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Not terrible at all

This was not a good flash, but it did have some interesting aspects to it. In fact, I am surprised it has such a low score considering it also has a high average review score. I honestly do not know if I had ever seen StrawberryClock as a sprite before. With how nearly every other flash here has sprites or him in it, you would the idea would be obvious! I think the best part is when Kirby ate him and he turned into StrawberryKirby or whatever he was. I do think that you should add some more punchlines.

A great start!

It is in fact strange to watch this without seeing the first one, so it is a little hard to follow. I really have to give you credit for having one of the longest author's comments I have ever seen! You really want your fanbase to react to your work. Now, I was a little disappointed there was no action, but it was still a great cartoon. These characters seem to have a lot of depth to them even though I am just introduced to them. I like the animation too, although I do think it could use an update.

This was decent

I am not a fan of this show, but I know so much about the Internet and the like, I could understand the basic premise. My biggest problem was that the animation looked really old. You should use the latest version of Flash Player, if you do not have it. The voices were pretty cheesy, but that kind of added to the enjoyment. It was worth it just to see that thing at the end where it reveals that he has been out killing people. I mean, he is not cheating at least, so I can give him credit for that.

So...no favors then?

Fairy tales will always hold a great role in our lives, and it is interesting that you get a funny take on it. It helps that the animation in this is just so fantastically awesome. I mean, how was that mouse supposed to know it would even be physcially possible for a lion to live with a thorn in its paw? A heart coming out of his palm is a pretty original idea. This is very nice, because while it is brief, it really manages to get is punchline. This is an idea that simply no one has ever thought of before.

Very cool!

I doubt that I will ever get into flash making myself, as you could tell from the number of reviews I have, I am more of a reviewer. This was still a very interesting thing to watch. I really like how everything has its own music and effects and everything. It is not just a list of things to do, but a thorough detailing of everything in a fun way. The title was probaby the most unique I had seen in a tutorial. I seldom see sprites on this website of people themselves, so this was cool.

Quite funny

This was pretty funny to watch simply because of the beginning. It really makes you think about a turtle coming and causing someone's heart to be injured. I was not even expecting Link to come in, as this seemed to be more of a Super Mario Bros. parody. I like the way the surgeon talks and how disgusted he is with Link. It was really cool with how you used stock sounds that Link has in the games. I think this may be the first time in history that I did not realize something used Rina-chan's voice.

One of the best PBAJT things out there!

I love how unbelievably insane this song is, due to the fact that it takes its view from a clearly insane banana. Was it supposed to be all a dream at the end because he woke up? What matters is that you keep that awesome song the entire time throughout. I love how it usually keeps a simple style (it looked like "Ren And Stimpy" at times). It also manages to have a lot of other styles, like the rotten banana and the policemen. I love how all of the surrealness just comes together at the end with the tic-tac-toe board (oh yeah, that's part of the song).

Definitley the best

A lot of people compare Madness Combat to Poninjas, but this is by far the best tribute anyone has made to that series. I love the animation in this and it is just as good, if not better than the animation from the original series. I especially love the CGI in that one scene. It has all of the action and great sound effects that every great NG submission should have. I believe when I zoom in on the red guy's head it says something like "It was nice of you to zoom in". It also paced itself great and did not end when it was getting good.

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