never even seen someone do that. I love you appear as yourself in a sprite. It is really interesting to those live-action scenes at the beginning. It is a great way to connect yourself with the real world and make it so that other people can associate this with themselves.

It gives you wings!

I am such a fan of those Red Bull commercials, it would only make sense I would love a parody of it. I do kind of think that the commercials are of a little less quality. As for this itself, it is a great way to show how a product is exaggerated. I tried Red Bull a few times, and while not bad, it was not something that made me feel so great. I would much rather watched their commercials than I would use their products. Oh, and I love the picture of the partially eaten LOLWUT? peach in the house and credits.

Best Russian song

These characters are not stick figures, they have styles to them so unique they go beyond stick figures. At one point, it seemed like the guy was saying "Best years of Stalin" which is appropriate for the country and content. I think web animation is a great way of introducing me to foreign music. The flash itself just speaks to me so strongly. It is a perfect way of discovering the perfect way of living in a truly fascist government. With all the cameras everywhere, it is quite Orwellian, and he is one of my favorite authors.

One of the best ever!

I think that this is better than Klacid's work on hentai, although it is obvious that stuff gets more views. I loved this submission not just because it is insane, but because the animation itself is so wonderfully animated. Every single different item just seems to have a different animation style to it. It only fits that Rei would be in such a crazy and incomprehensible cartoon. I was kind of reminded of "Arfenhouse", but this is great in its own right. Even the voices seem to match the characters well!

Congradulations everybody!

I do not know much about you guys, but I am sure you all did a good job as I have played and looked at some of your stuff (with all my reviews it was inevitable). It is also nice to see what you guys really look like. This deserves its high rating even if it does not the most views. I am in fact interested in what it would mean to become a "best reviewer". I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website, so I would like to join this if that is a requirement. Reviewing has always been fun for me and it is great we have a club for it.

Fro responds:

It's the best reviewer of the club.

You review a lot (don't take offense to this) your reviews really don't match up to some of our members.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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